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Contact 発毛治療のクリスタルメンズクリニック青森院

住所 :

Yasukata, 〒030-0803 Aomori,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8777
Webサイト : https://www.mencli.com/common/clinic_aomori.html
Opening hours :
Saturday 10AM–10PM
Sunday 10AM–10PM
Monday 10AM–10PM
Tuesday 10AM–10PM
Wednesday 10AM–10PM
Thursday 10AM–10PM
Friday 10AM–10PM
街 : Aomori

Yasukata, 〒030-0803 Aomori,Japan
秋谷友輔 on Google

薄毛が気になったので来店しました。 話をよく聞いて、励ましてくれます。 安心しました。来月また宜しくお願いします。 おすすめです
I came to the store because I was worried about thin hair. Listen carefully and encourage me. relieved. I look forward to working with you next month. it's recommended
オオタケヒロム on Google

It was long before I suspected ED, but I managed to maintain my feelings because of the mood at that time, the fact that it was due to the other party, and the circumstances around me. However, I had to admit that I had the same symptom for many years, so I began to investigate whether there was a way to cure ED, and I found a clinic in Tohoku that would treat ED. According to the teacher, I was relieved to hear that the number of patients undergoing ED treatment is increasing. It's like a constitution, and I'm mentally comfortable that I'm not special.
ササヌマショウゴ on Google

If I was looking for a phimosis operation and I was looking for it in the near field, I found it here and made a reservation. I had a counseling with the teacher for about 15 minutes and had an operation. It took about an hour. Since the explanation was solid, I could receive it without any questions. There is no problem so far.
ラファイエット on Google

薄毛治療をしてもらおうと行ったらマイクロスコープなどで頭皮を見るわけでもなく、目視でAGAと判断されその後すぐに高額な料金プランの治療の話しになりました。クリニック内には医療器具などあまり無かった様な気がしました。そしてなぜこんなに評価が高いのか不思議ですね笑笑笑 さくらかな?
When I went to get hair loss treatment, I didn't look at the scalp with a scope, but it was judged to be AGA visually, and soon after that, I talked about treatment with a high-priced rate plan. I felt that there weren't many medical devices in the clinic. And I wonder why it is so highly evaluated lol lol lol Sakura?
Kミツル on Google

日本人はもともと包茎が多いということで気にしていませんでした。普通にセックスもしていました。 しかし、将来年をとって施設に入ったり介護されるときに包茎だと介護する人も大変だと思うし(排尿や拭くときなど)、それを考えると恥ずかしい気もしました。 でも病院に行くのは恥ずかしいと思ったのですが、口コミが良かったのでここに行きました。 口コミ通り対応にも仕上がりにも満足しました。
Originally, Japanese people didn't care because there were many phimosis. I also had sex normally. However, I think it is difficult for people who care for phimosis when they enter the facility or are cared for in the future (when urinating or wiping), and I feel embarrassed when I think about it. But I thought it was embarrassing to go to the hospital, but I went here because the word of mouth was good. I was satisfied with the response and the finish according to the word of mouth.
ヤマダシンゴ on Google

年齢と共に薄毛が気になっていき、行くことを決めました。 スタッフさんが親身になって現状を聞いてくださり、前向きに治療をすることができました。 治療を始めて半月程で髪にボリュームが出てきたように感じます。 スタッフの方も親切丁寧で通いやすいです。地方でこのようなクリニックはあまりないので大変助かっております。
I became worried about thinning hair with age and decided to go. The staff became kind and listened to the current situation and were able to treat positively. I feel like my hair started to get voluminous about half a month after starting treatment. The staff is kind and polite and easy to get to. I don't have many such clinics in rural areas, so it is very helpful.
yko ueno on Google

I have undergone a phimosis surgery. Although I was nervous, the teacher gave me peace of mind with a polite explanation. There are various consultations that can be made after the operation, so that is safe.
H俊彰 on Google

At the time of the first counseling, I decided to decide here. Not only the advantages but also the disadvantages. You clearly told the clinic that it would be negative. It was good that I didn't push it. As for the treatment, I think he is treating me seriously, so I am continuing. I haven't passed the others, but of course I think it's solid in terms of actual feeling.

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