Super Autobacs Gifu - Gifu

3.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Super Autobacs Gifu

住所 :

3 Chome-15-8 Usa, Gifu, 500-8368, Japan

電話 : 📞 +887987
Postal code : 500-8368
Webサイト :

3 Chome-15-8 Usa, Gifu, 500-8368, Japan
平田清 on Google

商品が何処にあるか聞こうとしたら、要件を最後まで聞かずに整理券持って待てと言われた。 誰も列んで居ないのに。 他店で買いました。 客1人減っても平気だな。
When I asked where the product was, I was told to wait with a numbered ticket without asking the requirements until the end. No one is in line. I bought it at another store. It's okay if one customer is reduced.
mami kato (move) on Google

商品は2階にあります。 エスカレーターが昇り専用しかなく、下りは階段のみです。 エレベーターがないので、身体が不自由な方には若干ツライかもしれません。 2階に行くと、各々通路の上辺りにこの列にはどの種類があると案内板があり、分かりやすい感じがします。
The product is on the 2nd floor. The escalator is only for climbing, and the descent is only for stairs. Since there is no elevator, it may be a little difficult for people with disabilities. If you go upstairs, there is a guide board at the top of each aisle, which kind of line you have, and it feels easy to understand.
成田祐輝中卒社長 on Google

オイル交換やタイヤ交換でよく利用させて頂いてます。 いつも妻に行ってもらってますが、毎回スタッフの売り込みが激しすぎます。 冬前にアルミ付きスタッドレスに変えてもらったら 「もう溝が全くないので、これでは全く効かないですよ。変えないと危ないので今日変えますね。」 と、言われて僕に妻から電話がありました。 最近だと、 「この夏タイヤはもうスチール出ますよ」 (片減りしてないしまだ変えたばかりだけどね) 「ブレーキパッドも変えましょう」 妻「残り何ミリですか?」 「もうないです」 妻「残り何ミリですか?」 「今見てきます」 「2ミリ以下です」 はからずに言ってくる始末。 ただ前回の車検時は6.5ミリ残っていて それからまだ2万キロ走っただけで4.5ミリ以上もなくなるかい! なので、車や整備の知識が少ない方は 変なセールスをされる覚悟でご来店ください。 ちなみに僕は元整備士です。 資格もあるし、4年整備の仕事してました笑
We often use it for oil changes and tire changes. I have my wife always go there, but every time the staff sells too much. If you changed to studless with aluminum before winter "This doesn't work at all because there are no grooves at all anymore. I will change it today because it is dangerous if I do not change it." My wife called me. Recently, "This summer, tires will already be steel." (I haven't worn out and I've just changed) "Also change the brake pads" Wife "How many millimeters are left?" "No more" Wife "How many millimeters are left?" "I'll see you now" "2 mm or less" It's time to say without hesitation. However, at the last vehicle inspection, 6.5 mm remained After that, I have run 20,000 kilometers and will lose more than 4.5 mm! So if you have little knowledge of cars and maintenance Please come to the store with the determination to do strange sales. By the way, I'm a former mechanic. I have a qualification, and I worked for maintenance for 4 years lol
Holiday N on Google

Both the sales floor staff and the cashier staff are very responsive, and if you want to buy car supplies at a physical store, this is always the place to go.
Keita Kurokawa on Google

The battery ran out in my neighborhood, and I managed to get the road service and rushed in with the engine running. When I called in advance and asked for inventory confirmation, they responded firmly. I did the replacement work myself in the parking lot because the replacement work was so busy that I couldn't make it in time for my business, but I didn't have the tools. It was not possible to rent tools due to the rules of the shop, but the people at the site ran around and exchanged them safely. I was a little happy when the young clerk smiled and said "I'm glad".
Kato “SEBONSO” Seiji on Google

何だかんだで岐阜でカー用品で欲しいものは一番揃ってるかな? ただ土日のオイル交換は避けられる人は避けたほうが良いですね。とにかく待たされることになるでしょうからなるべく平日に。
For some reason, do you have the best car accessories you want in Gifu? However, people who can avoid oil change on Saturdays and Sundays should avoid it. You'll have to wait anyway, so on weekdays as much as possible.
森島秀幸 on Google

カー用品を取り扱うお店。 今回はスタッドレスタイヤの購入検討のため訪れました。 店員さんの方から声をかけてもらえました。タイヤサイズについても純正サイズ以外の提案もしてもらえました。 消費者のニーズに合わせた対応をしてもらえます。よく相談してみると良いと思います!
A store that handles car supplies. This time I visited to consider purchasing studless tires. I got a call from a clerk. We also received suggestions for tire sizes other than genuine sizes. You will be able to respond to the needs of consumers. I think it's a good idea to consult with us!
Juda BenHur (アンデルソン) on Google

Customer service very good.

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