Yokoyama Museum - Nagoya

4.4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Yokoyama Museum

住所 :

1 Chome-1-21 Aoi, Higashi Ward, Nagoya, Aichi 461-0004, Japan

電話 : 📞 +89
Postal code : 461-0004
Webサイト : http://yokoyama-art-museum.or.jp/

1 Chome-1-21 Aoi, Higashi Ward, Nagoya, Aichi 461-0004, Japan
深見照代 on Google

It was wonderful to have various styles of pottery. The porcelain plate was Lady Godiva and was accompanied by an episode. I came back with a warm feeling with a good person. Impressed pottery who got foreign currency
早川悦子 on Google

Whenever you go, it's quiet and you can see a rich collection (pottery). It's not flashy, but it's one of the recommended spots in Nagoya.
神園美則 on Google

都会からそう離れていないところに、こんなに展示が充実した美術館があるんですね。 オールドノリタケをはじめ、あらゆる陶磁器を堪能しました。
There is an art museum with such a large number of exhibits not far from the city. We enjoyed all kinds of pottery, including Old Noritake.
on Google

撮影可能な美術館です。平日でとても空いていましたが全ての作品を写真に収める人がいた為、継続的なシャッター音が館内に響き渡り、耳障りで集中して鑑賞ができませんでした。 あまりにもうるさくて同じフロアにいるのが耐え切れず、その人がいたら別のフロアに移動していました。 フロアを移動して静かになってもまたシャッター音が聞こえたらと頭の隅に考えてしまい作品を見るどころではありませんでした。 展示内容を楽しみに来たのに終始不快な思いをして悲しくなりました。 なぜ千円も払ってこのような気を遣わなければいけないのでしょうか? 松坂屋アプリの優待も使えたのに案内もなくて気づいたのは支払った後だったので使い損ねました。正直お金を払って損した気分です。 今の時代SNSの影響力は凄まじく、展示品の写真を撮って是非とも美術館の情報を拡散してくださいとのことでしたが、本来の美術館のあり方を今一度考えてください。 静かに鑑賞できる環境に改善をしないならもう行きません。
It is a museum where you can take pictures. It was very vacant on weekdays, but there were people who took pictures of all the works, so the continuous shutter sound echoed throughout the hall, and I couldn't concentrate on watching it because it was jarring. It was so noisy that I couldn't stand being on the same floor, and if that person was there, I would move to another floor. Even if I moved the floor and became quiet, I thought in the corner of my head that I could hear the shutter sound again, so I couldn't see the work. Although I came to look forward to the contents of the exhibition, I felt uncomfortable and sad from beginning to end. Why do I have to pay a thousand yen to pay attention to this? I was able to use the special treatment of the Matsuzakaya app, but I noticed that there was no guidance after I paid, so I failed to use it. To be honest, I feel like I've lost money. The influence of SNS in this era is tremendous, and it was said that you should take pictures of the exhibits and spread the information about the museum, but please think again about the original way of the museum. I will not go anymore unless I improve the environment where I can watch quietly.
岩崎弘一 on Google

お散歩中にこんなところに美術館があったのかと思い、そのまま入館しました。 チケット料金は大人1000円/枚です。 他に人もいない静かな空間を思う存分堪能出来ました? 展示品の陶磁器は素晴らしく、中でもマッスル型のオールドノリタケがムキムキで美しかったです? もっとマッスル型をまとめて見たいなぁ? オススメ致します。
During the walk, I wondered if there was an art museum in such a place, so I entered the museum as it was. The ticket price is 1000 yen / ticket for adults. I was able to fully enjoy the quiet space with no other people ? The earthenware on display was wonderful, and the muscle-shaped old Noritake was particularly muscular and beautiful ? I want to see more muscle types together ? I recommend it.
koichi on Google

企画展のポスターに惹かれてお邪魔しました。 丁度、学芸員の方ギャラリートークに参加することができ、興味深いお話を聞くことが出来ました。 突っ込んだ質問にも答えて頂けたので、企画展目当てで来館される方は、是非ホームページ等で時間を調べて来館される事をお勧めします。
I was attracted to the poster of the special exhibition and bothered me. I was able to participate in the gallery talk for curators and listen to interesting stories. We were able to answer the in-depth questions, so if you are visiting for a special exhibition, we recommend that you check the time on the website and visit the museum.
旅人runner on Google

一品一品作品の出来が素晴らしく、あまりこういったものに興味のない私ですが見入ってしまいました!本当に細かい! 明治時代にこんな繊細な焼き物が焼けたなんて! 日本人の技術には圧倒されます! 楽しかったです!
The work done one by one is wonderful, and I'm not very interested in these things, but I've been looking at them! Really fine! Such a delicate pottery was burnt in the Meiji era! I am overwhelmed by Japanese technology! it was fun!
ういん. on Google

明治以降盛んに海外に輸出された日本の陶磁器が多数展示されている。 贅の限りを尽くし、技巧の限界に挑んだ日本の職人の心意気が感じられる作品の数々に圧倒される。 常設展のみなら700円、企画展があるときは料金が変わるそうですが、常設展のみの時のほうが空いていてゆっくり見れます。 館内常設展は写真撮影も可能です。 日本人として是非一度ご覧になって損はないかと…
Many Japanese ceramics that have been actively exported overseas since the Meiji era are on display. I am overwhelmed by the many works that show the spirit of Japanese craftsmen who have pushed the limits of their craftsmanship with all their luxury. It is 700 yen for the permanent exhibition only, and the price will change when there is a special exhibition, but it is more vacant and you can see it slowly when there is only the permanent exhibition. You can also take pictures of the permanent exhibition in the museum. As a Japanese, I wonder if there is any loss in seeing it once ...

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