Yakiton Hayashiya Ikebukuro Nishiguchi Honten

3.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Yakiton Hayashiya Ikebukuro Nishiguchi Honten

住所 :

Ikebukuro, Toshima City, 〒170-0014 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +897
Webサイト : https://hayashiya-inc.co.jp/
街 : Tokyo

Ikebukuro, Toshima City, 〒170-0014 Tokyo,Japan
Terry Dai on Google

not serve non-Japanese speaking person
Yih Jing Sen on Google

Walked all the way there and got rejected because they simply just dont accept non japanese speaking customers. ?
f siah on Google

No big deal, just an average mediocre restauran. if u don’t speak Japanese they will not let you in the restaurant
Johnny Lai on Google

To Japan travel many times for the first time do not want to receive foreign tourists restaurant This should not be in 2020 to bid for the Tokyo Olympic city where the hospitality of the way If your restaurant is not willing to receive foreign visitors please at the door of your shop and the Internet above the foreigners do not enter the words to avoid foreigners suffer your restaurant so unreasonable treatment
Luke on Google

Never, in my travels, have I been turned away by a restaurant simply because I can’t speak Japanese. We even offered to read the Japanese menu with a translator app and still got turned away which makes me believe that it’s not a language issue but a ethnic issue or just a general lack of welcoming towards foreigner. We weren’t turned down in even miyajima and Shirahama where the two restaurants were run by people who had zero English skills while the server at this restaurant clearly has some sort of English speaking ability as he explained to us in English that we can’t come in because we’re not Japanese. Shame on the server and shame on whoever runs this business.
Hk adoublewood on Google

It was 7.30pm tonight, 4 of us wanted to wait for a table but the waiter just refused to even let us wait for one, we are tourists and there were 2 other (Japaneese speaking) people waiting for a table. We said we could come back in an hour or even longer, the waiter just told us it's not a problem of time, but did not explain further. It can't be worst than this.
Marek Bartovic on Google

Great food, fantastic atmosphere! Sadly no english menu and a bit too more expensive for a yakitori place but excellent in every other way! 1 drink minimum and also the “japanese tip”/starter is mandatory, keep that in mind.
Martin Chen on Google

The foods are nice and not expensive , the waiters are very friendly.

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