Watanabe - Sumida City

4.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Watanabe

住所 :

石野ビル 3 Chome-1-5 Yokokawa, Sumida City, Tokyo 130-0003, Japan

電話 : 📞 +88898
Postal code : 130-0003
Webサイト : https://www.facebook.com/yakitoriwatanabe/
Opening hours :
Saturday 4–11:30PM
Sunday Closed
Monday 5–11:30PM
Tuesday 5–11:30PM
Wednesday 5–11:30PM
Thursday 5–11:30PM
Friday 5–11:30PM

石野ビル 3 Chome-1-5 Yokokawa, Sumida City, Tokyo 130-0003, Japan
DJタクロー on Google

焼鳥が好物であちこちのお店で食べていますがコスパが良く好きなお店です。錦糸町駅からも押上駅からもそこそこ歩く割りに下町特有の地元常連客ばかりのような感じなども一切なく、こざっぱりした良い雰囲気なので初めてでも安心できます。最近すぐ近くに一品料理メインの2号店もできました。 近くにお店がたくさんあるエリアではないのでもし混んでいて入れないと他にフォローがきかなくなります。金曜とか混む日は行く前に電話がお薦めです。
Yakitori is my favorite food and I eat it at many places, but I like the cospa well. There is no feeling like a local patron who is unique to the downtown area at all, even from Kinshicho station and Oshiage station, so you can feel safe even for the first time because it is a neat and neat atmosphere. Recently, the second shop of the main dish was opened soon. Even if it is not an area with lots of shops nearby, if it is crowded, you will not be able to follow other things. Calling before going on Fridays and busy days is recommended.
渡辺ごう on Google

焼鳥が美味しいと聞いて行ってきました。 期待が大きいあまり少し残念でした。 普通には美味しかったですが、、
I heard that yakitori is delicious. It was a little disappointing because of the high expectations. It was usually delicious, but ...
pmpmprn on Google

賛育会病院の裏にあるお店でちょっとわかりにくいところにあります。 5.6回ほど来店しました 金曜日だと18時台に来れば全然空いていますが20時ころには満席になってしまうのでいつも来店前に電話で確認してから行くようにしています! 店内はカウンター数席とテーブルが少しあるくらいで店内はそこまで広くありませんがとても落ち着ける雰囲気 ここはほぼ鳥のメニューしかないので鳥以外も食べたいという人には向かなそうですが希少部位なども置いていておいしいです。 私はほとんど白レバーしか食べません。かなり白レバーのクオリティは高いと思います。 他の串もおいしいですが白レバーだけとびぬけておいしいのでぜひ来たときは食べてほしいです。
It's a little confusing at the shop behind San'ikukai Hospital. I visited the store about 5.6 times On Fridays, if you come around 18:00, it will be completely vacant, but it will be full around 20:00, so I always check by phone before coming to the store before going! The inside of the store is not so large with a few counter seats and a few tables, but it has a very calm atmosphere. There is almost only a bird menu here, so it seems to be suitable for people who want to eat other than birds, but it is delicious with rare parts. I eat almost only white liver. I think the quality of the white lever is quite high. Other skewers are also delicious, but only the white liver is by far the best, so I definitely want you to eat it when you come.
M ikel on Google

平日2030過ぎ。コロナ騒動の中でも店内はほぼ満席状態。人気店なんだなぁと実感。 口コミを見ながら気になるメニューをオーダー。 ・極上レモンサワー 氷らせたレモンで作るレモンサワー。美味しくないわけがないですね。 ・刺身5点盛り◎ 自己責任で&写真はNGとのことで了承の上オーダー。白レバー、砂肝、ハツ、ムネ、ササミの5点盛り。全て美味しかったが特にササミ(ねっとり!)、ハツ(プリップリ)。今まで食べた鳥刺の中でも1.2位を争うレベル。 ・レバテキ◎ 口に入れた瞬間とろける〜。ゴマ油ベースのタレも美味しい。ただ白レバーの刺身と味がかぶる汗 ・ポテトサラダ○ 箸休め?にポテサラを。芋も卵もあまり潰さずにゴロゴロさを楽しむタイプ。フツーに美味しい。 ・砂肝◎ 弾力と柔らかさのバランスが◎ ・せせり○ こちらも弾力があり美味しい。 ・つくねタレ○ こちらは至って普通かも。 ・ささみわさび◎ 柔らかー!口に入れるとほろっと身が解ける。わさびはもう少し控えめが良いかも。 ・塩にこみ○ 優しい味。380円という値段の安さにも関わらず大根がゴロゴロたくさん。 トータル4550円。頼みすぎ、残してしまいました、、反省。 特に刺身の美味しさは格別なお店。コスパも良く、また是非伺いたい店の一つとなった。
Weekdays after 2030. The store is almost full during the Corona disturbance. I realize that it is a popular store. Order the menu you care about while watching the word of mouth. ・ Best lemon sour Lemon sour made with frozen lemon. It doesn't have to be delicious. ・ 5 pieces of sashimi ◎ At your own risk & photos will be NG and order after consent. Five servings of white liver, gizzard, heart, mune, and fillet. All were delicious, but especially Sasami (soggy!) And Hearts (Pri Puri). The level that competes for the 1.2th place among the birds you have eaten up to now. ・ Rebateki ◎ It melts the moment you put it in your mouth. Sesame oil-based sauce is also delicious. Just sweat with white liver sashimi and taste ・ Potato salad ○ Chopstick rest? To Potesara. A type that enjoys rumbling without crushing potatoes and eggs. Delicious to Futu. ・ Gizzard ◎ Balance of elasticity and softness ◎ ・ Seriously ○ This is also elastic and delicious. ・ Tsukune sauce ○ This may be quite normal. ・ Sasami wasabi ◎ Soft! When you put it in your mouth, you can relax. Wasabi may be a little more modest. ・ Salt dent ○ Gentle taste. Despite the cheap price of 380 yen, there are many radishes. Total 4550 yen. I asked too much and left it, remorse. In particular, the taste of sashimi is exceptional. Cospa was good and became one of the shops I would like to visit again.
SHIORI on Google

The degree of grilling of the liver was very delicious. No matter what you ask for, the single dish is delicious, and the amount is larger than you can imagine. The salt stew, omelet rolls, and plum cucumbers were especially good. Even if it's crowded, it's easy to deal with, and the best consideration is to serve sake with a frozen mug!
たこぴゃろ on Google

Enjoy good time with good food (^∇^)☆
C.K. Wong on Google

Hidden gem in Kinshicho, a bit of a walk from the JR station. The food is wonderful and the staff is friendly. The price is reasonably priced. Only Japanese menu available and only accept cash.
Blake S on Google

This place has the worst service. We ordered 8 pieces of chicken and 3 drinks. It took over one hour to get it. There were only 5 other customers there. While we waited for our food, new customers would come in and be served food and drink before us. There was no apology given, even though the manager would often leave the restaurant to talk with leaving customers. The food was basic. Nothing special. The drinks were watered down. PS. When ordering and speaking to the employees everything was done in Japanese. There is no English menu or English speaking staff.

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