
2.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 洋光台中央整形外科クリニック

住所 :

Yokodai, Isogo Ward, Yokohama, 〒235-0045 Kanagawa,Japan

電話 : 📞 +87
Webサイト : http://www.ycos-clinic.com/
街 : 〒1590 Kanagawa

Yokodai, Isogo Ward, Yokohama, 〒235-0045 Kanagawa,Japan
kohe ymmer on Google

建物は綺麗で清潔感がある。 先生の声がよく通るので初めは少し圧倒されたが、質問すれば色々答えてくれる。個人的にはただ愛想よく湿布を出されるだけの病院よりも好感がもてた。 2階はリハビリ室になっていて、体幹の運動とか姿勢やからだの使い方を教えてもらった。
The building is beautiful and clean. I was a little overwhelmed at first because the teacher's voice was heard well, but if I asked a question, he would answer various questions. Personally, I liked it more than a hospital where I could just give out a compress. The second floor is a rehabilitation room, and I was taught how to exercise the trunk, posture, and how to use the body.
みうけん on Google

受付の方も先生も対応がすごく丁寧で親身になってくれる。 院内もきれい。駐車場、駐輪場完備。
Both the receptionist and the teacher are very polite and friendly. The hospital is also clean. Equipped with parking lot and bicycle parking lot.
Yuka on Google

レントゲンの技師が最悪でした。40〜50代の男で、私が部屋に入った瞬間からニヤニヤしていて(この時点でおかしいと気付くべきでしたが)、撮るのは太ももなのにわざわざブラジャーを外させられたり、金具の付いてないスウェットを履いていたのに「念のため」と検査着を渡されたり、撮影中にやたらと体を触られたりととにかく気持ち悪かったです。一番許せなかったのは、撮影後に「こちらで着替えてください」と案内された場所でカーテンを閉めて着替えようとしたらその10秒後くらいに勝手にカーテンを開けられたことです。幸い私はもたもたしていてまだ何も脱いでいない状態でしたが、普通なら裸を見られてもおかしくないと思います。「この紙を持って待合室で待っていてください」という指示のために着替え中の人が中にいるカーテンを突然無断で開ける馬鹿がどこにいますか?確実に覗き目当てでしょう。 最後に行ってから一年半ほど経ちますが未だにトラウマなのです。二度と行きません。担当医や受付の方が親切だっただけに残念です。
The X-ray technician was the worst. A man in his 40s and 50s, who was grinning from the moment I entered the room (I should have noticed that it was strange at this point), and even though I was shooting on my thighs, I was forced to remove my bra and attached metal fittings. Even though I was wearing no sweatshirts, I was given an inspection gown just in case, and I was touched by my body during shooting, which made me feel uncomfortable. The most unforgivable thing was that I closed the curtain at the place where I was told "Please change my clothes here" after shooting, and when I tried to change my clothes, I was able to open the curtain about 10 seconds later. Fortunately, I was leaning and hadn't taken off anything yet, but I think it wouldn't be strange to see naked normally. Where is the idiot who suddenly opens the curtain inside with a person changing clothes for the instruction "Please take this paper and wait in the waiting room"? It's definitely a peek. It's been about a year and a half since I last went, but I'm still traumatized. I will never go again. It's a shame because the doctor in charge and the receptionist were kind.
min max on Google

院長が不在の水曜日に訪問。 診察してくれた医者は普通で特段の問題はありませんでした。 どこの病院に行っても原因不明で様子を見ましょうと言われていましたが、ここでも同じく分からないと言われて薬や湿布を処方されました。 レントゲン担当は特に問題無く、私は男性なのでハラスメントもありませんでした。 受付は好感度の持てる対応で、特にこちらも問題はありませんでした。 今度利用する時は院長のいる曜日にしてみたいと思います。概ね問題はないのでまた利用してみたいと思います。 1度しか利用していませんが、現状の評価は★4です。 痛みに悩んで行っているのに原因不明なので様子見ましょうではなく、もう少し問題の切り分けや次回通院時の対応の提案などが欲しかったですね。
Visited on Wednesday when the director is absent. The doctor who consulted me was normal and had no particular problems. I was told to go to any hospital and see what happened because the cause was unknown, but I was also told that I didn't understand and was prescribed medicine and compresses. There was no particular problem with the X-ray staff, and since I was a man, there was no harassment. The reception was very friendly and there was no problem here either. When I use it next time, I would like to make it the day of the week when the director is present. There is almost no problem, so I would like to use it again. I have used it only once, but the current evaluation is ★ 4. I'm suffering from pain, but the cause is unknown, so I didn't want to wait and see, but I wanted to isolate the problem a little more and suggest a response for the next visit.
みぃーあーの on Google

先生は患者の気持ちを考えてくれずズケズケと傷つく様な事を平気でいうので悲しくなった。 足が不自由なので理学療法通っているが、すごく冷たく上からな人がいて、こちらが指示通り足を動かせないと、ため息をついて、はぁ、もういいです、と露骨に嫌な顔をして、怪我して心が折れそうなのに全く配慮がなかった。偉そうにしていてドSっぽくしているのか、あれはただの態度が悪いだけ。足をひっぱったりして怖かった。 でも、理学療法の方で優しい感じの人、励まして前向きになれる言葉をくれる方もいます。その人にお願いしたら膝もリラックス出来て気持ちも楽になれました。
The teacher was sad because he didn't think about the patient's feelings and said that he was hurt. I go to physiotherapy because I am lame, but there is a person who is very cold and can't move my legs as instructed. I was injured and my heart was about to break, but I didn't care at all. Maybe it's a big deal and it looks like a de S, it's just a bad attitude. I was scared by pulling my leg. However, there are some people who are kind to physiotherapy and who can encourage and be positive. When I asked that person, I was able to relax my knees and feel better.
chai Kaka on Google

去年の夏前くらいに別のところで肉離れと診断され、念のためセカンドオピニオンとして初めて訪れました。 当時、患部はとても痛くちょっと触れるだけでも痛かったのに先生の触診はグッとおもっいきり押してきてとてつもなく痛かったです。 その後のエコーもグリグリ当てられクリニックに訪れる前より帰りの方が痛くなりました。 通いやすい場所にあるのに残念です。
About before last summer, I was diagnosed with a strain elsewhere and visited for the first time as a second opinion just in case. At that time, the affected area was very painful, and even a slight touch was painful, but the teacher's palpation pushed me so hard that it was extremely painful. Subsequent echoes were also muffled and it became more painful on the way home than before visiting the clinic. It's a pity that it's in an easy-to-reach place.
m s on Google

交通事故後の処置で受診しました。 受付の方は愛想良く対応してくださり、問題ありません。 1度目は院長ではなく、臨時の女性医師の方。診察するのが面倒なのかな?と思わせる方でした。歩けてるから問題ないよね。と決めつけ首は捻挫(レントゲンなし)、膝はレントゲンを撮って骨に異常無しで終了。 その後、首の痛み、頭痛、吐き気がとまらなくなり別の病院で受診しました。 1ヶ月経過しても膝の痛みが取れず、また保険会社との兼ね合いもあり2度目の受診。 今回は院長なので期待しましたが、触診した後に同じくレントゲン。 今回も骨には異常無し、膝の痛みが続いている原因は分からない。 2回とも受診して思いましたが、診察するのが面倒そうな先生達です。 こちらから聞かないと、今後どうすれば良いかも教えてくれません。 整形外科の診察はレントゲン判断だけなのか分かりませんが、親身な対応を希望されてる方にはオススメしません。 私もこの病院には二度と行かないと思います。
I had a medical examination after a traffic accident. The receptionist responds amiably and there is no problem. The first time is not the director, but a temporary female doctor. Is it troublesome to see a doctor? It was a person who made me think. There is no problem because you can walk. The neck was sprained (no X-ray), and the knee was X-rayed and finished without any abnormality in the bone. After that, my neck pain, headache, and nausea stopped, and I went to another hospital. I couldn't get rid of my knee pain even after one month, and I had a second visit because of the balance with the insurance company. This time I was the director, so I expected it, but after palpation, it was also an X-ray. There is no abnormality in the bones this time as well, and the cause of the continued pain in the knee is unknown. I thought that I had a medical examination both times, but the teachers seem to be troublesome to see. If you don't ask from here, it won't tell you what to do in the future. I don't know if the orthopedic examination is only an X-ray judgment, but I don't recommend it to those who want a friendly response. I don't think I will go to this hospital again.
mkk on Google

腕の痛みで訪問。肘に注射を打ちましたが針が入らずぐいぐい力任せに刺され激痛。その後も痛みは治まらず。夜は高熱と痛みで寝れず、指まで痺れが起こり腕も指も動かせなくなりました。 左手で食事をとるはめに。 こんな状態が数日続き仕事も行けず休むことに。 病院に行く前より悪化してしまい、こんなことなら行かない方がよかった。 酷すぎます。
Visited with arm pain. I gave an injection to my elbow, but the needle did not enter and I was stabbed by force and suffered severe pain. The pain did not go away after that. At night, I couldn't sleep due to high fever and pain, and my fingers became numb and I couldn't move my arms and fingers. To eat with your left hand. This situation continued for several days and I couldn't go to work and took a rest. It got worse than before I went to the hospital, so I shouldn't go if this was the case. It's too cruel.

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