Yamadamochi Honten - Nagoya

4.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Yamadamochi Honten

住所 :

1 Chome-18 Mizuhotori, Mizuho Ward, Nagoya, Aichi 467-0806, Japan

電話 : 📞 +88
Postal code : 467-0806
Webサイト : https://www.yamadamochihonten.co.jp/

1 Chome-18 Mizuhotori, Mizuho Ward, Nagoya, Aichi 467-0806, Japan
武さんの旅 on Google

I love Kusa Mochi from this shop. Each person has a different taste, so I'm not responsible for the taste, but I like it ??
ひでーる3世 on Google

このお店の草餅が好きで通っています。 最近はずんだ餡ののったあやめ団子と古代米のおはぎにもハマっています。 本当に美味しいお店です♪
I like the kusa mochi in this shop and go there. I'm also addicted to Ayame dumplings with bean paste and ancient rice dumplings. It's a really delicious restaurant ♪
kents egg on Google

名古屋市博物館の向かいにあります。 草餅、麩餅(サンキラ)、大福、豆大福、おはぎ、鬼まんじゅう、ういろ、どら焼きなど和菓子の種類が多くて、見たことないものもありました。とても迷います。 ゆかりおはぎは、ゆかりやごまの塩味とぎっしりつまったあんこの甘さのコントラストが美味しかったです。見た目も可愛らしいです。
It is opposite the Nagoya City Museum. There are many types of Japanese sweets such as Kusa Mochi, Sankira, Daifuku, Mame Daifuku, Ohagi, Oni Manju, Uiro, and Dorayaki, and I have never seen them. I am very lost. Yukari Ohagi had a delicious contrast between the saltiness of Yukari and sesame and the sweetness of the bean paste. It looks pretty too.
松岡君代 on Google

I've been buying it for many years, but the taste of the bean paste hasn't changed, and the mochi is the best. Mochi = Yamada mochi at my home. Daifuku, ohagi, kinako mochi, and kusa mochi are all delicious, aren't they?
E. Honda on Google

祖母のお使いに和菓子の詰め合わせを買いに行ったのですが、和菓子音痴の自分と一緒に選んで貰えたの助かりました。きびもちといいおいしかったです。 ただ、有名店故に路駐がひどいのでそこの対策をなんとかしてほしい。
I went to buy an assortment of Japanese sweets for my grandmother's messenger, but it was a great help for me to choose it with myself. It was delicious with millet mochi. However, because it is a famous store, the roadside is terrible, so I would like you to take some measures there.
326 epk on Google

餅は最高、一部客層は最低。 どのお品物も非常に柔らかく美味しいお餅で、季節の折に家族と楽しんだり、実家へ持ち帰り、みな絶賛です。 いつも変わらないクオリティを提供してくれる山田餅さんには感謝しかありません。 一方で他のコメントにもあるように、一部購入者のマナーは非常にお粗末です。 店の駐車場が確保されており、お店側も注意喚起を頂いているにも関わらず、警察署が目の前にあるにも関わらず、路駐が日常的に見受けられます。 先日、娘を抱き抱えながら餅を選んでいると、「幾つ買ってるだよ…」と後ろから舌打ちと共に悪態をつかれました。どうやら路駐しており、焦っているっしゃった様子。お店の方より「袋おまけしておきますね…」とホスピタリティある心遣いを頂きましたが、何とも後味が悪かったです。 路駐の経験のある方へ 商店街の中で駐車の難しい場所かもしれません。それでもあなたの路駐で不快な思いをしている人がいます。自身の行動を今一度内省して頂きたいです。最高のお餅が台無しです。
Mochi is the best, and some customers are the worst. All the items are very soft and delicious rice cakes, which are highly acclaimed for enjoying with your family during the seasons or taking them home. I am only grateful to Mr. Yamada Mochi for providing the same quality all the time. On the other hand, as mentioned in other comments, the manners of some purchasers are very poor. The parking lot of the store is secured, and despite the fact that the store has been alerted, even though the police station is in front of you, you can see the road station on a daily basis. The other day, when I was picking mochi while hugging my daughter, I was cursed with a tongue-in-cheek from behind saying, "How many are you buying ...". Apparently he was stationed on the road and was impatient. The shop staff gave me a hospitality saying, "I'll give you a bag as a bonus ...", but the aftertaste was really bad. For those who have experience of being on the road It may be a difficult place to park in the shopping district. Still, there are people who are uncomfortable with your station. I would like you to reflect on your own actions once again. The best rice cake is ruined.
達磨寅次郎 on Google

名古屋の和菓子屋の名店! 駐車場あるにも関わらず、路駐する高級車が後を絶たない。 豆大福が美味い!
A famous Japanese sweets shop in Nagoya! Despite the parking lot, there are no end to luxury cars parked on the road. Mame Daifuku is delicious!
qianzao shangen on Google

桜山にある老舗和菓子店です。 餅系の商品がメインですが、大きな黒糖蒸しパンも美味しかったです。 この日は桜おこわ540円も購入。 夕飯の時に蓋を開けると桜の良い香りが漂います。 大人2人で分けても充分な量でした。 お陰様で春の彩りが映えて豊かな気持ちになれる夕食になりました。
It is a long-established Japanese sweets shop in Sakurayama. Mainly mochi-based products, but the large steamed brown sugar bread was also delicious. On this day, I bought Sakura Okowa for 540 yen. If you open the lid at dinner, you will find a nice scent of cherry blossoms. It was enough even if it was divided by two adults. Thanks to you, the color of spring shines and it is a supper that makes you feel rich.

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