徳樹庵 飯能店

3.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 徳樹庵 飯能店

住所 :

Yanagicho, Hanno, 〒357-0035 Saitama,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8987
Webサイト : https://www.bashamichi.co.jp/tokujyuan/to1146/
Opening hours :
Saturday 11AM–10PM
Sunday 11AM–10PM
Monday 11AM–10PM
Tuesday 11AM–10PM
Wednesday 11AM–10PM
Thursday 11AM–10PM
Friday 11AM–10PM
街 : Saitama

Yanagicho, Hanno, 〒357-0035 Saitama,Japan
Akari F on Google

駐車場は隣のドラッグストアと共有で広めです。とても分かりやすい場所にあります。 先日、彼氏と彼氏のお母様との食事で初めて利用しました。店内の雰囲気が高級感たっぷりで背筋伸びます(笑)料金も高すぎず、ややボリューミーな量で満足です。お料理もとても美味しかったです。
The parking lot is shared and shared with the next drugstore. It is in a very easy-to-understand place. The other day, I used it for the first time with my boyfriend and her mother. The atmosphere in the store is full of luxury and the spine grows (laughs) The price is not too high, and I am satisfied with a slightly volumey amount. The food was very good.

子供の誕生会で利用。雰囲気、料理ともにとても満足できた。 内装が懐石料理屋さんのようだったので会社の集まりや接待にも使えそう。
Used for children's birthday parties. I was very happy with the atmosphere and the food. The interior looks like a kaiseki restaurant, so it can be used for company gatherings and entertainment.
田中太 on Google

青梅や入間の店には行ったことあるけど、ここは初めて。 青梅の店は呼んだとき来るのが遅くてドリンクの提供も遅い。 そして仏頂面。 通路に残飯が載った台車放置だし。 しかしここは早かったし、ニコニコで良かった。 残飯を見ることもなかった。 今度は狭山の店も行ってみよう。
I've been to Oume and Iruma stores, but this is my first time. The Oume store is late to come when you call it, and the drinks are served late. And the top of the Buddha. The dolly with leftover food on the aisle is left alone. However, it was early here, and I'm glad I was smiling. I didn't see any leftover food. Let's go to the Sayama store next time.
はる“ハル” on Google

I went to lunch. It was fairly crowded, but the clerk's response and speed were good. The taste was delicious, but the price is a little high.
ちくわ on Google

広々した個室でゆっくり食事を楽しめます。 料金はファミレスに比べたら少し高いですが、それなりに贅沢している気分に十分なれます。 店員さんのユニフォームも大正ロマン風でいつもと違う雰囲気を楽しめます。 駐車場も広々していますが、周囲の道は狭くせせこましい通りの先なのでそこだけ運転注意です。
You can enjoy your meal slowly in a spacious private room. The price is a little higher than the family restaurant, but you can feel luxurious as it is. The clerk's uniform is also Taisho Roman style and you can enjoy a different atmosphere than usual. The parking lot is spacious, but the surrounding roads are narrow and busy, so be careful when driving.
Lin Yang on Google

Nice individual rooms.
Hector O Mercedfontanez on Google

Good Food.Good Atmosphere.
Zui Hitoe on Google

Japanese style restaurant with family. It was cosy and nice atmosphere and the meal was very satisfying!

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