ネイチャーパークかさがた - Taka District

4.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact ネイチャーパークかさがた

住所 :

Yachiyoku Oya, Taka, Taka District, 〒677-0101 Hyogo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +879
Postal code : 677-0101
Webサイト : http://nature-park.hippy.jp/
街 : Hyogo

Yachiyoku Oya, Taka, Taka District, 〒677-0101 Hyogo,Japan
Jacky Kasuga on Google

I caught Yoshinobori in a beautiful stream (I missed it later). The cottage was well cleaned and very clean and satisfied. The provided insecticidal spray was out of use and could not be used, but it is a minor thing compared to the overall impression.
あのぴ on Google

まだ行ってはないが、電話での応対はとても親切丁寧で今から行くのが楽しみです 追記 実際に行ってみたところ、部屋はロフト付きで広く布団も最初から数人分は用意されており、お風呂やトイレ、キッチンなど掃除も行き届いておりとても良かった。ベランダには張り出しの屋根があるので雨でもBBQができるのが大変良いです。受付の方も親切だったしリピートしたい場所でした
I haven't been there yet, but the telephone response is very kind and polite and I'm looking forward to going from now on. postscript When I actually went there, the room was large with a loft, and futons were prepared for several people from the beginning, and the bath, toilet, kitchen, etc. were thoroughly cleaned, which was very good. The balcony has an overhanging roof, so it's great to have a BBQ even in the rain. The receptionist was also kind and it was a place I wanted to repeat
アキソウ on Google

9/5㈯に、コテージを利用させていただきました。 11:00に現地に到着。BBQの食材だけでもコテージの冷蔵庫に入れさせてもらえないか、とお願いしたら、「もうチェックインしてただいても構いませんよ」と、とても親切な対応をしていただきました。 予約必要なアマゴ掴みも、楽しく美味しくいただきました。 すぐそばにキレイな川があり、浅いところと深いところがありますが、浮き輪とライフジャケットがあれば、子供もかなり楽しめます。 コテージ自体は新しいものではありませんが、とても風情があってすごく落ち着く場所です。 管理人の方?も、柔軟で親切な対応をしてくださったので、とても気持ちよく過ごせました。 近くにコンビニはなく、Aコープという小さなスーパーがあります。BBQなどの食材をたくさん買ってから行くのであれば、少し離れていますがイオンに行ってから現地に行くのが無難です。 近くにリフレッシュパーク市川という、カブトムシのドームがあります。 温泉も、せせらぎの湯という、銭湯があるので利用されると良いかと。
I used the cottage on 9/5. Arrived at the site at 11:00. When I asked if I could put only the BBQ ingredients in the refrigerator of the cottage, he said, "It's okay to check in already." The amago grab, which requires a reservation, was also fun and delicious. There is a beautiful river right next to it, and there are shallow and deep areas, but if you have a float and a life jacket, children can enjoy it a lot. The cottage itself is not new, but it is a very tasteful and very relaxing place. Are you a caretaker? However, he was very flexible and kind, so I felt very comfortable. There is no convenience store nearby, and there is a small supermarket called A-COOP. If you go after buying a lot of ingredients such as BBQ, it is safe to go to Aeon and then to the site, although it is a little far away. There is a beetle dome called Refresh Park Ichikawa nearby. The hot spring also has a public bath called Seseragi no Yu, so I thought it would be good to use it.
じのくん on Google

I used it as an accommodation to use the Takino Country Club Yachiyo course, and I am very satisfied with the price and service! ️
on Google

川遊びのみ* 無料駐車場あり。小さい子が遊べる浅瀬から 少し歩くと大人が泳げるスポットまであり、楽しめます。魚やカニもいました。申し込みするとBBQやキャンプ、アマゴつかみもできるようです。
Playing in the river only * Free parking available. From shallow waters where small children can play to spots where adults can swim after a short walk, you can enjoy it. There were also fish and crabs. If you apply, you can also grab BBQ, camping, and amago.
Ryuya 4319 on Google

最高ですね! ソフトバンクの回線なら、 コテージまで届くようになってたり 受付には、フリーWi-Fiがあったり、 かなり進化していました! さらに、川遊びが出来たり、 釣り、魚のつかみ取りなど 家族で楽しめます! これが人気の出る理由ですね!
It's the best! For Softbank lines It has come to reach the cottage There is free Wi-Fi at the reception, It has evolved considerably! In addition, you can play in the river Fishing, catching fish, etc. Enjoy with your family! This is why it's so popular!
s t on Google

1泊2日でコテージを利用しました。まず周囲の山が人工杉が沢山あり広葉樹が少ない為、蜂が少なく蚊にも一切刺されなかったので子連れや女性の方はオススメかと思います。 コテージも大きく設備も良いのでゆっくり楽しめました♪アマゴ掴みも出来き、掴み取りした後すぐに炭火焼きしたのですごく美味しかったです^^ 施設のスタッフの対応の良さに料金や設備を考慮しても個人的に星5でした(笑)
I used the cottage for 2 days and 1 night. First of all, since there are many artificial cedars in the surrounding mountains and few hardwoods, there were few bees and no mosquito bites at all, so I think it is recommended for children and women. The cottage is large and the facilities are good so I enjoyed it slowly ♪ I was able to grab an egg and it was grilled on charcoal right after I grabbed it so it was delicious ^ ^ Even if you consider the fee and facilities for the good response of the staff of the facility, it was a star 5 personally (lol)
Thanh vinh Nguyen on Google

Thiên nhiên thoáng mát đẹp bạn có thể hưởng một mùa hè với gia đình
Beautiful cool nature you can enjoy a summer with your family

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