Yasurai Shrine - Ueda

3.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Yasurai Shrine

住所 :

1924 Kamimaruko, Ueda, Nagano 386-0404, Japan

Postal code : 386-0404

1924 Kamimaruko, Ueda, Nagano 386-0404, Japan
sapa on Google

丸子公園の中にあります。建物の痛みがひどく近々大修理の予定。上丸子区の3自治会に一軒当たり5万円の寄付要請がありました。 それでも足りないそうです。
It is located in Maruko Park. The pain in the building is so bad that it will be repaired soon. There was a request for donation of 50,000 yen per house at the 3 residents' association in Kamimaruko Ward. Still it seems that it is not enough.
今井忠 on Google

It is a shrine related to Yoshinaka Kiso, and it was originally Hachiman Daimeijin (Otokoyama Hachiman ... Yamazaki) related to Genji.
ちろわんこ on Google

When Kiso Yoshinaka visited this area in 1183, the shrine began when he worshiped Yawata Daibosatsu, which Genji worshiped as a samurai. Therefore, it was once called Yawata Shrine. The current hall and main hall were built during the Edo period.
20世紀保存戦隊!! on Google

It is a magnificent shrine in Maruko Park, Maruko, Ueda, Nagano Prefecture! !
aki toyama on Google

昨日11月23日に参拝に行きました。 事前に総代の方に見学の連絡をして行きましたので、本殿を見学させて頂きました。普段は本殿の公開はしていませんので見ることは出来ません。 総代の方3名とお話しをしながら本殿の説明をして頂きました。 令和3年の4月には神社の修復に入る予定なので春祭りの公開は出来ないそうです。今は修復には大変な金額がかかり容易ではないとの事でした。 本殿脇障子の手長・足長神は珍しい彫刻でこういった彫刻は他に山梨県に1社あるだけの大変貴重なものだそうです。 総代の方々には忙しい中説明をして頂き有難うございました。 参拝するにあたり玉串料を奉納させて頂きました。
I went to worship yesterday on November 23rd. I contacted the president in advance for a tour, so I visited the main shrine. The main shrine is not normally open to the public, so you cannot see it. We had you explain the main shrine while talking with three people of the president. The shrine is scheduled to be restored in April of the 3rd year of Reiwa, so the spring festival cannot be opened to the public. It was said that it is not easy to repair now because it costs a lot of money. The Tenaga-Ashinaga god of the main shrine is a rare sculpture, and it seems that such a sculpture is very valuable as there is only one other company in Yamanashi prefecture. We would like to thank all the generations for their explanations while they were busy. We dedicated the tamagushi fee to worship.
MASATO HageTake on Google

依田川を見下ろす丸子公園内にあり、木曽義仲に縁のある神社と言われています。 こちらは近隣地域にあたる上丸子区の氏神で、宮司が常駐する一般的な神社とは異なり普段は人も少なく静かですが、春の桜の頃に地元自治会により開催される春祭りには、子供と親が訪れて賑やかな1日になります。
It is located in Maruko Park overlooking the Yoda River and is said to be a shrine with a relationship with Yoshinaka Kiso. This is a Ujigami in Kamimaruko Ward, which is in the neighboring area.Unlike a general shrine where the priest is resident, there are usually few people and it is quiet, but at the spring festival held by the local residents' association around the time of spring cherry blossoms Will be a lively day.
源頼親 on Google

丸子城安良居神社は 元々は丸子城安良館跡であった場所に 鎮座している神社である。
Maruko Castle Arai Shrine Originally it was the site of Maruko Castle Arakan It is a shrine that has been enshrined.
あわこ on Google

It seems that the shrine in Maruko Park has become a tangible cultural property of Ueda City.

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