Wakinosawa Village Wild Monkey Park - Mutsu

3.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Wakinosawa Village Wild Monkey Park

住所 :

Shichibiki-201-111 Wakinosawa, Mutsu, Aomori 039-5323, Japan

電話 : 📞 +89
Postal code : 039-5323
Opening hours :
Saturday 10AM–3PM
Sunday 10AM–3PM
Monday 10AM–3PM
Tuesday 10AM–3PM
Wednesday 10AM–3PM
Thursday 10AM–3PM
Friday 10AM–3PM

Shichibiki-201-111 Wakinosawa, Mutsu, Aomori 039-5323, Japan
T M on Google

敷地自体はあまり広くありませんが、 係の方にお話しを聞いて猿の習性? 自然の猿と飼育されてる猿の違いなどを知り 充実した時間が過ごせました。 お値段も大人¥200という破格で逆に猿のご飯が賄えてるのか心配でした? 私はまたあの猿達に会いにいきたいです。
The site itself is not very large, Listen to the staff and talk about monkey habits ? Knowing the difference between natural monkeys and domestic monkeys I had a good time. I was worried that the price was unbelievably ¥200 for adults and on the contrary, monkey rice could be covered ? I want to go see those monkeys again.
けんさん on Google

野猿公苑以外でもお猿さんを見かける事が出来ます。 管理員さんの説明を聞きながら親子猿や、カップル猿の微笑ましい?様子を 暫し眺めてきました。✌️
You can see monkeys in places other than Jigokudani Monkey Park. While listening to the manager's explanation, you can see the smiling faces of parent and child monkeys and couple monkeys ? I've been watching for a while. ✌️
kaz hama on Google

素朴でイイところ? エッと驚くぐらいのアイデアを出し合って 脇野沢の村おこしするべきです。?
Simple and good place ? Eh and come up with amazing ideas Wakinosawa village should be revitalized. ?
Hidemi A on Google

It was interesting to hear from the uncle who was in charge. Feeding will be done if the timing is right. Throw in hard pine nuts and pumpkins. By the time I got here, I saw wild monkeys on the road, but it's still fun to see the monkey mountains. We recommend winter ... the monkey dumplings are a sight to see! ?? Even though there is a shell luther, for some reason it doesn't go inside, and it seems that it can withstand a snowstorm by making a large round dumpling outside! In winter, it looks like it has a fluffy and luxurious coat! The roadside station and hot springs are just around the corner. The picture of the monkey between the trees is wild.
_ gencha (‪gencha‬) on Google

あまりの暑さで日陰で涼んだり水浴びしている猿が多かったです。 入場料金 大人 200円でした。
There were many monkeys that were so hot that they were cool in the shade and bathed. Admission was 200 yen for adults.
yuta sakamoto on Google

猿は寒そうだった。 この日、地吹雪がすごくて道路は途中、通行止めになるわ、前は見えないわで大変でした。猿園も入れないかなと思ってたら、男性職員?が、ひとり黙々と除雪をしておりました。なんか胸が熱くなりました。お陰様で猿の写真を撮れました。
The monkey looked cold. On this day, the blizzard was so heavy that the road was closed on the way, and I couldn't see the front, so it was hard. If I was wondering if I could enter a monkey garden, would it be a male employee? However, he was silently removing snow. Somehow my chest got hot. Thanks to you, I was able to take a picture of the monkey.
Hikaru Matsui (Torakun) on Google

You could see cute monkeys but I feel like they should be freed instead of being confined in. They look sad.
Allison La Corte on Google

Such a sad sight.. the enclosure is all concrete, there is feses everywhere and it STINKS. These poor babies live in such filth with nothing to climb on, and no shade. This place does not deserve any business.

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