Washoku Sato - Kitakatsuragi District

3.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

和食さと 王寺駅前店|和食さと|サトフードサービス - Sato-res.com

和食さと 王寺駅前店|和食さと|笑顔あふれるお食事を「和食さと」はみなさまの時間をより楽しく、ちょっと特別に過ごせる和食レストランです。

Contact Washoku Sato

住所 :

2 Chome-9-5 Oji, Kitakatsuragi District, Nara 636-0002, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8777
Postal code : 636-0002
Webサイト : https://sato-res.com/store/0745327702/

2 Chome-9-5 Oji, Kitakatsuragi District, Nara 636-0002, Japan
Tomo Yama on Google

I always like seasonal dishes. It's fun to drink all-you-can-drink beer.
のらりくらり on Google

役場とドコモ行った帰りに暑くて 氷善哉食べに行きました。窓際の席に案内していただき外の緑の木々が風になびいて癒されます。エアコンが効いていてゆっくりさせていただきました。 半額氷を食べに行きました。写真撮るのを忘れました。氷善哉を5%割引で259円でいただきました。 お店に申し訳ないような安さです。暑いお茶も冷たいお茶も飲み放題です。暑い夏を涼みに行きましょう。
It was hot on the way back from the office and DoCoMo I went to eat Zenzai Hyo. You will be guided to the window seat and the green trees outside will be healed by the wind. The air conditioner was working and I was slowed down. I went to eat half price ice. I forgot to take a picture. I received a 5% discount on Zenzai Hyo for 259 yen. It's so cheap that I'm sorry for the shop. All-you-can-drink hot and cold tea. Let's go cool in the hot summer.
森下寛子(ヒロ) on Google

When I went there for the first time in a long time, the clerk did not meet me, and when I wondered why, there was a ticket vending machine at the entrance. Water and tea were self-serve, but despite the daytime, there were various things, the price was reasonable, and the taste was delicious.
えり on Google

さとしゃぶに蟹とお造りのついたコースを頂きました。カニ身は甘く詰まっていて最高です!天ぷらやお寿司も食べ放題でまんぞくです。アルコールの飲み放題も自分で入れます、カクテルやハイボールも作れて満足。ご馳走様でした。 ただ、座敷は掘りごたつにして欲しい。足が痛いし、親を連れていきにくい。
I had a course with crab and sashimi on Sato Shabu. The crab meat is sweet and packed and is the best! All-you-can-eat tempura and sushi are also available. You can also add all-you-can-drink alcohol, and you can make cocktails and highballs. It was a treat. However, I want the tatami room to be digging. My legs hurt and it's hard to take my parents.
尾道マニア on Google

It's nice to have a lot of tables, but obviously there aren't enough clerk. Even if I order, things do not come easily and the cashier does not come, so the doorway is crowded. There may be labor shortages in all industries, but I would like them to be improved.
タソガレ風来兵衛 on Google

I booked a private room for 8 people. It was nice to be calm in the Japanese-style room. It is troublesome to go to pick up all-you-can-drink, so it is recommended to bring a large amount at one time.
K K. on Google

4人掛けのテーブルメインです。奥に座敷もありますので宴会でもファミリーでも使いやすい。 さとと言えばさとしゃぶですね! 個人的にはさとに限らずしゃぶしゃぶの食べ放題は、安い牛肉より豚肉の方が美味しく感じてしまうので、豚しゃぶのコースで充分かな。 オッサンだから野菜が美味しい? さとバルはセルフでアルコール飲み放題は気軽にすぐにおかわりできて良いですね! 予約するとたいてい座敷なのですが、さとバルのおかわりが煩わしく感じるのと、大人数だとおかわりに行く人がいるたびに、狭い座敷席でわちゃわちゃしますね。 次回飲み会で使うならテーブルでさとバル近くのテーブル席で予約してみようかな?
It is a table main for 4 people. There is also a tatami room in the back, so it is easy to use for banquets and families. Speaking of Sato, it's Sato Shabu! Personally, all-you-can-eat shabu-shabu is not limited to Sato, but pork tastes better than cheap beef, so the pork shabu-shabu course is sufficient. Vegetables are delicious because it's an ossan ? Satobar is self-sufficient and all-you-can-drink alcohol can be easily replaced immediately! When I make a reservation, it's usually a tatami room, but I find it annoying to have a refill for Satobar, and every time there are a large number of people going to refill, I get confused in a small tatami room. If you want to use it at the next drinking party, let's make a reservation at the table and at the table near Baru ?
samuil gospodinov on Google

Super delicious food.

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