Yajisan Satomi - Ichihara

4.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Yajisan Satomi

住所 :

348 Hirano, Ichihara, Chiba 290-0541, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8979
Postal code : 290-0541
Webサイト : https://yajisann.storeinfo.jp/pages/2430380/page_201812040951
Opening hours :
Saturday 11AM–2PM
Sunday 11AM–2PM
Monday 11AM–2PM
Tuesday 11AM–2PM
Wednesday Closed
Thursday 11AM–2PM
Friday 11AM–2PM

348 Hirano, Ichihara, Chiba 290-0541, Japan
れっつごーゆうじ on Google

高滝湖から近くのお店です。 潔いほどシンプルなメニュー。 かなりボリュームがあり、大食漢の自分でも大盛りは凄かった(笑)ちなみに焼きそばは3人前食べるくらいの胃袋サイズですが迫力に負けました。 年配のご夫婦と思われる方々でやっていらっしゃいましたが、小さな子供に竹で作ったやじろべえを頂いたりと親切にしていただきました。 とろろは流石に美味しかったです。 卵は朝の産みたてとのことでした。 車を止めるところがあまり無いのでお昼時は早めに伺ったほうがいいかもしれません。
It is a shop near Lake Takataki. The menu is as simple as it gets. It was quite voluminous, and even I, a big eater, had a great serving (laughs) By the way, yakisoba was about the size of a stomach for 3 servings, but I lost the power. It was done by people who seemed to be an elderly couple, but I was kind enough to have a small child give me a bamboo stick. Tororo was delicious as expected. It was said that the eggs were freshly laid in the morning. There aren't many places to stop the car, so it may be better to visit early at noon.
Takeshi Ikeda on Google

たっぷりの「とろろご飯」が食べられるお店です。並盛でも結構なボリュームですよ。とろろは味が付いていますが、いっしょについてくるお醤油とわさびでお好みの味に調整するもよしです。とろろ自体も美味しいですが、ご飯もまた絶品ですね。 「とろろご飯」を待つあいだ、店内の骨董品をじっくりと見て回るのもまた一興。
It is a restaurant where you can eat plenty of "tororo rice". It's a good volume even if it's average. The tororo is flavored, but you can adjust it to your taste with the soy sauce and wasabi that comes with it. The tororo itself is delicious, but the rice is also excellent. While waiting for "Tororo rice", it is also fun to take a closer look at the antiques in the store.

Two elderly couples are working together. The menu is simple. The tororo is sticky and very delicious. Rice is usually a lot, so I think it's better to tell you that it's a little. There is a parking space, but there is only one parking space, and it may not be possible to enter depending on how the bike or bicycle is placed.
ciba funabashi on Google

ご親切な老夫婦が営業される食堂でした。 以前から行きたい場所に登録して本日叶いました。 メニューはシンプルでトロロ飯に玉子飯にカレーライスです。 口コミでトロロが人気だったので注文しましたが大盛にしたら物凄い量で大満足お味も美味しかったです。 次はカレーライスと玉子飯を注文します。 お店の裏には小湊鉄道線が走ってて、撮り鉄の方々の人気スポットが直ぐ側に有ります。 機関車も走ってました! 高滝ダムも直ぐ側ですし色々と散策して来ました。
It was a dining room where a kind old couple was open. I registered at the place I wanted to go from before and it came true today. The menu is simple, with trolley rice, egg rice and curry rice. I ordered it because the trolley was popular by word of mouth, but when I made it big, it was a tremendous amount and the taste was very satisfying. Next, I will order curry rice and egg rice. The Kominato Railway Line runs behind the shop, and the popular spots of the people of Taketetsu are right next to it. The locomotive was also running! The Takataki Dam is also on the immediate side and I have been taking a walk in various ways.
takayama s_ on Google

働き者の女将さん 外に出てまで案内してくれる。 時間がかかりますが大丈夫ですか?って、全ての人に気を遣ってもらえる。 寡黙な店主。 結構強めに女将さんに指示する声… でもそれも昔の夫婦の感じがしていいね。 亡くなったおじいちゃんとおばあちゃんの事を思い出す。 美味しいとろろ定食。 750円。 とても安くて安心。 また来ます。
Hard-working landlady It will guide you to the outside. It takes time, but is it okay? That's why everyone cares. A quiet shopkeeper. A voice instructing the landlady quite strongly ... But it also feels like an old couple. I remember my late grandpa and grandma. Delicious tororo set meal. 750 yen. Very cheap and safe. I will come again.
土屋治夫 on Google

出汁で伸ばしたトロトロとろろ飯 絶妙な味付けで美味しい お婆ちゃんが帰りの見送りまでしてくれる ここは旅館?と錯覚してしまうぐらいで食事して良かったと感じさせられた あえて言わしてもらう ここのとろろ飯のご飯ではなく飲み物だ-w
Tororo rice stretched with soup stock Exquisitely seasoned and delicious Grandma will even see you off on your way home Is this an inn? It made me feel that it was good to eat I dare to say It's a drink, not the simmering rice here-w
K T on Google

とろろに味がしっかりついていてとっても美味しかったです!! お味噌汁も美味しかった! 店内は古いですがお婆ちゃん家みたいで落ち着きます。 ご飯の量がかなりボリューミーでたくさん食べたい男性には嬉しいと思います。 女性には並盛りが大盛りくらいの量でした。
The taste was very good and it was very delicious! !! The miso soup was also delicious! The inside of the store is old, but it feels like a grandmother's house. I think it's great for men who want to eat a lot because the amount of rice is quite volumey. For women, it was a large amount.
くま on Google

初の来店! とろろ飯、卵かけご飯とカレーの3種だけの店! 駐車スペースは有るもののラインなど無いので、どう止めていいやら?? 困っていたら、直ぐに中からお母さんが出て来て案内してくれました✌️ とろろ飯注文(卵付き) とろろは味付きで、そのままでも十分美味しい? ワサビで味変したり、卵(新鮮なのがわかるオレンジ色でモッコリ!)かけてさらにマイルドに! 普通盛りで十分の量! 今度はカレー?に挑戦しよう!
First visit! A shop with only 3 types of rice, tororo rice, omelet rice and curry! There is a parking space, but there is no line, so how can I stop it? ? If I was in trouble, my mother immediately came out and guided me ✌️ Tororo rice order (with egg) Tororo is flavored and delicious enough as it is ? You can change the taste with wasabi, or sprinkle eggs (orange color that you can see fresh!) To make it even milder! A normal serving is enough! Let's challenge curry ? this time!

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