Washoku Sato - Kitakatsuragi District

3.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Washoku Sato

住所 :

2808-15 Kanmaki, Kammaki, Kitakatsuragi District, Nara 639-0214, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8777
Postal code : 639-0214
Webサイト : https://sato-res.com/

2808-15 Kanmaki, Kammaki, Kitakatsuragi District, Nara 639-0214, Japan
おこしやすソフィア on Google

美味しかった❗ さとしゃぶを食べました! たくさんの揚げ物お寿司サラダ等いっぱい選べます! 店員さんも手際良く、お料理も早く来ました。
It was delicious ❗ I ate Sato Shabu! You can choose a lot of fried foods, sushi salads, etc.! The clerk was also smart and the food came early.
田中珠み on Google

孫の小学生卒業祝いにさとにいかせて いただきました 今回はプレミアムしゃぶしゃぶ食べ放題 お腹いっぱい気がねなくいただけるメニューです
Let's go to Sato to celebrate the graduation of my grandson's elementary school student Whats This time all-you-can-eat premium shabu-shabu It is a menu that you can feel full
小林かおる on Google

There is all-you-can-eat. For sushi, fried food, steak, and hot pot, you can choose two types of soup stock and eat shabu-shabu. You can choose from beef and pork. I'm full. The time is 120 minutes.
吉村裕幸 on Google

家族でゆっくり過ごせました。 少し遅めのランチでしたが、人混みなく安心して食事出来ました 近くにメガドンキホーテもあるので、お買い物も出来、休日のお昼からの時間潰すには、もってこいの立地です
I was able to spend time with my family. It was a little late lunch, but I was able to eat with confidence without being crowded. There is also Mega Don Quijote nearby, so you can shop and it is a perfect location to kill time from noon on holidays.
うこゆ on Google

1~2時間ぐらい早めにゲート行くのがベスト! やりたいお仕事が出来やすくなりますよ! お仕事ではないですが、免許取得する所です。
It's best to go to the gate about 1 to 2 hours early! It will be easier to do the work you want to do! It's not a job, but it's a place to get a license.
植松初美 on Google

平日の日替わりランチをいただきました。 ある日のメニューは、鶏肉のクリーム煮とコロッケ! またある日のメニューは、豚肉の甘辛煮と白身魚のフライ! 選べるセットメニューは、ミニうどんやミニ蕎麦にはせず毎回、茶碗蒸しと赤だしにしてます! フライに掛かっているオリジナルのソースが、これまたおいしいんですよね! ごちそうさまでした。
I had a daily lunch on weekdays. One day the menu was simmered chicken in cream and croquette! Another day's menu is sweet and spicy pork and fried white fish! The set menu you can choose is not mini udon noodles or mini soba noodles, but chawanmushi and red soba noodles every time! The original sauce on the fried food is also delicious! Thank you for the meal.
のらりくらり on Google

ゴーツーイートデジタル食事券の使用が2月末迄なので、テイクアウトで利用しました。待ってる間に2人がテイクアウトに来られました。コロナの影響ですかね? 漬けぶりひらのにぎやかちらし寿司と天丼を注文。JAF5%引きも使えます。アプリの来店ポイントもゲット出来てお得ですよ。家で美味しくいただきました。ご馳走さまでした。
The go-to-eat digital meal voucher will be used until the end of February, so I used it for takeout. While waiting, two people came to take out. Is it the influence of corona? I ordered pickled yellowtail sushi and tendon bowl. You can also use JAF 5% discount. You can also get points for visiting the app, which is a great deal. It was delicious at home. It was a feast.
Desu Coichan on Google

I used to use the Takada store, but this is my first visit to a new store. As it is a new store, the store is naturally beautiful. Unfortunately, I ordered a bowl of rice, but half of the ingredients had cooled down. With this, you can't get it delicious. The shop may have been busy, but I can't get the cold tempura.

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