
3.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact すきゅーあ

住所 :

Yasukata, 〒030-0803 Aomori,Japan

電話 : 📞 +87788
Webサイト : https://skewer-aomori.com/
Opening hours :
Saturday 5:30PM–1:30AM
Sunday Closed
Monday 5:30PM–12:30AM
Tuesday 5:30PM–12:30AM
Wednesday 5:30PM–12:30AM
Thursday 5:30PM–12:30AM
Friday 5:30PM–1:30AM
街 : Aomori

Yasukata, 〒030-0803 Aomori,Japan
チャンネルK on Google

雰囲気がとてもいいお店でした(^^)/ 居心地抜群!! 従業員さんも気さくで話しやすく 楽しかったなー お酒も種類が豊富で十分満足◎ 料理も私が注文した物に関しては すべて美味しかったです! まだオープンして間もないお店のようなので、これからが楽しみです♪ また、お邪魔しようと思いまーす\(^^)/
It was a very nice shop (^^) / Excellent comfort! ! Employees are friendly and easy to talk It was fun There are many types of liquors and they are fully satisfied ◎ As for the food I ordered, Everything was delicious! It looks like a shop that has just opened, so I'm looking forward to it ♪ Also, I'm going to bother you \ (^^) /
dasuu Ringo on Google

串焼きや焼き鳥が売りのお店。 アットホームな雰囲気です。店員の平均年齢も若く、元気があって好印象です。がオペレーションがイマイチで、後から頼んだ人が先に配膳されたりしました。注文して30分以上待たされたので何も食べずに店をでました。
A shop that sells kushiyaki and yakitori. It has a homely atmosphere. The average age of the clerk is also young, and I am energetic and have a good impression. However, the operation was not good, and the person who asked for it later was served first. I ordered and waited for more than 30 minutes, so I left the store without eating anything.
azusa love on Google

テイクアウトで利用しました。 パッケージに手書きのイラストがありホッコリ。 焼鳥はとてもジューシーで備長炭だからできる香ばしさ最高です。 レジのお姉さん、とても丁寧でした。 新型ウイルスが落ち着いたら是非店内で食事したいです。 PayPay使えます。
I used it for takeout. There are hand-drawn illustrations on the package, which is a relief. Yakitori is very juicy and has the best fragrance because it is Bincho charcoal. The cashier sister was very polite. Once the new virus has settled down, I definitely want to eat in the store. You can use PayPay.
千葉ここあ on Google

The food is delicious and the customer service is good and recommended.
yoqqyun on Google

The motsunabe was very delicious. It was good to put rice in the end and eat it. And the edamame is the most delicious. Recommended as it is seasoned.
青森市民 on Google

美味しい焼鳥をテイクアウトして食べたくなったので、職場の近くにある、私の友達からの評判もめっちゃいいこのお店に行きました。 焼鳥の味はもちろん、優しい店員さんの接客、タレがこぼれないように丁寧なパッケージをしていただき、大満足でした。おすすめです。
I wanted to take out delicious yakitori and eat it, so I went to this shop near my office, which has a very good reputation from my friends. I was very satisfied with the taste of yakitori, the friendly staff, and the careful packaging to prevent spills. it's recommended.
たかはし on Google

The food was delicious and I liked it, but one day a friend of mine drunk sake from his shoulder. There was no particular apology and only two hand towels were handed over. I felt distrust in the response. disappointing.
y ito on Google

コースで頼みましたが、結構ボリュームあって全般的に美味しかったです!!店内の雰囲気は可もなく不可もなくですが広いので大人数の宴会いいかも。コスパも良い!!特別な何かは感じませんでしたが、若い人ウケする感じかな? 大人数で20代の飲み会とかにオススメ!!
I asked for it on the course, but it was pretty good overall and it was delicious! ! The atmosphere in the store is neither good nor bad, but it might be nice to have a large party. COSPA is also good! ! I didn't feel anything special, but I wonder if young people are going to be crazy. Recommended for drinking parties in your 20s with a large group! !

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