Kinoyama Castle ruins - Tatsuno

4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Kinoyama Castle ruins

住所 :

Shingucho Shimonoda, Tatsuno, Hyogo 679-4333, Japan

Postal code : 679-4333
Webサイト :

Shingucho Shimonoda, Tatsuno, Hyogo 679-4333, Japan
Nobuki Hagitou on Google

It seems that elementary school students climb on an excursion! Good!
花ちゃん on Google

2年前から計画していた? 龍野アルプス縦走 やっと完歩?‍♂️
I had planned for 2 years ? Tatsuno Alps traverse Finally completed ?‍♂️
アオイシマコト on Google

It is a round trip from the military road, and the locals have recently changed the trarope and wooden bridge, but if you follow the mountain trail in the rough valley with many floating stones, the atmosphere changes at the tip of the lookout stone and you will enter the castle ruins.
おだ天狗 on Google

Kinoyama Castle is a mountain castle in Harima Province built by Norisuke Akamatsu in the 7th year of Shohei / the first year of Bunna (1352). It was on the summit of Kameyama (elevation 458m) in Tatsuno City, Hyogo Prefecture. Originally, there was an ancient mountain castle built by the Yamato court, which was defeated in the Battle of Baekgang in 663, in preparation for the invasion of Tang and Silla. In the first place, Mr. Akamatsu's castle was a white flag castle built by Norimura's father Akamatsu Enshin, but because it was too close to the west of Harima, Norisuke was a new castle for more than 10 years from Shohei 7 / Bunwa 1st year. Over the years, he built one of the best mountain castles in Hyogo prefecture. At the foot of the mountain, there was "Koshibe Guardian House", a guardian station for two generations, Norisuke and Yoshinori.
Masaya Inoue on Google

とにかく足場が悪い! 大手道(馬立登山道)から登り、兵糧道(下野田登山道)から下りました。 往復は約3時間ほどの道のり。 亀の池方面へ直上する大手道は岩場をよじ登っていくような道。 城山城へ直上する兵糧道は澤伝いの道。 どちらも急峻な亀山の東斜面を直上する道です。 大手道は上に行くに従って急斜面の岩場に。設置されているロープだけが頼り。ところどころ藪化してたり、あちこちで倒木が通せんぼしてたり、通る人も少ないのか荒れるに任せた感じでした。 兵糧道は岩だらけの澤のようなところを木橋で渡ったり、ロープにつかまりながら急斜面を下りたりする感じでした。 (案内板は兵糧道に集中してますし、こちらがメインなのかも?) どちらとも麓から中腹までは干上がった川底のような岩だらけの道でした。 大手道の岩場からは新宮町の町並みが一望できます。見張り岩からの景色も綺麗です。ですが… 山頂からの展望は皆無。 城跡の遺構はしっかり残っていますが、主郭自体は雑木林になっており、ここが主郭、と示すようなものは何もありません。 赤いテープが登山道を表す目印なんですが、あちこちにあったりして迷子になります。テープではなく簡素なものでいいので道標をもっと設置してほしい。 登山道とは名ばかり。 必死に登った割には労力に見合いません。 なぜ白旗城や感状山城などの赤松氏城跡だったり、他の神籠石式山城と同様に国指定の史跡に指定されないのかはわかりませんが、いつの日か指定され、整備されることを切に願います。
Anyway, the foothold is bad! I climbed from the main road (Umatate mountain trail) and descended from the military food road (Shimonoda mountain trail). The round trip is about 3 hours. The main road that goes straight up to the direction of Kame no Ike is like climbing a rocky place. The military road that goes straight up to Kinoyama Castle is a road that runs along the river. Both are roads that go straight up the steep eastern slope of Kameyama. The main road goes up to the rocky slope. Only the installed rope is relied on. It was like bushing in some places, fallen trees passing through here and there, and it was left to the rough because there were few people passing by. The military road was like crossing a rocky swamp with a wooden bridge, or going down a steep slope while holding on to a rope. (The information board is concentrated on the military road, maybe this is the main one?) In both cases, the road from the foot of the mountain to the middle of the road was covered with rocks like a dry riverbed. From the rocky area of ​​the main road, you can overlook the streets of Shingu Town. The view from the lookout rock is also beautiful. but… There is no view from the summit. The remains of the castle ruins remain firmly, but the main enclosure itself is a wooded area, and there is nothing to indicate that this is the main enclosure. The red tape is a mark that represents the mountain trail, but you can get lost here and there. I want you to install more signposts because you can use simple ones instead of tapes. The mountain trail is just a name. It's not worth the effort for the desperate climb. I don't know why it is the site of Mr. Akamatsu such as Shirahata Castle and Kanjoyama Castle, and it is not designated as a nationally designated historic site like other Kamigoishi style mountain castles, but it will be designated and will be maintained someday. Please.
nobuhide mihara on Google

I entered the mountain from Matate Satoyama Park and climbed the Kameyama route. Please note that it will be very difficult to climb after the middle. I climbed on a relatively hot day, so I was sweating enough to squeeze the towel. You can reach the main enclosure in about 80 minutes. However, after passing Kameyama and heading for Shiroyama for a while, the mountain trail disappeared on the way and I finally reached the end with the feeling of climbing through a wooded area as usual, relying on the map. You can also see Horikiri and stone bases along the way. There was no view.
水口貴矢 on Google

From the mountain shrine in Shingu town, when you pass the old tombs and go along the mountain trail, you will arrive at Kameishi. From there, you will reach the junction of Turtle Pond and Turtle Mountain (Shiroyama) as you pass the Kinki Nature Trail. It is a short distance from Kameyama. As it is an ancient mountain castle, you can not see the tower like Himeji Castle. The tall and thick trees are in the county, but you can see that the terrain is flat. There is also a stone gate of the ancient mountain castle called "Stokes of the gate" nearby. There are multiple routes to the ruins of Shiroyama Castle, and it is called Odado Course from Yama Shrine. By the way, the information board of the Otado course is located on the natural sidewalk between Kameyama (Shiroyama), which climbs the mountain trail, and the turtle pond, so it is recommended to take a walk after obtaining information in advance if you are uneasy .
a eiji on Google

尾根までの道のりは後半にかけて激坂です。道というより岩のみかつ獣道が続きます。尾根上には亀の池や亀石、蛙石(添付写真でわかるかな)と見応えのあるオブジェが続きます。登山時は亀の池が干上がり気味で半分以上底の砂が見えていたのでそこを歩きつつ撮影できました。平地の池と違い、鳥や虫のさえずりが全くないが紅葉はしているので不気味でした。 尾根筋から城跡までが登山距離に匹敵するのでここからが大変です。 戦国期(500年前)の遺構は少なめ(というより杉の木だらけで判別が難しい。曲輪も東西南北にぐるりとあるのですが案内版がない為、どれが二の丸だか三の丸だか分かりにくい。堀切に案内する為の道が西の帯曲輪の真ん中を通ったりしてます。曲輪の案内も欲しいところ)ですが、中大兄皇子の時代(1300年前)の石垣が綺麗に残っています。ていうか石垣は全て古城の頃のものかと。百済の職人の技術ですね。その時代の門の礎石や寺の礎石跡もあります。嘉吉の乱後に赤松満祐の自刃したと思しき跡地に供養塔がありました。ここも杉の木だらけでもうちょっとなんとかならないかと。昼なお暗すぎます。 亀の池などは弥生時代の高地性集落跡地ともいわれますが真相はわかりません。ため池ですがとっても綺麗です。
The way to the ridge is a steep slope in the latter half. Only rocks and animal trails continue rather than roads. On the ridge are turtle ponds, turtle stones, frog stones (can be seen from the attached photo) and spectacular objects. When climbing the mountain, the turtle pond seemed to dry up and more than half of the bottom sand was visible, so I was able to shoot while walking there. Unlike a pond on a flat ground, there were no birds or insects singing, but it was eerie because it had colored leaves. It is difficult from here because the distance from the ridge to the castle is equal to the climbing distance. The remains of the Warring States period (500 years ago) are rather small (or rather difficult to distinguish because they are full of cedar trees. There are also curved rings around the east, west, north and south, but since there is no guide version, it is difficult to know which is Ninomaru or Sannomaru. Horikiri There is a way to guide you through the middle of the west belt of the west. I also want to see the guide of the ring, but the stone wall of the era of the prince of the Chuo University (1300 years ago) remains beautiful. I wonder if the stone walls were all from the castle. It's Baekje's craftsmanship. There are also the foundation stones of the gates and temples of the era. There was a memorial tower on the site where Manaka Akamatsu was supposed to have cut himself after Kayoshi's rebellion. It's also full of cedar trees, so it's a bit more difficult. It is too dark during the day. The turtle pond is said to be the site of a highland settlement in the Yayoi period, but the truth is unknown. It is a reservoir, but it is very beautiful.

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