
4.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 岩谷堂観音楼門

住所 :

Mitakedo, Ueda, 〒386-0412 Nagano,Japan

電話 : 📞 +88
Webサイト : http://www.city.ueda.nagano.jp/kankojoho/shisetsu/shiseki/020.html
街 : Nagano

Mitakedo, Ueda, 〒386-0412 Nagano,Japan
丸山ひじ on Google

A beautiful place for cherry blossoms. If you climb the steep stairs, you will reach the precincts and overlook the town of Maruko.
あわこ on Google

It was good. The demon crest of Kannon-do was rare. There is an Oku-no-in cave in the back of Kannon-do, and I was thrilled with a little thrilling feeling. The view from the Tsukimido Observatory was good, and the rock wall and Kannon-do seen from above were also wonderful.
Masanobu Yoshidomi on Google

The red-painted Dou was dazzling and the scenery was good. The stairs are steep. There is a cane at the entrance, so it's a good idea to rely on the cane to climb. There is a rest area in front of Honbo. Kannon-do appears when you pass through the mountain gate. If you climb up the left hand of Kannon-do, you will find an observatory with a bench.
_すったん on Google

依田川の断崖に建つ、朱塗りの山寺です。 源義仲が戦勝祈願した処です。 樹齢800年の「義仲桜」が満開でした。 信濃三十三観音霊場、中部四十九薬師霊場の札所です。 地域の方達で様々なお花が植えられています。
It is a vermilion-painted mountain temple built on the cliff of the Yoda River. This is where Minamoto no Yoshinaka prayed for victory. The 800-year-old "Yoshinaka Sakura" was in full bloom. Shinano 33 Kannon Sacred Ground, Chubu 49 Yakushi Sacred Ground. Various flowers are planted by the local people.
Amaryllis on Google

とても急な しかもステップが狭い石段を登らなければなりませんが、山門を潜るととても色鮮やかな観音楼門があります。小諸市の布引観音宮殿のような岩壁をくり抜いたお堂の左手奥が奥の院の入口になっています。丸子の街を一望できる上に紅葉も観ることができて素晴らしかったです。桜の咲くころまたお参りしたいと思います。
You have to climb the stone steps, which are very steep and the steps are narrow, but when you dive down the mountain gate, you will find a very colorful Kannonro gate. The entrance to the inner temple is on the far left of the temple, which is hollowed out from a rock wall like the Nunobiki Kannon Palace in Komoro City. It was wonderful to be able to see the autumn leaves as well as the view of the city of Maruko. I would like to visit again when the cherry blossoms bloom.
りん on Google

階段を上りきると立派なお堂がありました。 朱で鮮やかなお堂。 ここからの景色もよかったです。 桜も満開でキレイでした? 樹齢800年の義仲桜も巨木で見応えあり。 義仲桜はまだ咲き始めでしたが、満開になったら見事でしょう?
まるちゃん on Google

I've always been worried that there is something on a steep cliff. It was a venerable temple that opened 1200 years ago. Tradition of Yoshinaka Kiso and Heike. The legend of the princesses related to it is exciting ?. There are plenty of attractions such as Okunoin, "Kaede no Mae" and the observatory. The cluster amaryllis was in full bloom and the contrast with the blue sky was wonderful ?.
aaron meldahl on Google

This temple is built up under a cliff and has beautiful views as well as amazing cherry blossoms mid-April. The main image is in a mysterious cave behind the temple building, so don't miss it. It is a bit of a climb up stairs, so accessibility may be an issue for some, but it's well worth a visit.

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