Wine Bar G

4.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Wine bar G -

Wine bar G

大阪府大阪市都島区片町2-5-7 ロッソ京橋 4F
(月) 19:00~23:00 (LO)23:30(close)
(火~金・祝前日)17:00~25:00 (LO)26:00(close)
(土・祝日) 16:00~25:00 (LO)26:00(close)
(日) 16:00~23:00 (LO)24:00(close)
※月曜祝日の場合は25:00 (LO)26:00(close)

Contact Wine Bar G

住所 :

Katamachi, Miyakojima Ward, 〒534-0025 Osaka,Japan

電話 : 📞 +879
Webサイト :
街 : Osaka

Katamachi, Miyakojima Ward, 〒534-0025 Osaka,Japan
フジイヒサシ on Google

ワイン素人でも美味しい好みのワインが見つかる あとトイレがキレイ
Even wine amateurs can find delicious wine The restroom is beautiful
やまもとけんじ on Google

I have to go once! I don't know how to say what sake and food will come out!
きゃみぃ on Google

A wine bar that I've always wanted to visit. The calm atmosphere is good. It is a bar that you want to stop by.
blanc wanwan on Google

The interior is refreshing from the appearance of a shop of Mr. Konomi, who is a famous sommelier of Osaka, Mr. Kogori who is like Gorgo. It is a shop with a feeling of opening though it is small although I can see the outside scenery. Of course, the choice of wine is perfect, it is one that you can drink pleasantly.
ピロ式 on Google

A shop with an atmosphere but casual feeling. Although it is not large, there is no feeling of oppression because the outside can be seen from the window. Even if you have no knowledge of wine, you can rest assured that the owner will help you. There doesn't seem to be much type of food.
服部祥三 on Google

京橋のベースさんの近く、ビル4階で少し分かりにくいですがエレベーターがあるのでベースさんよりいいです。 カウンター。だけですが京橋の夜景を見ながらマスターのセレクトミュージックを聞きながら飲むワインは最高です。
It's a little difficult to understand on the 4th floor of the building near Kyobashi's base, but it's better than base because there is an elevator. counter. However, the wine I drink while watching the night view of Kyobashi and listening to the master's select music is the best.
森秀子 on Google

There were many kinds of wine, and it was fashionable in a calm atmosphere.
IZ Yuta on Google

京橋にはない落ち着いた空間でゆっくりとお酒を嗜みたい人にはかなりオススメの隠れ家的Barです。 Wine Barというだけあり、Wineの種類が豊富です。 マスターがソムリエなのでWine初心者から勉強にもなる京橋には少ないBarだと思います。 BGMも90年代の曲が多く落ち着く空間でした。
It is a hideaway bar that is highly recommended for those who want to relax and enjoy alcohol in a calm space not found in Kyobashi. There is only a Wine Bar, and there are many types of Wine. Since the master is a sommelier, I think that there are few bars in Kyobashi where you can study from wine beginners. BGM was also a calm space with many songs from the 90's.

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