ナポリの食卓 所沢店

4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact ナポリの食卓 所沢店

Kitanaka, Tokorozawa, 〒359-1101 Saitama,Japan
浜田優子 on Google

食べ放題の焼きたての窯焼きピザを席で選べます。入り口に釜戸があって焼いているところも、見ることが出来ます。生地はサクサク、トッピングも多いのでついつい食べ過ぎちゃいます。程よく小腹が満たされた頃にもちもちのパスタがまた美味しくてペロリと頂けます。こだわりの生パスタと乾麺から選べます 食後に本格的なデザート6種類から選べます
All-you-can-eat freshly-baked kiln-baked pizza can be selected at the table. You can also see where there is a pot at the entrance and baking. The dough is crispy and has many toppings, so I eat too much. When the belly is moderately filled, the pasta is also delicious and savory. You can choose from discerning raw pasta and dry noodles. You can choose from six authentic desserts after meals
スーパードライ on Google

Good for the price. Also, although the rotation is slow, if you make it all-you-can-eat, about 5 kinds of pizza will come around for an unlimited time. Cospa is good.
tagaro on Google

よく分からずに入ったが、ピッツァ食べ放題がメインのチェーン店らしい。 シンプルセットランチを注文。 料理1品+サラダ+ピッツア食べ放題+ドリンクバーで1,500円弱と驚きの価格。料理単品と400円くらいしか変わらないので、セットにせざるを得ない感じだ。 すぐに運ばれたサラダは、昔のファミレス風の残念な見た目と味。 ピッツァは、テーブルに札を立てておくと店員さんが次々に運んでくれるシステム。具は少なめで食べやすいのと、窯焼きの皮が香ばしく、宅配ピザより断然美味い。 ただ、パスタの提供が遅く、ピッツァを4〜5枚食べたところでお腹が膨れて一時休止。 パスタは、エビと夏野菜のクリームバーニャカウダ風を選択。生パスタはモチモチと美味いが、ピッツアの後では重過ぎる。お腹が空いた状態で食べたかった。 ドリンクバーは炭酸水とシロップがあり楽しめた。 かなり食べ過ぎたが、これでこの値段は満足。また利用したい。
I entered without knowing it, but it seems that the main chain restaurant is all-you-can-eat pizza. Order a simple set lunch. One dish + salad + all-you-can-eat Pizza + drink bar for a little less than 1,500 yen. It's only about 400 yen as a single dish, so it feels like a set. The salad delivered immediately had the unfortunate look and taste of an old family restaurant. The pizza is a system in which the store clerk carries the bills on the table one after another. The amount of ingredients is small and easy to eat, and the porcelain of the kiln is fragrant, which is by far the tastier than the home-delivered pizza. However, the provision of pasta was slow, and when I ate 4 to 5 pizzas, I was hungry and paused. For the pasta, choose the cream Bagna cauda style of shrimp and summer vegetables. Fresh pasta is chewy and tasty, but too heavy after pizza. I wanted to eat when I was hungry. The drink bar had carbonated water and syrup and was enjoyable. I ate too much, but I am satisfied with this price. I want to use it again.
lem non on Google

日曜のお昼に来店。お忙しいなかでもスピーディな動きとお客さんへの丁寧な声掛けをしている男性店員さんが好印象でした。 ピザのサイズが大小で差がありましたが 料理の提供スピードもあり満腹、満足させていただきました。
Come to the store at noon on Sunday. Even though I was busy, I was impressed by the male clerk who made speedy movements and politely spoken to customers. There was a difference in the size of the pizza I was satisfied and satisfied with the speed at which the food was served.
Keigo Onozawa on Google

ピザ食べ放題。 食べ放題 + 料理一品 + ドリンクバーで1499円。 +250円でおすすめデザート付 +400円で特選デザート(パフェとか) の3種類のコースがある。 小学生は 食べ放題 + 料理一品 + ドリンクバーで1090円。 食べ放題 + ドリンクバーで990円。 小学生未満の幼児は 食べ放題 + ドリンクバーで400円! 小学生低学年以下では一品料理たべたらもうピザ食べられないもんね。とっても良心的な設定です。 ピザは焼き立てが次々出てくるので美味しい!&楽しい! チョコやはちみつがかかったデザートピザも出してくれるので、デザート付けなくても満足度高いです。 子供の誕生月だったのでなにかスペシャルメニューなどあるか聞いてみたらデザートのお皿にメッセージを書いてくれるとのことなのでお願いしました。 メッセージは名前と年齢も入れてくれて、ろうそくも年の数だけ立ててくれました。店内のBGMもハッピーバースデーに変えてくれて、子供も喜んでいました。 店員さん(店長さんかな?)の対応も素晴らしく、当日にここまで対応してくれるとは思っていなかったので感動しました。 お値段以上のお店ですね。 また行きます!
All-you-can-eat pizza. All-you-can-eat + one dish + 1499 yen at the drink bar. With a recommended dessert for +250 yen Special dessert (parfait, etc.) for +400 yen There are three types of courses. Elementary school students All-you-can-eat + one dish + 1090 yen at the drink bar. All-you-can-eat + 990 yen at the drink bar. Infants under elementary school age All-you-can-eat + 400 yen at the drink bar! If you are in the lower grades of elementary school or younger, you can't eat pizza anymore if you eat a single dish. It's a very conscientious setting. Freshly baked pizza comes out one after another, so it's delicious! &fun! They also serve dessert pizza with chocolate and honey, so you'll be satisfied even if you don't have dessert. It was the birth month of my child, so when I asked him if there was any special menu, he said he would write a message on the dessert plate. The message included the name and age, and the candles were set up for the number of years. The BGM in the store was changed to Happy Birthday, and the children were happy. The clerk (Is it the store manager?) Responded wonderfully, and I was impressed because I didn't expect him to respond so far on the day. It's more than the price. I will go again!
コジT on Google

一品+ドリンクバーにピザ食べ放題がついて1,500円ほどでコスパ最高でした! ピザも焼き立てを高頻度で持ってきてくれるので、大満足です◎
One dish + all-you-can-eat pizza at the drink bar was about 1,500 yen, which was the best cost performance! I am very satisfied with the pizza, which brings me freshly baked pizza frequently.
mtk on Google

Pizza and pasta are also good. For pasta, choose raw noodles. All kinds of pizza are good. The first salad that comes out is a lot and the dressing is good. There are a lot of free drinks, and there are many kinds of tea. Speaking of greed, corn soup is the strongest. The clerk who brings the pizza has a wide variety of responses depending on the part-time job. There is a small partition in the middle of the table as a measure against corona, and it is said that this should not be slipped. This is really a mystery. Even though my family is forced to partition, there is no partition between me and others sitting at another table right behind me. If you think about infection prevention, you should partition by table. I hope this can be improved immediately. I didn't open the windows to ventilate. Have you been confirmed by the health center? What are the employees who proposed this partition thinking? Also, the use of hand dryers in the toilet is prohibited due to infection prevention ... There is no point in prohibiting hand dryers in private rooms ... No other splashes ... A clerk with zero infection prevention knowledge is just imitating I can only think of it. I want you to study at a restaurant. Even I, who is not working at a restaurant, can understand ...
そごうひろよし on Google

近所なのでランチにたまに行きます。 ピザが食べ放題なので割と混んでいますが、待つ価値は十分あります。 普通のピザだけでなくデザートピザもありますし店内の状況によっては乗せる具をお好みで組み合わせて焼いてくれる時もあります。 ガッツリ食べられますので十分満足できると思います。
I go to lunch once in a while because it's a neighborhood. The pizza is all-you-can-eat, so it's quite crowded, but it's well worth the wait. There are not only ordinary pizzas but also dessert pizzas, and depending on the situation inside the store, you may be able to combine and bake the ingredients you like. You can eat it tightly, so I think you will be fully satisfied.

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