ManYosi - Kurayoshi

4.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact ManYosi

住所 :

766 Nakanocho, Kurayoshi, Tottori 682-0824, Japan

電話 : 📞 +888778
Postal code : 682-0824
Webサイト :

766 Nakanocho, Kurayoshi, Tottori 682-0824, Japan
広瀬真 on Google

A long-established restaurant and restaurant that represents Kurayoshi. You can enjoy the taste of the season.
河本に直樹 on Google

地元なのに初めてお邪魔しました、敷居が高いイメージがありましたもので! 店内は昔ながらの造りながら、風情のある雰囲気!お勧め料理を頂きました!
Even though I was a local, I visited for the first time, because I had an image of a high threshold! The interior of the store is old-fashioned, yet has a tasteful atmosphere! I got a recommended dish!
Junichi Kawakami on Google

Unfortunately, I haven't been to the store recently, but I ordered Osechi. I was very satisfied with the contents carefully made. There are variations from traditional dishes such as rice making to dishes that children like like shrimp gratin, so it is just right for families to eat. Next time I will go to the store.
Keiichi Takahata on Google

思ったより高級なお店でした。平日のランチが無かったので、天丼を頂きました。サクサクの天ぷらとごはんとタレが別々になって出てきます。少々お高く量は少なめです。歴史を感じるお店の雰囲気が良かったです。 お店前の駐車場は、大きい車だと駐めにくいかも知れません。
It was a higher-class shop than I expected. I didn't have lunch on weekdays, so I had a bowl of tendon. Crispy tempura, rice and sauce come out separately. It's a little expensive and the amount is small. The atmosphere of the shop where you can feel the history was good. The parking lot in front of the store may be difficult to park if you have a large car.
康K on Google

The atmosphere of the store was good. The friendliness of the employees was also good. I ate sukiyaki of Tottori beef, but I could eat good meat cheaply.
田中正典 on Google

令和4年 桜満開時のお昼時に利用です。当日のお店にたどり着く10分前に電話を入れてOKとなりました。 喜太亭(きたてい)は倉吉弁で(またきたでぇ)から由来とのこと。 ですから屋号は喜太亭(万よし)。 打吹山山上がお店テーブル席の窓越しから眺める庭園の借景になっています。どんなに多くの方々がこの席からゆっくりとした心持ちで食事と談話をして打吹山を愛でたことでしょうか。 今日もまた心をこめたお料理(喜太亭 万よし)にて日本古来の建築様式を民芸風な料亭形式で取り入れ、静かな雰囲気でゆっくりと寛ぎの空間の中で、心をこめた日本料理を食することができて満足です。 運ばれたお造り定食は一品一品が器に美しく盛り付けられ全体が見た目にパット冴え渡ります。 味は上品な薄味で素材の味が十二分に引き出されています。 今日はテーブル席で頂きました。 意図的にコロナ感染予防対策で位置がずらされた隣のテーブル席には既に一組二人の若者がマスク姿で控え目な会話で食事を待っています。 暫くすると給仕の方が部屋に入り、私たちを先に注文を聞こうとされましたが、よくよく見ると二人の若者が私たちよりも前からずっと注文に来る給仕の方を待っている状況が分かったのでその順番通りを給仕の方へ促すと、二人の若者は(いやいや、そちらの方どうぞ)と順番をお譲りです。 有りがたくご好意をお受けしました。給仕の方も若者のご好意に感謝しながら気持ちよく対応なされました。 料理は先に運ばれてきましたので(お先に頂きます)と二人に声を掛け、先に席を立つ際には(どうも有り難う)とお礼を伝えました。 (喜太亭)にまた来た際には(また来たでぇ!)と静かに告げたくなった今日のお昼の食事でした。
It is used at noon when the cherry blossoms are in full bloom in the 4th year of Reiwa. I made a phone call 10 minutes before arriving at the shop on the day and it was OK. It is said that Kitatei is derived from Kurayoshi dialect. Therefore, the shop name is Kitatei (Manyoshi). Utsubukiyama is a borrowed view of the garden from the window of the shop table seats. How many people loved Utsubukiyama by having a leisurely meal and talking from this seat. Today as well, we have adopted the traditional Japanese architectural style in a folk art style restaurant style with heartfelt cuisine (Kita-tei Manyoshi), and in a quiet atmosphere and a relaxing space, Japan wholeheartedly. I am happy to be able to eat the food. The sashimi set meals that are carried are beautifully presented one by one in a bowl, and the whole looks crisp. The taste is elegant and light, and the taste of the ingredients is fully brought out. I had a table seat today. A pair of two young people are already wearing masks and waiting for a meal in a humble conversation at the next table seat, which was intentionally displaced due to corona infection prevention measures. After a while, the waiter entered the room and tried to ask us for the order first, but if you look closely, two young people have been waiting for the waiter to come to the order long before us. Now that I understand the situation, I urge the waiters to follow the order, and the two young people give up their turn (no, no, please). Thank you for your kindness. The waiters were also grateful for the kindness of the young people and responded comfortably. The food was brought in first (I'll have it first), so I called out to them and thanked them when I left the seat first (thank you very much). When I came back to (Kita-tei), I wanted to quietly say (I came again!) It was today's lunch meal.
Tokyo Japan on Google

ランチで伺いました。 喜太亭定食を注文したしていただきました。 お味は最高でした。一品一品ですが味も濃くなくて素材のお味を生かしたお料理でした。窓から見えるお庭も綺麗で楽しい一時を過ごす事が出来ました。スタッフの方々もとても親切でした。 緊急事態宣言の影響ですねランチの時間帯でしたが土曜日なのにお客さんは1人も居ませんでした。
I visited for lunch. I ordered the Kitatei set meal. The taste was great. It was a dish that made the best use of the taste of the ingredients, although it was a dish one by one, but the taste was not strong. The garden seen from the window was also beautiful and I was able to have a good time. The staff were also very kind. It was the influence of the state of emergency. It was lunch time, but there were no customers even though it was Saturday.
M Matsushita on Google

ぬく寿司が食べられるお店。 セイロに入った熱々のぬく寿司がてでくるのでとても美味しい。なかなか冷めない。 さすが山陰!刺身が新鮮でイイ。 見た目も味も値段もリーズナブル。 倉吉のオススメ昼食です。
A shop where you can eat warm sushi. The hot sushi in the sushi is served, so it's very delicious. It doesn't get cold easily. As expected, Sanin! The sashimi is fresh and good. The appearance, taste and price are reasonable. Kurayoshi's recommended lunch.

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