居酒屋 美海

4.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 居酒屋 美海

住所 :

Yayoicho, 〒680-0832 Tottori,Japan

電話 : 📞 +88788
街 : Tottori

Yayoicho, 〒680-0832 Tottori,Japan
J S on Google

鳥取駅から歩いて10分位です。 海鮮の居酒屋で、カウンターと個室が2つあります。 ここは、鳥取を代表する海鮮居酒屋です。 12月の忘年会シーズンもあり5000円のコースをお願いしました。 刺身の盛合せ、湯豆腐、カレイの煮付け、蟹半身、つくね、唐揚げ、焼おにぎり とにかく全てがボリュームもあり、そして新鮮で美味しい! 地元の人も来るだけのとこです。 ここに来たら、他のお店行けませんよ。 絶対にオススメできるお店です。
It is about 10 minutes on foot from Tottori Station. This is a seafood izakaya with a counter and two private rooms. This is a seafood pub that represents Tottori. There was a year-end party in December, so I asked for a 5000 yen course. Assorted sashimi, boiled tofu, simmered flounder, half-boiled rice, tsukune, fried chicken, grilled rice ball Anyway, everything is voluminous and fresh and delicious! The locals are just here. If you come here, you can't go to other shops. It is a shop that you can definitely recommend.
小谷雅史 on Google

The inside of the store was clean and the clerk was kind to me! Above all, the kushikatsu is delicious! It's a good place to eat a little or drink a little. Beer goes well so I'll go to the end of work again! !!
おかりな on Google

Matsuba is fresh and the best. Sanin's seafood is delicious and affordable. Local sake Hioki Sakura is also delicious.
K. Oh on Google

「びかい」と書いて「みう」と読みます。ここは県外の方にもぜひお勧めしたいです。 料理も飲み物も新鮮でおいしく、適温で提供されます。 消毒、検温、換気、ビニールシールド、頻繁な菜箸提供など、コロナ対策にもかなり気を遣っておられます。
Write "Bikai" and read "Miu". I would definitely recommend this place to people outside the prefecture. The food and drinks are fresh and delicious and are served at the right temperature. We also pay close attention to corona measures such as disinfection, temperature measurement, ventilation, vinyl shields, and frequent provision of chopsticks.
masanori maeta on Google

A set of sashimi, grilled and hot water of snow crab. It was delicious.
うた on Google

I've never eaten crab sashimi here! !! Not only crabs but also seafood are all fresh and delicious. It's a shop you'll want to visit regularly even from other prefectures ♡
ノブコム on Google

このお店は山陰で取れる海の幸がウリなお店。 メニュー表を見てみるとこの時期山陰地方では水揚げされる松葉ガニ(茹で)が載ってたりする。 ...のだけど、価格を見てみるとなんと驚き?の一匹12800円。 脚が落ちているものでの値段だそうなのだが、それでもこの値段。 出張での夕食でこの値段はとてもとても。 という事で考え直してお願いしたのは、サザエとハマチのお刺身と、困ったときには何故か頼んでしまう揚げ出し豆腐。(本当はこれの他に揚げ出し餅も書かれてて、すごーく食事をそそられたのだけど揚げ出しでワンペアとってもなあ、という事で豆腐のみ) 各単品での表記だったが、それでも刺し身はサザエとハマチ二つ合わせて1160円。 なんだろう、松葉ガニの値段を見た後だとすごく安心できる価格だ。 肝心の食感、味に関しても流石と言おうか。 ブリほどではないにせよ脂の乗りかけたハマチはプリップリの食感なのと、サザエに関してもコリコリとした歯ざわりと噛みしめるほどに甘みが増してくる。 これを東京とかで食べると一体いくらになるのやら。それくらいの旨さ。 惜しむらく?は接客。 まあ、こんなものかという部分もあるがな〜んかつっけんどんな感覚。 人によっては「何だこの店」となってしまう人がいるかも。
This shop has a lot of seafood that you can get in the Sanin region. Looking at the menu table, you can see the snow crab (boiled) that is landed in the San'in region at this time. ... but what a surprise when you look at the price? 12800 yen per animal. It seems that the price is for the one with the legs dropped, but it is still this price. This price is very very very for dinner on a business trip. So I asked him to reconsider the sashimi of turban shell and yellowtail, and the fried tofu that I ordered for some reason when I was in trouble. (Actually, in addition to this, fried rice cake was also written, and I was really intrigued by the meal, but it's a pair of fried rice cakes, so only tofu) Although it was written as a single item, the sashimi is still 1160 yen for both turban shell and yellowtail. After seeing the price of the snow crab, it's a very safe price. Let's call it the essential texture and taste. Hamachi with fat, though not as much as yellowtail, has a crispy texture, and the sweetness of turban shells increases to the extent that they can be chewed with a crunchy texture. I wonder how much it would cost to eat this in Tokyo. That's about it. Are you sorry? Is customer service. Well, there is a part like this, but what kind of feeling is it? Some people may end up with "what's this store".
ystshientah on Google

Top quality seafood at a very affordable price. It was our first time in Tottori and we were lucky enough to come across this lovely traditional local restaurant via google maps. Despite the language barrier, the lady owner was very friendly and patient, using google translate to answer our queries and guide us in our orders. We orders a mixed sashimi platter and the popular matsuba crab of Tottori. The dishes were nothing short of amazing!? thank you to the owners for such a sumptuous meal!

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