(有)日笠農産 一宮営業所

4.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact (有)日笠農産 一宮営業所

住所 :

Yamagata, Tsuyama, 〒708-0813 Okayama,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8887
街 : Okayama

Yamagata, Tsuyama, 〒708-0813 Okayama,Japan
H K on Google

The meat is delicious, but the customer service of the employees is the worst. Can't you use honorifics? At the time of the previous generation, it was a good store, but in the second generation, the customer service became my point of view. Therefore, the hill of beautiful works, Lantreben, may have collapsed. Needless to say, a store that is not heartfelt. When I went to Lantreben for a meal, I sometimes believed in other people's heartless stories and ruined my enjoyable meals. I would like to ask a store where there are people who make people uncomfortable even if they offer delicious food. I will never go again.
山本義正 on Google

旨い肉あれこれあるよ 焼き鳥も ジンギスカン も リーズナブルです?
There are many delicious meats, both yakitori and Genghis Khan are reasonable ?
横田雅弘 on Google

I was recommended to buy it. Everything looks delicious ? I tried to eat dried meat. I was at a loss because the sauce of grilled meat was so lined up ?
masa sawai on Google

津山に行った時には必ずここでお肉を買います。 養豚場直営店なのでぶた肉は最高に美味しいです。 しゃぶしゃぶ用の豚肉は何種類かあってロース、バラ、合などがあります。 購入には1キロまでの制限があります。 他に牛肉などや焼き鳥などもあります。
Whenever I go to Tsuyama, I always buy meat here. The pig meat is the best because it is directly managed by the pig farm. There are several types of pork for shabu-shabu, including loin, roses, and go. There is a limit of 1 kg to purchase. There are also beef and yakitori.
23 TonTon on Google

Rich in Japanese beef, chicken, and sausage including Tsuyama black pork. The yakitori cooked in the store is the best seasoning for beer.
no ya on Google

お世話になってる方からこちらの干し肉を頂きました。 とても美味しくてビックリしました(╹◡╹) GWにお店に行ったのですが 行列で諦めました…( ´ ▽ ` ) 人気なのが納得できる味でした。 ごちそうさまでした♪
I received this dried meat from a person who is indebted to me. It was very delicious and I was surprised (╹◡╹) I went to a store in Golden Week I gave up in the procession ... (´ ▽ `) It was a satisfying taste that was popular. Thank you for your feast ♪
s madcap on Google

世の中にはたくさんの美味しい物がありますが、その中でも日笠農産さんの焼鳥は、 非常に癖になる危険な逸品なのです。 食べると、体内のドーパミンが噴出し、 アドレナリン出まくり、 もう止まらなくなるのです(個人差があります) 一本73円(税抜き) この値段で、この中枢神経系に存在する神経伝達物質が暴れまくるという、とんでもない焼鳥なんです。(個人差があります) 結構辛めの味付けなんで、好みが分かれてしまうかもですが、ハマる人には抜け出せなくなる焼鳥沼が待ってます(個人差…) この焼鳥はオススメですよ
There are a lot of delicious things in the world, and among them, Yasutori from Hikasa Agricultural Products It is a dangerous gem that becomes very addictive. When eaten, dopamine in the body erupts, Rolled out adrenaline, It will not stop anymore (there are individual differences) One 73 yen (excluding tax) It's a ridiculous yakitori that the neurotransmitters in this central nervous system run wild at this price. (There are individual differences) Yakitori swamp is waiting for the addicted person (individual difference…) I recommend this yakitori
chiriko0723 on Google

津山入りすると必ず寄るお店。焼き鳥が絶品! 今まで対応のことを感じたことなかったんですが。今回ばかりは腹が立ちすぎて‼︎(怒) 客は先客1人と当方たちのみ。 真っ直ぐに焼き鳥コーナーに向かい、取ってもらい、まだ他のものがあるのに「レジ、よろしいですか?他にもありますか?」もなく〇〇円ですとレジ打たれ「まだ、買いたいものがある!」肉や冷凍ラーメンを頼みひとつひとつの作業をめんどくさそうな顔をしながらひとつ準備したらレジを打ちレジのカバーを締め、やっとすべてが揃い、支払いを済ませ店から出ようとすると「ありがとうございました。さよならぁ〜」はぁ⁈さよなら⁈しかも小馬鹿にした物臭‼︎2度と来るな‼︎と言われてる感じがして、かなり不快な思いをして出ました!背の高い、細身の女です。星☆☆2コはお肉の価値分!対応だけだったら星はひとつもやりたくない!
A shop that you will definitely stop by when you enter Tsuyama. Yakitori is excellent! I've never felt a response before. This time I'm too angry! ︎ (angry) There is only one customer and us. I went straight to the yakitori corner and asked them to pick it up, and even though there were still other things, there was no "Registration, are you sure? Is there anything else?" I asked for meat and frozen ramen, and while making each work look annoying, I prepared one by one, hit the cash register, closed the cover of the cash register, finally got everything, paid and tried to leave the store "Thank you. Goodbye ~ "haa⁈ Goodbye⁈ And a ridiculous odor‼ ︎ Never come again! I felt like I was being told, and I felt quite uncomfortable! A tall, slender woman. Stars ☆☆ 2 are worth the meat! I don't want to do any stars if it's just a response!

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