Yakiniku Ushigatari - Osaka

4.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Yakiniku Ushigatari

住所 :

1 Chome-6-18 Fukushima, Fukushima Ward, Osaka, 553-0003, Japan

電話 : 📞 +89
Postal code : 553-0003
Webサイト : https://www.ushigatari.com/

1 Chome-6-18 Fukushima, Fukushima Ward, Osaka, 553-0003, Japan
黒田圭一 on Google

The taste, price, cleanliness, atmosphere, everything is high quality. A shop that you won't regret going to.
たかはしともみ on Google

I really want you to try Hatsu sashimi. Although it is an amateur tongue, I can recommend it with confidence. Since it's a yakiniku restaurant, the meat is carefully prepared, and it doesn't have any strange odors or habits, so I think it's a taste that everyone will enjoy. If you come to Osaka, please do.
奥雅恵 on Google

最近ホルモンにハマっていて見つけたこちらの大阪にあるお店。テッチャンがめっちゃ美味しかったのが最高でした〜? 赤身も味が強くて私好み! 禁煙だから純粋に焼肉を楽しみたい人にはいいと思います♪
I recently found this shop in Osaka because I was addicted to hormones. It was great that Techan was really delicious ~ ? The lean meat has a strong taste and I like it! I think it is good for people who want to enjoy yakiniku purely because it is non-smoking ♪
Miyuu Moro on Google

厚切りタンを求めて大阪焼肉屋探訪〜 お肉が綺麗で噛めば噛むほど旨い。テッチャンもおすすめ。完全禁煙の店で、焼き網のすぐ上に換気口があるのでよくあるチェーンの焼肉屋にくらべて匂いも付きにくいように思う。
Visiting an Osaka yakiniku restaurant in search of thick-sliced ​​tongue ~ The meat is beautiful and the more you chew it, the more delicious it is. Techan is also recommended. It's a completely non-smoking shop, and there is a ventilation port just above the gridiron, so I think it's harder to smell than a typical chain yakiniku restaurant.
Ouko Kin on Google

It was really delicious. I don't usually eat yakiniku so much, so I came here again on the recommendation of a friend who lives in Osaka, but I ordered more and more because the fat balance was just right and it was easy to eat and the meat quality was good. The inside of the store was clean and easy to spend.
ぽんぽこ on Google

福島ならココ!とおすすめされて行ってきました。かなり上品な焼肉屋で、デートでも使いやすいお店だと思います。禁煙だし、肉の煙もしっかり吸ってくれるから臭いが気になりません。 ハツ刺しが感動的に美味しかった!あとホルモン。鮮度と処理にこだわってるから、驚きの食べやすさです。 さすがの高級店でした!!
Click here for Fukushima! I was recommended and went. It's a very elegant yakiniku restaurant, and I think it's easy to use even on a date. It's non-smoking and it sucks meat smoke well so you don't have to worry about the smell. The heart sashimi was touchingly delicious! And hormones. It's surprisingly easy to eat because we are particular about freshness and processing. It was a luxury store! !!
Taka Haru on Google

地元のおすすめできる焼肉屋さん! 禁煙なのが女性や家族連れにとってはとても嬉しい場面が多いんじゃないでしょうか? 初めて最上牛をこのお店で食べたんですが、お肉の脂がしつこくなくて、ほぼ旨み。好きな牛です☺️ お店の雰囲気的にも大阪デートの〆に利用できると思います!
A local recommended yakiniku restaurant! I think there are many situations where smoking cessation is very happy for women and families. I ate the best beef at this restaurant for the first time, but the fat of the meat was not persistent and it was almost delicious. This is my favorite cow ☺️ I think it can be used for Osaka dates because of the atmosphere of the shop!
Jason Wong on Google

Great food and service for a very reasonable prive. Was an amazing experience!!

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