麺屋 護城

3.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 麺屋 護城

住所 :

Yasakacho, Neyagawa, 〒572-0838 Osaka,Japan

街 : Osaka

Yasakacho, Neyagawa, 〒572-0838 Osaka,Japan
れみ on Google

平日13時半頃来店 先客3組6人。 つけ麺苦手な私は相変わらずラーメンを注文。 麺大盛も同じ値段ということで、大盛をお願いし、チャーシュー丼も注文 口コミによると着丼まで時間がかかると書いてあったのですが、10分ちょっとで着丼。 チャーシュー丼がその2,3分後にでてきました。 スープはあっさりのようなでも油分が多いような不思議な味でした。 口コミに洋風って書いてあったのがわかりました。 全粒粉は私の大好きな麺ですが平打ち太麺で、こしがあるを通り越してかたいというか、コシコシしすぎでした。 チャーシュー丼は私にはタレがあいませんでした。 再訪は、鴨系のラーメン、つけ麺は値段が高すぎるので食べようとも思わないし、普通のラーメンも特にすごく美味しいとは思えなかったのでなしです。
Visiting at around 13:30 on weekdays Three sets of six customers. I'm not good at eating noodles, I still order ramen. Also for the same price for noodles, please ask for them, and order the pork chopsticks also According to the word of mouth, it was written that it will take time to arrive, but it only arrived in 10 minutes. Cirschew came out a few minutes later. The soup had a mild but oily taste like strange. I understood that the Western style was written in the review. The whole grain flour is my favorite noodle, but it was a flat thick noodle, and it was hard to pass past that there was a strain, or it was too stiff. Sir Choi had no sauce for me. As for the revisit, I didn't think that I would eat it because the price of the ramen-type ramen and kinmen is too high, and I didn't think that ordinary ramen was particularly delicious.
kei iek on Google

Rich chicken plain hot water. There is no odor. Boil vegetables such as onions until they become thick and combine with chicken. Noodles are whole grains. I thought it would be sloppy, but if you combine it with a rich soup, you can get it just right. It's easy to add black pepper, but it's just the taste of chicken and vegetables, and it's not deceptive. The soup is delicious, so I'd be more happy if I had more toppings to eat with it. Beer is served in Ebisu.
小林三剛 on Google

仕事で寝屋川市駅に? 寝屋川市駅に来る機会があれば訪問したいなぁと決めていた、今年2月で1周年を迎えるラーメン店へ? 健康オタク⁉と噂のオーナー、無農薬玄米ご飯など、こだわりの食材がいろいろと。 頂いたのは、 護城つけ麺(並)850円 ガリシア栗豚の豚骨と国産鶏モミジ、野菜や果物などを使用し、寝かせて熟成させて完成させた動物性脂肪を控えた99%以上ゼラチン質コラーゲンたっぷりなスープ? オーダーメイドの富山県の綺麗な美味しい水で作る全粉粒の粗挽き平打ち極太麺がしっかり絡みます。 ガリシア栗豚の上質なバラ肉で作る、しっとりと旨味を閉じ込めたとろけるチャーシューも好きですね~❤
At work at Neyagawashi station ? I decided to visit if I had the opportunity to come to Neyagawashi station, to a ramen shop that will celebrate its first anniversary in February this year ? There are various kinds of ingredients such as healthy nerd⁉ and rumored owner, pesticide-free brown rice. What I got is Gojo tsukemen (normal) 850 yen A soup rich in gelatin and collagen containing 99% or more of animal fat, which is made by pouring bones of Galician pork and domestic chicken maple, vegetables and fruits, etc. All-grain coarse ground flat-thick noodles made with clean, tasty water from Toyama Prefecture are entwined. I also like the roasted pork chopped with high-quality ribs of Galician chestnut pork that is soft and delicious.
[関西・大阪グルメ]ログ太郎 on Google

土曜11:10 先客なし。 2年ぶりくらいに来ました。 食券で券買って変形カウンターに座って待ちます。 10分くらいで着丼。うわーいい見た目! ・鴨つけ麺大 ¥1480 ちょいとお高めですけども〜 イタリアン出身オーナーが作っただけあって ラーメン麺とパスタの合いの子の様なやつ! 麺は超極太の平打ち麺。 独特な歯触りがうまいなーすきすきー。 スープはこれは何系というんだろ? 他で食べたことない動物系の香りですね。 醤油なんだけど、なんだかイタリアン風味。 コンフィは食べにくいけど見た目最高。 ガブリと噛みつきゃ柔らかな食感で ジワーっと鳥の旨みが凝縮されてます。 一番目を引くポイントなのに、提供時はメンマに 隠れてるの残念かなー上下逆のが良くない? つけ麺によくある味変レモンですが、 見た目はいいけど、この形状じゃまともに絞れない‥ ここはかなり残念ポイントですね。 絞れるレモン別添えにしてもいいくらい。 スープが濃厚で黒胡椒は風味負けしたけど 一味はええ感じに馴染んで美味かった。 普段たまにしかラーメン食べない人には 意味不明と言われてしまうだろうけど、 食べ慣れてる人はここにしかないラーメン、 つけ麺てことで是非食べて欲しいですね。 2年前は色々アラがあったけど、 久しぶりに来たらそういうアラもなかったです。 ここにしかないオリジナリティ、 僕は味も好みなのでめっちゃ評価したいですね♪
Saturday 11:10 No customers. I came for the first time in 2 years. Buy a ticket with a meal ticket and sit at the transformation counter and wait. Donburi in about 10 minutes. Wow good looking! ・ Duck tsukemen size ¥ 1480 It's a little expensive, but ~ It was made by an Italian owner It's like a child of ramen noodles and pasta! The noodles are super-thick flat noodles. I like the unique texture. What kind of soup is this? It's an animal scent that I haven't eaten anywhere else. It's soy sauce, but it has an Italian flavor. Confit is hard to eat but looks great. If you bite with Gabri, it has a soft texture The taste of the bird is condensed. Even though it is the first point to draw, when it is offered, it will be Menma I'm sorry I'm hiding-isn't it good to turn it upside down? It's a taste-changing lemon that is often found in tsukemen, It looks good, but I can't squeeze it properly with this shape ... This is a very disappointing point. You can even add a squeezable lemon. The soup was rich and the black pepper lost its flavor The gang was familiar with the feeling and was delicious. For those who usually eat ramen only occasionally You might say it doesn't make sense, Ramen that is only available here for those who are accustomed to eating I definitely want you to eat Tsukemen. Two years ago there were a lot of ara, When I came here for the first time in a long time, there was no such thing. Originality that can only be found here I also like the taste, so I really want to evaluate it ♪
hayato nk on Google

酷評もあったので少し心配でしたが 普通に美味い部類のラーメン屋さんでしたよ ラーメンはあっさりしてるのに味はしっかり つけ麺は濃厚付けダレでクリーミーで美味い 麺は平打ちでコシもあって風味も良し 乗っかってるチャーシューは柔らかくて美味い! ラーメンは好み分かれるような個性的なやつじゃなく 老若男女受けすると思うんだけどな つけ麺は豚骨なんかの癖が苦手な人には 向かない感じです チャーシュー丼だけチャーシュー炙りすぎで苦味が出てたので もう少し炙りを少な目にしていただく方が 好みです 余談ですが見習い札付けた店員がイケメンさんでした
I was a little worried because there was criticism It was a ramen shop that was normally delicious. The ramen is light but the taste is solid Tsukemen is thick and creamy and delicious The noodles are flat and chewy and have a good flavor. The char siu on board is soft and delicious! Ramen is not a unique one that has different tastes I think it will be received by men and women of all ages Tsukemen is for people who don't like pork bones It feels unsuitable Only the char siu bowl was overcooked and had a bitter taste. It is better to have a little less roasting I like it As an aside, the clerk who attached the apprenticeship tag was a handsome man.
サンパチ on Google

京阪電車高架直ぐ横に有ります。店に入り食券を購入。先ずは初めて来た店はノーマルなラーメン750円を 味は魚介系のラーメン謳い文句には平打ち細麺とあるけど、そんなに細麺とは思えなかった。それに麺がボリュームアップしたので一旦大盛を終了と書いて有るから期待したけど僕的にはボリューム不足でしたね。これならライス付けないと。でもライスがプラス250円 昼からラーメンとライスで1000円はきついですね。食べ終わって帰る時も厨房に居てるお店の人は気が付かず。そりゃ〜食券じゃ無いと無理だよね。客が帰るのも分からないんだから。
It is right next to the Keihan train overpass. Enter the store and buy a meal ticket. First of all, the first shop I visited is a normal ramen for 750 yen The taste is flat noodles in the seafood ramen singing phrase, but I didn't think it was so thin noodles. Also, since the noodles have increased in volume, I expected it because it says that the large serving will end once, but for me it was not enough volume. If this is the case, I have to add rice. But rice is plus 250 yen It's hard to buy ramen and rice for 1000 yen from noon. Even when I finish eating and go home, the people in the kitchen don't notice. Well, it's impossible unless it's a meal ticket. I don't even know when the customer will return.
助たろ on Google

マスターが1人で切り盛りしているカウンターだけのラーメン(つけ麺)屋さん。 今回いただいたのは『護城鴨つけ麺』 鴨のモモ肉が一本丸ごとついてました このモモ肉はなかなか美味これを食べるだけでも頼んだかいがあったかな? 麺は平打ちでコシも強くて食べ応え有り ただつけ汁は濃厚過ぎて自分には少し合わなかった ただフツーのラーメンもあるみたいなので機会があれば、また行ってはみたいと思える雰囲気と味でした
A ramen shop with only a counter that the master cuts and fills alone. This time I got "Gojo duck tsukemen" A whole duck peach meat was attached This thigh meat is quite delicious. Did you ask me just to eat this? The noodles are flat and chewy and have a satisfying taste. However, the soup was too rich to suit me a little. However, it seems that there is also a futu ramen, so if there is an opportunity, it was an atmosphere and taste that I would like to go again.
山崎晃 on Google

I visited at 21:30, a time when there were few customers late. Is it okay if the customer service is small? If you think so, you're worried. The noodles are so hard that even though they are flat, the boiling time is different for many minutes. I wonder if anyone can understand the firmness of the noodles and the firmness of the noodles for a short boiling time. The soup is so salty that you don't feel the richness. I came across a tsukemen that I can hardly see. Maybe I won't go anymore. When the store opened, it was several times more delicious and lively. disappointing. It's just a personal impression, so if you are interested, please check for yourself.

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