3.3/5 に基づく 7 レビュー

Contact BIG5

住所 :

Nishikawaguchi, Kawaguchi, 〒332-0021 Saitama,Japan

街 : Saitama

Nishikawaguchi, Kawaguchi, 〒332-0021 Saitama,Japan
山田美那 on Google

hanna kim (momochu2021) on Google

北島豊司 on Google

The store people are interesting
Sho N on Google

韓国系食材が揃うスーパーです。 キムチ、ラーメン、調味料、お菓子等一通り揃っています。 激戦区の新大久保ほど安くはないですが、西川口では随一の品揃えで普段使いにおすすめです。
It is supermarket with Korean food ingredients. Kimchi, ramen, condiments, sweets, etc. are prepared in one street. It is not as cheap as Shin Okubo in the fierce battlefield, but Nishikawaguchi is recommended for everyday use with the best selection.
kei kmr on Google

The mother of the shop is a very kind person. I would like to stop by when I come near again.
kei yamazaki on Google

今日色んな物を買ってきましたが レシートと品物の数が合っていません。3点も少ないのです.レシートに品物の名前が書いて有れば分かりやすいですが 書いて無いので数で見たら少なかったです.計算の時も何回も間違えてるから ちょっと確認をして見ました.電話しようとしても番号書いてないし、、一つは賞味期限が過ぎてるし、、、、、
I bought various items today, but the number of items does not match the receipt. There are 3 points less. It would be easy to understand if the name of the item was written on the receipt, but since it was not written, it was few in terms of number. I made a mistake many times during the calculation, so I checked it a little. Even if I try to call, I haven't written the number, and one is that the expiration date has passed ...
Hamada Masato on Google

1回目の訪問で「何しにきた」といきなり言われ、敢えての敢えてで再訪。店の外から見える怪しいコピー品と思われるDVDの山を眺めていたところ「奥には入らないで」と強い一言。そして「アルコール消毒!」と言われ、手には執拗にアルコールスプレーを掛けられる。店に入るも何も立ち塞がれ入れず退散。よほどやましいことがあるのでしょう。 少なくとも日本人とわかった瞬間にお断りの店。ご興味のある方はぜひ一度立ち寄っていただきたい。何分滞在できるかの耐久レース。
At the first visit, I was suddenly told "what did you come to?" When I was looking at a pile of DVDs that seemed to be suspicious copies seen from outside the store, I strongly said, "Don't go inside." Then he was told, "Alcohol disinfection!", And he relentlessly sprayed his hands with alcohol. Even though I entered the store, nothing was blocked and I left without entering. There may be something very confusing. At least the moment I found out that I was Japanese, I refused. If you are interested, please stop by. An endurance race for how many minutes you can stay.

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