Yokohama MM Clinic - Yokohama

3.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Yokohama MM Clinic

住所 :

三菱重工横浜ビル 3階 3 Chome-3-1 Minatomirai, Nishi Ward, Yokohama, Kanagawa 220-0012, Japan

電話 : 📞 +89
Postal code : 220-0012
Webサイト :

三菱重工横浜ビル 3階 3 Chome-3-1 Minatomirai, Nishi Ward, Yokohama, Kanagawa 220-0012, Japan
Shige on Google

海外渡航の予防接種で利用しました。 注射の前に約30分もの詳しい説明が有り、良く理解できました。 注射がとても上手でしたよ!
I used it for vaccination overseas. There was about 30 minutes detailed explanation before the injection, and I understood well. The injection was very good!
花咲かオカン on Google

日常生活での感染症予防目的で、ワクチン接種しました。 事前説明がとても詳しく、納得して接種を受けられました。
I vaccinated to prevent infectious diseases in my daily life. The explanation was very detailed and I was convinced that I was vaccinated.
masago on Google

健康診断や予防接種で来ている人が多いようで混んでいます。 乳がん検診(マンモ)での利用でしたが、男性技師、男性医師でした。 今回、超音波とマンモ両方を受けようとしましたが、超音波は医師が必要と認めた場合のみ行うということでした。 前回の検診時の対応などから、これからは両方検査してくれるところを選びます。
It seems that many people come for health checkups and vaccinations, so it is crowded. It was used for breast cancer screening (mammography), but it was a male engineer and a male doctor. This time, I tried to receive both ultrasound and mammography, but the doctor said that I would only do it if the doctor deems it necessary. From now on, I will choose a place where both tests will be done, based on the response at the time of the previous test.
ポインセチア(M.Y) on Google

初めての人間ドックで受信しました。 内診や胃カメラ後の説明が雑で、一言二言で終わってしまいました。 胃カメラ異常なし、と言ってたのにCがついてました。どういう事?
Received at the first human dock. The explanation after the pelvic examination and the gastrocamera was complicated, and I ended up with a word or two. I said that there was no abnormality in the gastrocamera, but C was attached. What do you mean?
三田創 on Google

訪問時の対応や説明は、悪くないです。 ただ、電話対応になると途端になにを言ってるのかわからなくなり、しきりに「こちらはトラベルクリニックですから」と繰り返してきて話になりませんでした。 患者側もそれをわかって電話してるのではないでしょうか…?
Correspondence and explanation at the time of visit are not bad. However, as soon as I got on the phone, I couldn't understand what I was saying, and I was constantly saying, "This is a travel clinic," and I couldn't talk about it. Maybe the patient knows that and is calling ...?
Mr. Dio2 on Google

I asked you at a regular checkup, but it's a hassle, but one point I wanted you to improve! = Normally, if you have completed one examination, head to that room saying "Next is the examination for XX" ... When you are done, you can smoothly move to the next room. Instructions to return to. So, as soon as I thought I was sitting, I was called for the next examination ... Repeatedly! !! It was a waste to return to the waiting room one by one, and I couldn't sit or sit in the waiting room, and the flow of people was noisy. Well, it may be said that the hospital is small, but the frustration of returning to the waiting room each time is just frustrating.
nashino nono on Google

内科と婦人科に通ってます。 婦人科の女医さんには星5をつけたいです。親身になってくださる良い先生です! 問題は内科の比較的若い医師(名前忘れた) 結論から言うと誤診+原因を生活習慣のせいと決めつけられて、病気の発見に2年遅れました。 婦人科の血液検査で異常が見つかり、同じ院内のこちらの内科を受信しました。 とある疾患の診断をうけ、原因を生活習慣だと怒られました。 私の年齢、体型(BMI)、生活習慣共に統計しても心当たりがなく、同じ持病持ちの父の話をしても遺伝性はないと断言されました。 私が若く見た目が派手だったせいか、特に直すとこのない生活習慣を直すようにと上からふてぶてしく診察された記憶があります。 その後セカンドオピニオンで別の内科を受診し、MMクリニックでの血液検査を見ただけで「ある臓器が悪い。生活習慣だけでこうなるわけがない」とすぐに大きな病院に紹介状を書いてくださいました。結果、先天性の臓器の病気が見つかりました。 血液検査では2つの数値が悪かったのですが、MM内科では1つの数値しか悪いと言われておらず、もう1つの数値(臓器が悪いとわかる数値)の話はセカンドオピニオン先の内科で初めて知ったのでびっくりしました。 母がMM内科の女医先生に診てもらってるのですが、母曰くMM内科は男性医師のハズレが多いと言ってました。まさにそうでした。 ただの風邪とかならいいかもしれませんが、明らかに血液検査等で問題があるなどならこの内科は女医さん以外おすすめしません。婦人科の女医さんはめちゃおすすめです。
I go to internal medicine and gynecology. I want to give a 5 star to a female doctor in gynecology. A good teacher who will be kind to me! The problem is a relatively young doctor in internal medicine (I forgot my name) From the conclusion, it was decided that the misdiagnosis + the cause was due to lifestyle-related habits, and I was two years late in discovering the disease. An abnormality was found in a gynecological blood test, and I received this internal medicine in the same hospital. I was diagnosed with a certain disease and was angry that the cause was a lifestyle. I had no idea about my age, body mass index (BMI), and lifestyle, and it was declared that my father with the same illness was not hereditary. Perhaps because I was young and flashy, I remember being struck by a medical examination from above to try to fix this lifestyle-related habit. After that, go to another internal medicine department at the second opinion, and just look at the blood test at the MM clinic and immediately write a letter of introduction to a large hospital saying, "One organ is bad. Lifestyle alone cannot do this." I did. As a result, a congenital organ disease was found. Two numbers were bad in the blood test, but it is said that only one number is bad in MM internal medicine, and the other number (the number that shows that the organ is bad) is the first in the second opinion internal medicine. I was surprised because I knew it. My mother is seeing a female doctor in MM internal medicine, but she said that MM internal medicine is often missed by male doctors. That was exactly the case. It may be just a cold, but if there are obvious problems with blood tests, this internal medicine is not recommended except for female doctors. I highly recommend a female doctor in gynecology.
しっぽ on Google

海外渡航のための予防接種で伺いました。 先生の説明が丁寧でとてもわかりやすかったです。わざわざ予防接種の情報をまとめた冊子までプレゼントして下さいました。無理に強要しないスタイルにも好感がもてました。 看護師さんも注射上手で全然痛くなかったです。 予防接種ならこちらの病院がおすすめです! ありがとうございました。
I asked for vaccinations for overseas travel. The teacher's explanation was polite and very easy to understand. He even gave me a booklet that summarizes vaccination information. I also liked the style that I didn't force. The nurse was also good at injecting and didn't hurt at all. This hospital is recommended for vaccinations! Thank you very much.

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