Yasaka Shrine - Ninohe

2.7/5 に基づく 3 レビュー

Contact Yasaka Shrine

住所 :

Tate-73 Kintaichi, Ninohe, Iwate 028-5711, Japan

電話 : 📞 +89788
Postal code : 028-5711

Tate-73 Kintaichi, Ninohe, Iwate 028-5711, Japan
下田妙子 on Google

akt ssk on Google

この場所は八坂神社の事務所です。 参拝は鎮座地の、 〒028-5711 岩手県二戸市金田一舘73 が相応しいです。
This place is the office of Yasaka Shrine. The worship is in the settlement 73 Ichijo Kaneda, Ninohe City, Iwate Prefecture 028-5711 Is appropriate.
藤田力 on Google

20200229三沢は晴天だったので青森~岩手・残りの「〇戸城」弾丸ツアーに行って来ました。 3番目は岩手「四戸城跡」の近くに到着しました。 長寿寺の専用駐車場に車を停めさせて頂いて「四戸城跡」を探すもギブアップ! 目の前に「八坂神社」が! 後で調べてみると凄いのですが、今回は「四戸城跡」を探して辿り着いたので参拝させて頂きました。 八坂神社は、馬淵川を見下ろす高台に鎮座し、鬱蒼とした杉の樹に四辺を蔽い隠された自然の神域となっています。 社伝によると、弘仁2年(811)香阿の軍家仁左体の蝦夷を討伐する時、当地を居城とし守護神として感神院祇園社の分霊を勧請した。 永暦年間(1160~1161)に、京極有忠卿が再度分霊を賜り、天正年間(1571~1592)に九戸氏同族と葛藤ありし時、祝融の災いに及び古記類悉く焼失し、元和3年(1671)に内御堂を造営し、御領主南部公の崇敬殊にも篤く、御国巡りの際には必ず御参拝され数々の献納の中にも文化3年(1806)に神輿及び渡御用具等もあり、祭礼には、千石格式を以て警護を付けた程であった。 藩主転封せられ会津藩主松平公が斗南藩主となるや当社を以て藩の祈願社とし、疫病除・産業・商売の神として藩民の崇敬を集めた。 明治3年(1870)に、八坂神社と改称し、同6年(1873)郷社となり、同7年(1874)神明宮並び八幡宮を合祀する。 昭和56年(1981)に境内社猿田彦神社を小保内モヨ・アツ両氏より事故のお礼に奉納し創建する。との事です! 八坂神社で参拝を済ませ神職の方に御朱印を頂いた時に「四戸城跡」の行き方を伺って、ご丁寧に対応して頂けました。 元々は、四戸城跡に八坂神社が鎮座していたとの事でした。
20200229 Misawa was a sunny day, so I went to Aomori-Iwate and the rest of the "Poto Castle" bullet tour. The third arrived near Iwate's "Shinnohe Castle Ruins". I parked my car in the private parking lot of Chojuuji Temple and searched for "Hitonohe Castle Ruins". "Yasaka Shrine" is right in front of you! It is amazing when I check it later, but this time I searched for the "Hinohe Castle Ruins" and arrived there. Yasaka Shrine is enshrined on a hill overlooking the Mabuchi River, and is a natural sanctuary hidden on four sides by a dense cedar tree. According to the company's biography, when he defeated Ezo, who was the left body of K 阿 a's military family in 811, he called for a soul of Kanshin-in Gion as a guardian deity. During the Chinese Era (1160-1161), Yucho Tadashi Kyokugoku once again offered spirits, and in the Tensho era (1571-1592), when there was a conflict with the family of Kunohe, the disaster of congratulations and burnt down all the old books, He built the Uchimido in 1671, and was revered by the southern lord of the lord. There were also travel tools, and the festival was guarded by the Sengoku ceremony. When the lord of the Aizu feudal lord, Matsudaira became the lord of the Tonan feudal lord, the company became a priest of the feudal lord, and the priests were revered as gods of disease control, industry and business. In 1870 (Meiji 3), the name was changed to Yasaka Shrine, and in 1873 (1883) it became a go shrine, and in 1874 (1874) Shinmei Shrine and Hachiman Shrine were enshrined. In 1981, the shrine was built and dedicated to thanks to the accident by Moyo Atsu Kobouchi. That's it! When I finished worship at Yasaka Shrine and got a red seal from the priest, I asked how to get to the site of "Shinnohe Castle Ruins" and was able to respond carefully. Originally, it was said that Yasaka Shrine was enshrined at the site of Shinohe Castle.

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