
4.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 韓国食品館

住所 :

Wakamatsu, Abiko, 〒270-1147 Chiba,Japan

電話 : 📞 +878
街 : 〒1F Chiba

Wakamatsu, Abiko, 〒270-1147 Chiba,Japan
ゆきこ on Google

土日定休日とGoogleに記載されてますが 営業されてました。 お店の方に伺ったところ現在定休日は 設けてないとのことでした。 아줌마とても親切でした。
Although it is listed on Google as a regular holiday on Saturdays and Sundays It was open. When I asked the shop staff, the current regular holiday is It was said that it was not provided. 아줌마 It was very kind.
西彩子 on Google

Thank you for always eating delicious kimchi. I don't feel like eating kimchi unless it's in this shop. I've been a fan for a long time. I will continue to attend.
小松の親分 on Google

自分でも作るためにわざわざパソコンから注文していた材料がここでそろいます。 キムチもこくもあり、辛さもありめちゃくちゃ美味しいです。
Here you will find all the ingredients that you had ordered from your computer to make your own. Kimchi is also rich and spicy, so it's really delicious.
あそう on Google

It ’s really delicious. I'm also happy to have Gejang. Chinese cabbage kimchi is a great choice once you get used to it
奈子 on Google

気になって恐る恐る入店したらまず韓国の匂いがします(笑) 少しやる気のないアジョシがいますがお気になさらずマイペースでお買い物。 韓国に行けない今ここに来ればとりあえず満足できますよ。 ナムルもキムチも美味しいです!
When you enter the store, you will first smell Korean (laughs) There is Ajosi who is a little unmotivated, but I don't mind and shop at my own pace. If you come here now that you can't go to Korea, you'll be satisfied for the time being. Both namul and kimchi are delicious!
k rm on Google

Kimchi is delicious, sweet and spicy! It was a taste that I would go to buy again. Will not stop
sato on Google

キムチがすごく美味しい。 辛さと旨味、コクがあり本場のキムチです。 カクテキ購入。 甘辛く、大根の味を引き立てていて美味しい。 リピ確定。
Kimchi is very delicious. It is a genuine kimchi with spiciness, umami and richness. Purchase kimchi. It is sweet and spicy, and it is delicious because it enhances the taste of radish. Lipi confirmed.
머선일이고 on Google

1년 전에도 리뷰를 적었지만 다시 작성함. 나는 일본에서 이렇게 맛있는 김치를 먹어본 적이 없음. 이 김치 가게를 알기 전, 나는 슈퍼에서 평소대로 김치를 사서 먹었지만 이제는 한국 브랜드 김치도 사먹을 수 없음. 항상 여기서 사 먹음. 여기 김치가 좋은 이유는 진짜 한국 김치처럼 만들기 때문에 평소에도 먹어도 맛있지만 유통기한 지나면 한국 전통의 맛을 느낄 수 있음. 바로 김치 찌개에 김치를 넣으면 그냥 끝임.. 일본에 거주하는 한국인(외국인) 노동자들은 이게 인생이고 이게 행복이라고 생각함. 이것은 나라에서 허용하는 마약이다.
I wrote a review a year ago, but I'm writing it again. I have never had such delicious kimchi in Japan. Before I knew this kimchi store, I bought kimchi at the supermarket and ate it as usual. I can't even buy Korean brand kimchi anymore. Always eat here. The reason the kimchi here is good is because it is made like real Korean kimchi. It is delicious to eat as usual After the expiration date, you can feel the traditional taste of Korea. Just add kimchi to the kimchi stew and you're done. Korean (foreign) workers living in Japan think this is life and this is happiness. This is a drug allowed in the country.

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