ラーメン荘歴史を刻め 寝屋川

3.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact ラーメン荘歴史を刻め 寝屋川

住所 :

Yasakacho, Neyagawa, 〒572-0838 Osaka,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8787
Webサイト : https://twitter.com/rekishi_neya
街 : Osaka

Yasakacho, Neyagawa, 〒572-0838 Osaka,Japan
Shinichi Hirai on Google

先ずはラーメンを、全てノーマルで食べてみた、 周りは、つけ麺脂マシ、ニンニク無しが多いイメージでした。 多分、脂多めにすると甘味が増すのかな?しょっぱい訳では無いけど、なんかの甘さ?みたいなのがもう一つ欲しい感じは、それかな? 文字化したら自分の選択ミスかもしれないけど、☆一つ減らしたのはそのため
First of all, I tried eating all the ramen normally, The surroundings had the image that there were many tsukemen fat mashi and no garlic. Maybe adding more fat will increase the sweetness? It's not salty, but is it some kind of sweetness? Is that the feeling that I want another thing like that? If it is transcribed, it may be my mistake in selection, but ☆ That's why I reduced it by one
會所大 on Google

私にはお店の雰囲気からして合わなかった… ラーメン的には可もなく不可もなく。 二郎系ラーメンの店員さんって高圧的な接客だと感じるのは、私だけなのかな? 決まり事があるのは構わないけど、ずっとスマホいじってる客も大概だが、その客に対してニンニク入れますかのセリフを大きくするだけって… 滑稽というか…笑えるというか… なんかやりようがあるやろ… 常連さんと一見さんに態度違いすぎやし、ごちそうさまって言うたのに対して返事なし… 別に不味くないのに、悪い印象与えるってもったいないなぁ…っていうのが正直な感想
It didn't suit me because of the atmosphere of the shop ... Ramen is neither good nor bad. Is it only me who feels that the Jiro ramen clerk is a high-pressure customer service? It doesn't matter if there is a rule, but most of the customers are messing around with their smartphones all the time, but just to make the line of whether to add garlic to that customer ... It's humorous ... it's funny ... I have something to do ... The attitudes of the regulars and the reservations were too different, and there was no reply to the feast ... It's not bad, but it's a waste to give a bad impression ... It's an honest impression
Jubu Anmo on Google

並ラーメン シークワーサー 二郎でこういう楽しみ方もできるのかと感動しました。 麺あげは通常より少し長め。少しぐで麺。 スープは酸味が少しぐでった麺とよく合う。 肉は切り方が塊ですが、硬すぎず食べやすかった。5.6口で食べれてしまったので500㌘でもよかった。
Average ramen Shikuwasa I was impressed that Jiro could enjoy this kind of fun. The noodles are a little longer than usual. A little bit of noodles. The soup goes well with the slightly sour noodles. The meat was cut in chunks, but it wasn't too hard and was easy to eat. I ate it with 5.6 mouths, so 500 ㌘ was fine.
どんちゃん、ダウニー on Google

3ヶ月ぶりの歴史を刻め? いろんな店へ行ってました? チャーハンTシャツ可愛かったぁ~? きっと、初音ミクちゃん推しの人なんだなぁ。(帽子がね) 友達もそうなので、懐かしく思えました~? 昨日は寒かったので、汁アリ~? (いつもだけど(笑)) 私には、やはり、にんにく無し、野菜普通、アブラ普通(少し食べれるようになった!) カラメ無しが良いようです~? 久しぶりに来ると、忘れちゃう? いろんな二郎系を食べ、こってりに、慣れるよう、少しずつ食べられるように。 アブラが普通になったのが、成長してます☺️ また、行きたいと思います☺️ こないだも行ってきました~☺️ シークヮーサーつけめん美味しい♥️ 少し待ちましたが、外待ちも含め? 湿気で暑かったぁ? 持ち帰りも○つ買いました? 帰りに多分、車路駐居ましたね。 きっと、あのカップルかな~? 駐車場停めましょ。 苦情の電話も来るようなので、せめて、マナー守りましょ。うるさくもせず! 静かに、? 4度目?の訪問でした。? Twitterで見ていた、シークヮーサーの、つけめん行ってきました。 暑い夏に、さっぱり食べられる! ニンニクは、お腹壊すので、入れないですが、ほんと美味しかった~☺️ ごちそうさまでした。 雨の中行ってきました。いつもはおもしろい方へに行くのですが、今回はこちらに☺️ 駐車場は無く、近くの?️!坂の上が近いのかなぁ。三台しか停めれません。 そして、歩くこと3分?? 入って右に、券売機があります~☺️ カウンターで十席あるのかな? 店内の、男の子と、食べ終わった後も、少し話しました~☺️ 本人は、600?800?食べてるそうです? 少しだけ遠いけど、また、来たいと思います~✌️ 愛想のあるお店良いね?️ ごちそうさまでした~m(_ _)m あ! 1つ、GANTZのように、くだちい❗良く見てね☺️置かないでくだちい?
Mark the history for the first time in 3 months ? I went to various stores ? Fried rice T-shirt was cute ~ ? I'm sure he's the one who recommends Hatsune Miku. (Hat) My friends are the same, so I missed them ~ ? It was cold yesterday, so soup ants ~ ? (Always (laughs)) To me, after all, no garlic, normal vegetables, normal abra (I can eat a little!) It seems that no caramel is good ~ ? When I come after a long time, I forget it ? Eat various Jiro-type foods so that you can get used to them and eat them little by little. Abra has become normal, but it's growing ☺️ I would like to go again ☺️ I went there too ~ ☺️ Shikuwasa Tsukemen is delicious ♥ ️ I waited for a while, but including waiting outside ? It was hot and humid ? I bought ○ one to take away ? Maybe you were stationed in the car on your way home. I'm sure that couple ~ ? Let's park in the parking lot. It seems that you will receive a complaint call, so at least follow your etiquette. Don't be noisy! Quietly, ? 4th time? It was a visit. ? I went to Tsukemen of Shikuwasa, which I was watching on Twitter. You can eat refreshingly in the hot summer! I can't put garlic in it because it makes me hungry, but it was really delicious ~ ☺️ Thank you for the meal. I went in the rain. I usually go to interesting people, but this time I'm here ☺️ There is no parking lot, nearby ?️! I wonder if the top of the slope is near. Only three cars can be parked. And 3 minutes to walk? ?? There is a ticket vending machine on the right side of the entrance ~ ☺️ Is there ten seats at the counter? I talked a little with the boy in the store even after I finished eating ~ ☺️ Is he 600? 800? I heard you are eating ? It's a little far, but I'd like to come again ~ ✌️ A friendly shop is good ?️ Thank you for your feast ~ m (_ _) m a! One, like GANTZ, it's crap ❗ Look closely ☺️ Don't put it ?
ちゃちゃゼロ on Google

Not delicious. This is all there is to say. When I came back to the city where I was born and raised after a long time, there was a Jiro family, but it was good because the pork was soft, but the soup was too oily. And I was afraid of hygiene when making ramen.
ramentimesだいち on Google

はいはーい、#ラーメンの時間ですよ? . 《#歴史を刻め寝屋川店 》 『シークワーサーつけ麺 (限定 ) 』 『メンマ (限定 )』 . 寝屋川の歴史を刻め さんでシークワーサーつけ麺なるものができたことを知り、早く食べたいと思いながらもなかなかタイミング合わずもどかしい日々が続く。。 一度行った時は並び多くて早じまいの運のなさ? でもやっとのことで訪問! 入店し、ラーメンの食券を購入。 運良く席が空いていた為即着席〜 食券とともに200円をカウンターに置く。 100円はシークワーサーつけ麺 に変更、もう100円はTwitterで告知していたメンマトッピング の為。 麺量は初めての400g をコール! 「お残し厳禁ですけど大丈夫ですかー?」との声にドキドキしつつも平静を装い「大丈夫です」と。 . つけ麺なので提供は遅めですが全然問題無し。 しばらくして「ニンニク入れますか?」と。 コールは「ぜ、全抜きで」 こちらも初めての全抜きコール シークワーサーつけ麺にはトッピング全抜きがおすすめと聞いていたので。 二郎系では野菜マシやマシマシコールの自分にとって、全抜きはなかなか勇気いりますわ(笑) . しばらくして着丼〜? めっちゃ美味しそー? ゴワゴワワシワシの麺を掴みつけ汁に。 そして一気に啜る… んっまーーー✨ 冷たい麺にシークワーサーの爽やかな酸味が合いますやーーん? ふだんのスープ&カエシにシークワーサーが不思議に調和されて成り立っている? 麺400g大丈夫かなー?と思っていたものの、野菜が無いこともありスルスルと胃の中に吸い込まれていく。 気付けばサクッと完食〜 ご馳走さまでした? . 夏の間の限定提供のようですが、ぜひ定番にして欲しいですねー✨ ※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※ . 《#歴史を刻め寝屋川店 》 『ラーメン 』 . この日、昼ごはんを求めてバイクで香里園 まで。 着いたのはRAMEN JUNYA さん。 …ってあれ?シャッター。。 定休日のようでした? 確認したつもりが安定のリサーチミス? 時間も無いし…で戻りながらのリカバリに選んだのは、歴史を刻め の寝屋川店。 二郎系よりあっさり清湯が食べたかったけど? 久しぶりの歴史。 並びはなくすぐに入店。 本店行きたいけど並びすごくて何度も断念している身としてはほぼ同じクオリティを並び無しで頂けるのはありがたい? 先に券売機でラーメンを購入。 PayPay払いができるのもうれしい! 麺量を聞かれるので、並の300gで。 L字カウンターの角に着席。 . しばらくしての「ニンニク入れますか」コールに「ニンニクスコシヤサイマシ」で返す。で、着丼〜? 写真撮ろうとして気がついた。。 この席だけ横の窓からしっかりと日が差して写真撮りずらい しかも二郎系は横からの構図をメインとしているけど、そのまま撮ると人の顔とかも入ってしまう。。 違う席座るべきだったと後悔? 何とかずらしつつ撮影完了。 やはり美味しそうに見えないけどそこはお許しを(笑) で、まずは並々と注がれたスープから… んっめーーーー? 非乳化のスープはカエシ抑えめでとんこつの旨味しっかり! あまりに美味しくてもう一口、もう一口と啜りまくり。熱々のスープがまた嬉しい! 気を取り直し、脂の乗ったシャキシャキ野菜を少しばかり口に運んだ後、麺を一気に引き上げ天地返し。 で、啜ると… コシもありながらの極太デロ麺たまらん〜✨ 麺も熱々! 豚はというと、これがまた柔らかくて脂の乗りも含めどタイプなやつー! いやー美味い! っと、ゆっくり味わっている場合ではない。 最近食が細くなっているので、満腹アラートが出る前に完食しないと? 啜る、啜る、啜る… 啜る、啜る、啜る… 啜る、啜る、啜…あれ? 麺完食? 最後はスープの底に残った野菜をレンゲで綺麗にさらい完食〜 ご馳走さまでした? . 想定外の二郎系でしたが、リカバリできて良かった(笑)
Yes, it's time for #ramen ? .. 《#Historical Neyagawa store》 "Shikuwasa Tsukemen (Limited)" "Menma (Limited)" .. I learned that the history of Neyagawa was carved and made Shikuwasa Tsukemen, and although I wanted to eat it quickly, the timing was not right and frustrating days continued. .. Once I went there, there were a lot of lines and I wasn't lucky ? But finally I visited! Enter the store and buy a ramen meal ticket. I was lucky enough to get a seat, so I took a seat immediately ~ Place 200 yen on the counter along with the meal ticket. 100 yen is changed to Shikuwasa Tsukemen, and 100 yen is for Menma topping that was announced on Twitter. Call 400g for the first time! "It's strictly forbidden to leave it, but is it okay?" .. Since it is tsukemen, it is served late, but there is no problem at all. After a while, "Do you want to add garlic?" The call is "Hemming and Seaming" This is also the first all-out call I heard that it is recommended to remove all toppings for Shikuwasa Tsukemen. In the Jiro system, it's quite courageous for me as a vegetable mashimashi or mashimashi call (laughs). .. After a while, donburi ~ ? It ’s really delicious ? Grab the rugged eagle noodles and use them as juice. And slurp at once ... Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm The refreshing acidity of Shikuwasa goes well with the cold noodles ? Citrus depressa is mysteriously harmonized with ordinary soup and maple ? Is 400g of noodles okay? I thought, but because there are no vegetables, it is sucked into my stomach. If you notice it, it will be a quick meal ~ Thank you for the treat ? .. It seems to be offered only during the summer, but I definitely want it to be a standard item. ※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※ .. 《#Historical Neyagawa store》 "ramen " .. On this day, I went to Korien by motorcycle for lunch. I arrived at RAMEN JUNYA. What is that? shutter. .. It was like a regular holiday ? I intended to confirm it, but a stable research mistake ? I didn't have much time, so I chose the Neyagawa store, which has a long history, for recovery while returning. I wanted to eat bouillon more easily than Jiro, but ? History after a long absence. There is no line and you can enter the store immediately. I want to go to the main store, but I'm so grateful that I can get almost the same quality without lining up as a person who has given up many times ? Purchase ramen at the ticket vending machine first. PayPay I'm happy to be able to pay! You will be asked for the amount of noodles, so it's about 300g. Seated at the corner of the L-shaped counter. .. After a while, return to the "Do you want to add garlic?" Call with "Garlic Koshiya Saimashi". So, donburi ~ ? I noticed when I tried to take a picture. .. It's hard to take a picture of this seat because the sun is shining through the side window. Moreover, the Jiro system mainly composes from the side, but if you take the picture as it is, the human face will also be included. .. I regret that I should have sat in a different seat ? Shooting is completed while somehow shifting. It doesn't look delicious, but forgive me (laughs) So, first of all, from the soup that was poured in a row ... Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm The non-emulsified soup has a strong tonkotsu flavor with less shavings! It's so delicious that I slurp it with another bite. I'm happy with the hot soup again! After regaining my mind and carrying a little greasy crispy vegetables to my mouth, I pulled up the noodles at once and turned them upside down. So, when you slurp ... Extra-thick dero noodles with elasticity ~ ✨ The noodles are also hot! It says pigs and, this is also soft and also ride of fat, including etc. type guy over! No, it ’s delicious! It's not the case when you're tasting slowly. I've been getting thinner lately, so I have to finish it before I get a fullness alert ? Slurp, slurp, slurp ... Slurp, slurp, slurp ... Slurp, slurp, slurp ... that? Noodle complete meal ? At the end, clean the vegetables left on the bottom of the soup with a ranger and finish the meal ~ Thank you for the treat ? .. It was an unexpected Jiro system, but it was good to be able to recover (laugh)
M F on Google

客に満足させたいかよりも意味不明な意地で経営してる店。ラーメン荘系は行ったこと何度もあるけど、野菜の量は統一感がないし、貼り紙やメニューに記載もない、その日の気分で変えちゃうからなのかな 今回、野菜マシマシでって言ったら店員がムキになってマシマシってこれくらいもまだいってないくらいですけど、って目の前で汚く盛りつけてきて普通のマシマシの食べログの画像よりもすごい量を乗せてきた。それが二枚目の写真、しかも麺の量150gなのにこの野菜の量でまだマシマシじゃないらしいです。 一枚目は麺300gに対して野菜マシマシです。明らかに麺の量が少ないのにこの野菜の嵩は歴然です。 しかも野菜の量すごいから汁がテーブルに溢れてきて服に垂れそうになった。受け皿すらないし、おしぼりも一つしかもらえないので拭くのも大変だった。 あからさまに挑戦的な態度で、めちゃくちゃ不快でした。食べれるまで帰れませんとか1人で食べてくださいって書いてあるし、直接言われたから食べきりましたけど、後味悪い退店でした。 もう2度と行かないですね。 なんのために提供してるんですかね。もう一度飲食業の意味を考えたほうがいいと思いました。
A store that is run with a meaningless meaning rather than wanting to satisfy customers. I've been to ramen villas many times, but the amount of vegetables isn't unified, and there's no mention on the sticker or menu, so maybe it's because it changes depending on the mood of the day. This time, when I said that it was a vegetable mashimashi, the clerk became irritated and I haven't said this much yet, but it's served dirty in front of me and it's more amazing than the image of a normal mashimashi tabelog. I've put the amount on it. That is the second photo, and even though the amount of noodles is 150g, it seems that the amount of this vegetable is not good yet. The first piece is vegetable mashimashi for 300g of noodles. The bulk of this vegetable is obvious even though the amount of noodles is obviously small. Moreover, the amount of vegetables was so great that the juice overflowed on the table and almost dripping on my clothes. I didn't even have a saucer and I could only get one hand towel, so it was difficult to wipe it. It was overtly challenging and insanely unpleasant. It says that I can't go home until I can eat it, or that I should eat it alone, and I was told directly that I could eat it, but it was a bad aftertaste. I will never go again. What are you offering for? I thought it was better to think about the meaning of the restaurant business again.
[関西・大阪グルメ]ログ太郎 on Google

木曜日12:50 店内ほぼ満席。 実はこの日誕生日前日で、昼飯何にしよー? って悩んだので、最後はジャンキーやろ! ってことで来ました。 ・豚2枚 汁無し ¥900 ・練り唐辛子 ¥50 汁無しは初めて。 ニンニク少なめ野菜ちょい増し。 食券買って、水や箸やおしぼりなんかは セルフで自分の席に置きます。 以前来たときいらっしゃった店主さんらしい人はいず お若い男性2人で営業されておりました。 まだ不慣れなのか、あまり手際良くないな‥ 注文から20分弱で着麺!かかりすぎ〜。 んが、味は大好き。 二郎系自体はそんなに行ったことないけど その中では寝屋川の歴史さんが1番。 ワシワシすぎない麺。 この超極太麺がめっちゃ好きなんですよ。 分厚いチャーシュー。モリモリのもやし。 スープ(カラメ)とのバランスがとても良い。 練り辛子は汁無しだと溶けにくくて合わない。 汁無しだから、こんなに違うんだ! とかは無かったけど、というかむしろスープが あったほうがいいな、って感じだけど、 久しぶりのニンニクたっぷりの二郎を食べれて 嬉しい気持ちになりましたよ♪
Thursday 12:50 The store is almost full. Actually, the day before my birthday, what should I do for lunch? I was worried, so at the end I'm junky! I came here. ・ 2 pigs without soup ¥ 900 ・ Kneaded chili pepper ¥ 50 This is my first time without soup. A little more garlic and a little more vegetables. Buy a meal ticket and buy water, chopsticks and hand towels Put it in your seat by yourself. There is no one who seems to be the owner who came when I came before It was open for two young men. Maybe I'm still unfamiliar, it's not very smart ... Noodles arrive in less than 20 minutes after ordering! It takes too much ~. But I love the taste. I've never been to the Jiro system so much Among them, the history of Neyagawa is number one. Noodles that are not too eagle. I really like this super-thick noodle. Thick char siu. Morimori bean sprouts. Very well balanced with soup (carame). Kneaded mustard is difficult to dissolve without juice and does not fit. It's so different because there is no soup! There was no such thing, but rather the soup I think it's better to have it, Eat Jiro with plenty of garlic for the first time in a long time I was happy ♪

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