Wako - Yokohama

3.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Wako

住所 :

2F 6 Shinsugitacho, Isogo Ward, Yokohama, Kanagawa 235-0032, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8778
Postal code : 235-0032
Webサイト : http://www.wako-group.co.jp/sp/shop/detail%3Fid%3D3086
Opening hours :
Saturday 10:15AM–9PM
Sunday 10:15AM–9PM
Monday 10:15AM–9PM
Tuesday 10:15AM–9PM
Wednesday 10:15AM–9PM
Thursday 10:15AM–9PM
Friday 10:15AM–9PM

2F 6 Shinsugitacho, Isogo Ward, Yokohama, Kanagawa 235-0032, Japan
shige on Google

昼に居る厚化粧で小柄な女性がとても無愛想。弁当買うのに毎回長い髪を触るし汚ならしい。 いつも親切な店員が居るから利用してたのに気分を憤慨する。次回からは夕方以降に利用し、評価を変更したい。 久しぶりに知人と再度訪問しましたが評価は現状維持。眼鏡かけた男性の態度が酷い。タメグチに指図、口答えが多く屋台の人かのような言葉遣い。改善を望みます。
A petite woman with heavy makeup in the daytime is very unfriendly. Every time I buy a bento, I touch my long hair and it seems dirty. I was indignant even though I used it because there was always a kind clerk. From the next time, I would like to use it after the evening and change the evaluation. I visited again with an acquaintance for the first time in a long time, but the evaluation remains the same. The attitude of a man wearing glasses is terrible. There are many instructions and answers to Tameguchi, and the wording is like a person at a food stall. I hope for improvement.
Y Y on Google

女性客にはきつめの口調で注意ばかりしてきて、男性客には感じ良く接している男性店員が居ます。 コロナ禍とは言え少し喋っただけで何回も注意してきて、食事を全然楽しめませんでした。 注意をしに何度も来るわりにはお代わりのことを聞きにきてはくれませんでした。 2名以上の女性客は行かないほうがいいと思います。
There is a male clerk who pays attention to female customers with a tight tone and treats male customers comfortably. Even though it was a corona, I talked a little and was careful many times, so I couldn't enjoy the meal at all. Even though I came to pay attention many times, he didn't come to ask me for a substitute. I think it is better not to go for more than 2 female customers.
NoBrain NoGain on Google

2021-08-06 往訪 08-10 記 今日も調理担当者が出て来てくれて要望を伝えてあれこれと。そこまでしてくれたら、有り難くて感謝しか無いですよねぇ。 良い、大変に素晴らしいお店です。 2020-07-06 追記その2 店員さん、神対応に近しッ ! ! 今日は忙しくない時間帯に出掛けたら、普段は調理を担当している店員さんがホールにて働いていました。多忙な時間も過ぎて居たので、彼に今までの"良く揚げ"について言及したら、細かく調理法を説明してくれて当方の好みも細かく確かめた上で調理して来てくれました。 その対応に感謝です。 ^^ 忙しくない時間帯だから、受けられた特別サービスですね。当方にもそれぐらいは理解出来ます。(苦笑) ーーーーー 2020-07-06 P.S.S. I've got a Great Service ! ! They served Dishes almost perfect for me. One of Clerks who usually worked in the kitchen as a cook made sure about my taste very finely. Because it had already passed busy time so there were not any customers. Then he tried cooking almost overdoe but not overdone. I really appreciate him. It was very lucky because he was a cook then I visit there in idle time. Even I can understand when they are very busy, they can not treat me like today. HA HA HA HA!! ーーー 2019-10-18 Postscript I change the rate from 4 to 5. Because their cutlet used to be not my taste. In my case, I prefer a harder and more texture cutlet than theirs. So I asked a waitress that it is possible to cook with higher temperature oil. She replied she didn't know details of cooking, however, Chefs could fry cutlet extra minute in Japanese "Yoku Age." It means well cooked. After all, the breadcrumb of cutlet will be crispy and increasing textures. That is my favorite teste. Their service is soooo excellent, and also, rice and misosoup are, too. This is just my feeling, however, I recommend you a "Yoku Age (Well Cooked) Katsu (Cutlet)." ーーー My Evaluation is 4.5 Stars but there is no 0.5. So I put 4 Stars. You can use Credit Cards ! ! This "Tonkatsu" Chain Restaurant is one of the famous and the biggest. Taste is Good and Servers' working is very quickly and correctly. They aways asked the customers they needed extra rice, cabbage, and miso soup. I visited there during a lunch time service, it was very worthy and tasty. The service is the Execellent. This is why I can recommend this branch pretty strongly. First of all, all Cutlets and Croquettes are crispy even it passed 5 or 10 minutes because they put metal net between a Cutlet and a Dish. I want to show these plates to "Terrible KATSURETSUAN ! !" And also, their ventilation works very well so there is no smell inside the dining room like Terrible KATSURETSUAN ! ! At the last, I think they serve testy dish but my taste prefers harder breadcrumb coating than here. ーーーーー 2019-10-18 追記 評価は4つ星から5つ星に変更です。 非常に失礼な話だが、店頭にて他のお客さんが居るのに、 "当方好みのトンカツを食べたいで、もっと高温の油で揚げて欲しい"と言ったら、 "良く揚げですね"とあっさりの返答が...。 供されたカツは当方の好みに近くなっていてこれからは、"良く揚げの良く揚げ"と注文しようと思います。が、とても驚いたのだが、一般的に自己主張をしないで和を重んじる人が多い日本人の中でこれだけ自己主張を通した方が居られたのかと感心しましたよ。接客に関しては言う事無しのレベルなので、注文を取る際やメニューに "お好みのトンカツを提供しますッ! !"の但書きと簡単な説明が有った方が最高なお店により近づくと思います。 店員さんが"良く揚げ"と言う単語を知っている事自体、一般的に提供されるカツ類に釈然としないお客さんが相当数いる事を示して居ると思いますよ。 ーーー 2018/10/15 追記 今回は、ハズレでした。油の切れが良くなかったです。もう少し高温で最後は揚げた方が良い様な気がします。 が、接客は相変わらず素晴らしかったです。なので、4つ星の評価です。 馬車道の方にある某有名店と違って、皿との接地面がベチョベチョで不味くなって食せないカツで無いですし、揚げる油も酸化して居ない良い状態なので食あたりもしないですし。が、 調理担当の方は提供する商品を確認すべきでしょうね。 お代わり自由のご飯はホントに見事な美味しさでした。前回お邪魔した時はそこまで感動しなかったので、今日がタマタマだったかも知れませんね。が、本当にビックリッ ! !て感じで拙のツボにドンピシャでした。 ーーー 評価は4.5スターですが、0.5の星が無いので4です。クレジットカードが使えます。 味は然ることながら、従業員の人達がキビキビ動いていて気持ちが良いですね。常に、ご飯、キャベツ、味噌汁は如何ですか?と、声を掛けて来てくれる。ランチタイムに往訪したが、相当なお値打ちですね。揚げたカツやコロッケが不味く成らない様に常識的な網を敷く等は勿論されて居るし。"ちょっとは見習えッ ! ! "って言ってやりたい店が在るのが事実。また、その店と違って換気も良いので店内は臭く無いですし。 美味しいんですが、個人的には衣がもっとバリバリで固いのが好きなもので...。 が、堪能しました。
2021-08-06 Visit 08-10 The person in charge of cooking came out today and told me what he wanted. I would be grateful and grateful if you could do that. Good, very nice shop. 2020-07-06 Addendum 2 The clerk is close to God! When I went out during a busy time today, a clerk who was usually in charge of cooking was working in the hall. It's been a busy time, so when I mentioned "well fried" to him, he explained the cooking method in detail and cooked after confirming my taste in detail. Thank you for your support. ^^ It's a special service that I received because I'm not busy. I can understand that much. (Bitter smile) -------- 2020-07-06 P.S.S. I've got a Great Service !! They served Dishes almost perfect for me. One of Clerks who usually worked in the kitchen as a cook made sure about my taste very finely. Because it had already passed busy time so there were not any customers. Then he tried cooking almost overdoe but not overdone. I really appreciate him. It was very lucky because he was a cook then I visit there in idle time. Even I can understand when they are very busy, they can not treat me like today. HA HA HA HA !! --- 2019-10-18 Postscript I change the rate from 4 to 5. Because their cutlet used to be not my taste. In my case, I prefer a harder and more texture cutlet than theirs. So I asked a waitress that it is possible to cook with higher temperature oil. She replied she didn't know details of cooking, however, Chefs could fry cutlet extra minute in Japanese "Yoku Age." It means well cooked. After all, the breadcrumb of cutlet will be crispy and increasing textures. That is my favorite teste. Their service is soooo excellent, and also, rice and misosoup are, too. This is just my feeling, however, I recommend you a "Yoku Age (Well Cooked) Katsu (Cutlet)." --- My Evaluation is 4.5 Stars but there is no 0.5. So I put 4 Stars. You can use Credit Cards !! This "Tonkatsu" Chain Restaurant is one of the famous and the biggest. Taste is Good and Servers' working is very quickly and correctly. They aways asked the customers they needed extra rice, cabbage, and miso soup. I visited there during a lunch time service, it was very worthy and tasty. The service is the Execellent. This is why I can recommend this branch pretty strongly. First of all, all Cutlets and Croquettes are crispy even it passed 5 or 10 minutes because they put metal net between a Cutlet and a Dish. I want to show these plates to "Terrible KATSURETSUAN !! "And also, their ventilation works very well so there is no smell inside the dining room like Terrible KATSURETSUAN !!" At the last, I think they serve testy dish but my taste prefers harder breadcrumb coating than here. -------- 2019-10-18 Addendum Rating is changed from 4 stars to 5 stars. It's a very rude story, but even though there are other customers at the store When I said, "I want to eat my favorite pork cutlet, I want you to fry it in hotter oil." A simple reply, "It's fried well." .. .. .. The cutlet served is close to our taste, and from now on, I will order "well-fried and well-fried". However, I was very surprised, but I was impressed by the fact that there were many Japanese people who generally valued harmony without asserting themselves. There is nothing to say about customer service, so when taking an order or on the menu I think that the best shop will be closer if you have the proviso and a brief explanation of "We will provide you with your favorite pork cutlet !!". I think that the fact that the clerk knows the word "deep-fried" itself shows that there are quite a few customers who are not surprised by the cutlets that are generally offered. --- 2018/10/15 postscript This time it was a loss. The oil did not run out well. I think it's better to fry it at a slightly higher temperature at the end. However, the customer service was still excellent. So it's a 4 star rating. Unlike a famous restaurant on the Bashamichi side, the contact patch with the plate is not good enough to eat, and the frying oil is not oxidized, so it doesn't eat. but, The person in charge of cooking should check the products offered. The free replacement rice was really delicious. I wasn't so impressed when I visited last time, so maybe today was an exeggcute. However, I was really surprised! --- The rating is 4.5 stars, but it is 4 because there are no 0.5 stars. You can use a credit card. The taste is good, but the employees are moving and it feels good. How about rice, cabbage and miso soup all the time? Will call out to me. I visited at lunch time, but it's a good value. Of course, common sense nets are laid so that the fried cutlets and croquettes do not become unpleasant. The fact is that there are stores that you want to say, "A little apprentice!" Also, unlike the store, the ventilation is good, so the inside of the store does not smell. It's delicious, but I personally like the clothes to be more crunchy and hard. .. .. .. But I enjoyed it.
瑠璃 on Google

Kaki fry was said to be full of February, but the takeout was discontinued in mid-February. It was a waste of time. I would like you to give consideration, such as giving at least an over-the-counter announcement.
Yuki Matsunaga on Google

JR新杉田駅とシーサイドライン新杉田駅の間にあるお店。 20年以上前からあるような気がします。 ひれロース盛合せ御飯を注文しました。 2種類食べたかったので注文しましたが、私にはカツの量が多かったです。 最後の2切れがキツかったです。 衣はサクサクでとても美味しいです。 ご飯とお味噌、キャベツのお代わりは無料です。 追記:後日「ぼたん」を注文しました。 ぼたんは一口ヒレカツ、エビフライ、ささみチーズフライと茶碗蒸しが付いたセットです。 少量ずつで飽きることが無く良いかもしれません。
A shop located between JR Shinsugita Station and Seaside Line Shinsugita Station. I feel like it has been around for over 20 years. I ordered assorted fillet loin rice. I ordered two kinds because I wanted to eat them, but I had a lot of cutlets. The last two pieces were tough. The batter is crispy and very delicious. Replacement of rice, miso and cabbage is free. Postscript: I ordered "Botan" at a later date. Peony is a set with bite-sized pork cutlet, fried shrimp, fried chicken cheese and chawanmushi. It may be good not to get bored with small amounts.
いまいずみしんたろう on Google

感染対策にしっかりとしてるお店です。 マスクを外して会話してる客に対してしっかりと注意してました。 >>コロナ禍とは言え少し喋っただけで何回も注意してきて、食事を全然楽しめませんでした。 という書き込みで低評価をしてる人がいますがニュースを見てない人の書き込みでしょうね。 そういう人にたいしてちゃんと注意する 素晴らしいお店だと思いました。 安心して利用したいです。
It is a store that is well-prepared for infection control. I took off my mask and paid close attention to the customers who were talking. >> Although it was a corona sickness, I was careful many times just by talking a little, and I could not enjoy the meal at all. There are people who give a low rating in the writing, but it is probably the writing of people who have not seen the news. Be careful with such people I thought it was a great shop. I want to use it with confidence.
Chiyo on Google

JRとシーサイドラインが乗り入れるアーケード内にあります。店内でお食事もできますが、テイクアウトの行列が絶えません。 スタンプを貯めてとんかつソースをゲットしたいのでついつい寄ってしまいます。 揚げ物にサービスしてくれる千切りキャベツも美味しいですね。最近お弁当のご飯が少なくなった?紙トレーの底が見えています。せめて底は隠して平に詰めてくださーい。
Located in the arcade where JR and Seaside Line run. You can dine in the store, but there is a constant line of takeaways. I want to collect stamps and get tonkatsu sauce, so I just drop by. The shredded cabbage that serves fried food is also delicious. Have you run out of lunch lately? You can see the bottom of the paper tray. At least hide the bottom and pack it flat.
Yiu Lun Lee on Google

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