
4.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact ピットワン

住所 :

Yanaizucho Sakaemachi, 〒501-6101 Gifu,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8887788
Webサイト : http://pit-1.com/
街 : Gifu

Yanaizucho Sakaemachi, 〒501-6101 Gifu,Japan
信号灯器チャンネル右折信号灯器 on Google

Even with the tires you brought in, you can feel free to come and work smoothly. There was no waiting time and it felt good.
toyo tires on Google

I had the suspension replaced and aligned by bringing it in. Thank you for taking the time to consult us even after returning. It's a good shop.
men jack on Google

YouTubeを見て、車のコーティング施工をお願いさせて頂き、大変満足できる接客をして頂けました。あだちさんとにっしーさんのご対応が大変良く、こちらも気持ちよかったです! グッズが欲しい!と思いタイヤーズの方にもお邪魔させて頂いたのですが、いらっしゃいませ、挨拶も一切なく、少し気不味く、欲しい物も買う気が無くなってしまい購入を辞めました。なので星4にさせて頂きました。 もしまた機会があればよろしくお願いします。 今回は社長さんと会えなかったので 次回機会があればお会いしてみたいと 思いました。ありがとうございました。
Looking at YouTube, I asked for a car coating, and I was very satisfied with the customer service. The correspondence between Mr. Adachi and Mr. Nisshi was very good, and this was also pleasant! I want goods! I thought that I would like to bother the Tires, but welcomed me, there was no greeting, it was a little creepy, and I didn't want to buy what I wanted, so I quit the purchase. So I decided to give it 4 stars. If you have another chance, thank you. I couldn't meet the president this time I want to see you next time thought. Thank you very much.
M ii on Google

We asked for replacement and alignment of tires with introduction of acquaintance. The store manager and employees greeted brightly and the atmosphere is also good. We are also very happy to do the work carefully! It was easy for women to enter the shop, and elderly people and young people also came to visit, so I felt that it was a store supported by a wide range of people. Although I visited tire exchange this time, it seems that they are doing car sales, car inspection, sheet metal painting and custom, so it seems that anything about cars can be consulted!
ぼーちゃんhiro on Google

当日最初に電話に出た方 誰かはわからないけど の対応が悪かったなぁ(^_^;) でもその方以外の方々は全員凄く良かったです☺ それで星4 持込作業にも関わらずホントに丁寧にやっていただきました☺ 何かあったらまたリピートさせていただきたいと思います
The person who answered the phone first on the day, I don't know who, but the response was bad (^ _ ^;) But all the people other than that person were very good ☺ So, despite the work of bringing in 4 stars, it was really polite ☺ I would like to repeat again if something happens
仲村義洋 on Google

Thank you for your help when purchasing a new car! Even when I was worried about the body over time, I was kindly treated. It's a very good shop ☆
ぽてち on Google

本日、アライメント測定・調整に伺いました。 自分でダウンサス取付をしたため、ボルトの締め込みトルクが出ていなかった箇所がありました。 そのことに気付いてくれてタイヤ外してまで締め込みまでしていただきました。 依頼作業だけでなくまわりの異常に気がついてくれる信頼おける業者様でした。 また何かあれば伺いたいと思いました。
Today, I visited for alignment measurement and adjustment. Since I installed the down suspension myself, there was a part where the bolt tightening torque did not come out. He noticed that and even took off the tires and tightened them. It was a reliable contractor who noticed not only the requested work but also the abnormalities around him. I would like to ask if there is anything else.
ひろユキ on Google

パッと見無愛想でとっつきにくい雰囲気のスタッフかなと思いましたが気さくに対応してくれスタットレスタイヤの相談も納得で決めさせてもらいました。 後日岩田社長から直々にシールもらえました。気さくなかたで話ししやすく嬉しかったです。
At first glance, I thought it was a staff member with an unfriendly and difficult atmosphere, but he was kind enough to help me and I was convinced that I could consult with studless tires. Later, President Iwata gave me a sticker directly. I was happy that it was easy to talk to in a friendly manner.

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