Shobudani Forest Park - Tatsuno

4.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Shobudani Forest Park

住所 :

Issaicho Shobudani, Tatsuno, Hyogo 679-4100, Japan

Postal code : 679-4100

Issaicho Shobudani, Tatsuno, Hyogo 679-4100, Japan
UNJO 63 on Google

There is an MTB downhill course and a full-scale tournament is held
009 2222 on Google

土日祝2輪車通行禁止看板有ります。 連続カーブのアスファルト舗装道路 爽やかな森林公園。 公衆トイレ。 公衆電話ボックス。
There is a signboard that prohibits two-wheeled vehicles on Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays. Continuously curved asphalt paved road A refreshing forest park. Public toilet. Public telephone booth.
しょうじおおはた on Google

I heard that the road is closed at 18:00 in the evening. What time can I run in the morning? It's a road bike
Westin Healthy on Google

I visited to run a mountain bike course. There is an altitude of about 500 m at the observatory, but if you go around the course itself, you can get quite high altitude. I don't know when it was, but there was a mountain building in my shoes. There are marks of wild boar in the course, so be careful of parasites (tick) in the vicinity. Others were very good places and I felt cool even at this time.
SanRex777 on Google

日曜日にマウンテンバイクで利用しました。 コースに関してルート案内や利用する上での注意書きなど有れば良いかと思います。 まあ全て無料で遊べるので文句は言えませんが。後自動販売機を駐車場近くに設置して欲しいです。
I used it on a mountain bike on Sunday. I think it would be good if there were route guidance and notes on using the course. Well, I can't complain because I can play everything for free. I want you to install a vending machine near the parking lot.
drosモータース on Google

平日の昼間だけバイク走行可能です。 とても綺麗な場所でライディングが楽しいです。 昔いろいろあって今は制限が多いようです。
Motorbikes can be driven only during weekday daytime. Riding is fun in a very beautiful place. There seems to be many restrictions in the past and now there are many restrictions.
latipes Oryzias on Google

バイクで訪れた。最初は峠道だったが、森林公園内はほぼ林道だった。しかし、林道と言ってもそこまで酷い道ではないので余程の初心者でない限りは楽しめるハズ。(オンロード用のタイヤのバイクは走れるかどうか微妙なところ) 森林公園の道(二輪通行禁止のところではない)を走っていくと、ずーっと下りが続き、最終的に森林公園に向かう峠道のヘアピンカーブに出た。 森林公園内の遊歩道の入り口の各所には、二輪通行禁止の紙が貼られていた。 森林公園自体はかなり手入れされていて、気持ちが良かった。バイクでなくとも、散歩にももってこいの場所だと思う。 ちなみにここの森林公園は朝6時から夕方6時までで、それ以外は通行禁止との看板が立てられていた。 また、二輪車については、土日祝日は通行禁止の看板が立てられていた。
I visited by motorcycle. At first it was a mountain pass, but the inside of the forest park was almost a forest road. However, the forest road is not so bad, so unless you are a beginner, you can enjoy it. (It is a delicate point whether a motorcycle with on-road tires can run) As I ran down the road in the forest park (not where motorcycles are prohibited), I went down all the way and finally came out on the hairpin curve of the pass road to the forest park. At the entrance of the promenade in the forest park, papers prohibiting two-wheeled traffic were pasted. The forest park itself was in good condition and it felt good. I think it's a great place for a walk, even if it's not a motorcycle. By the way, the forest park here was from 6 am to 6 pm, and there was a sign saying that it was closed to traffic at other times. In addition, for motorcycles, there was a signboard that was closed to traffic on weekends and holidays.
にしこ on Google

R3.6.17訪問。案内板が少ないため、初めての訪問の方には、分かりにくい場所だと思います。また、山の麓に門があり、午後6時には閉まってしまうので、それまでに下山しなくてはなりません。 公園までは1本道の山道で、途中まではかなり満足度の高いドライブコースでした。きれいに道が舗装されていて、対向車も少なく、カーブが多いので、峠を攻めるドライブが好きな方向けです。ただし、途中から道の感じがガラリと変わります。舗装されていない、ガードレールもない、離合できない場所が多々ある、細い道になります。道の状態が変わる直前の場所に駐車場があったので、そこに停めて歩きました。すれ違う人もめったにおらず、不安になりながら、山道を歩くこと約20分。不意に菖蒲の花園が現れました。満開でした。菖蒲園の周囲には頑丈な鹿猪避けの囲いがしてあり、自分で扉を開いて中に入ります。扉の横に、数台だけ車を停められるスペースがありました。女性1人だけで山道を歩いて訪問されるのはあまりオススメしませんが、どうしても一人で来たい、運転にはかなり自信がある、という方には良いかもしれません。
Visit R3.6.17. Since there are few information boards, I think it is a difficult place to understand for first-time visitors. Also, there is a gate at the foot of the mountain, which closes at 6 pm, so you have to go down the mountain by then. It was a one-way mountain road to the park, and it was a very satisfying drive course up to the middle. The road is well paved, there are few oncoming vehicles, and there are many curves, so it is for those who like driving to attack the pass. However, the feeling of the road changes completely from the middle. It is a narrow road that is not paved, has no guardrails, and has many places that cannot be separated. There was a parking lot just before the road changed, so I stopped there and walked. People who pass each other rarely pass each other, and it takes about 20 minutes to walk on the mountain road with anxiety. Suddenly, an iris flower garden appeared. It was in full bloom. There is a sturdy deer boar avoidance enclosure around the iris garden, and you can open the door yourself to get inside. Next to the door, there was a space where only a few cars could be parked. We do not recommend walking alone on mountain roads, but it may be good for those who want to come alone and are quite confident in driving.

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