Wakabayashi Shrine - Nakatado District

4.7/5 に基づく 6 レビュー

Contact Wakabayashi Shrine

住所 :

394 Yoshinoshimo, Manno, Nakatado District, Kagawa 766-0022, Japan

Postal code : 766-0022
Webサイト : https://kagawakenjinjacho.or.jp/shrine/%25E8%258B%25A5%25E6%259E%2597%25E7%25A5%259E%25E7%25A4%25BE/

394 Yoshinoshimo, Manno, Nakatado District, Kagawa 766-0022, Japan
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一級神職の金関宮司に、次男の長女の氏見せ祈祷をして頂きました。厳かな雰囲気の 中、丁寧な祈祷をして頂き、御札を授けて頂きました。
The first-class priest, Kenji Kaneseki, gave us a prayer to show the eldest daughter of his second son. Of a solemn atmosphere Inside, I had a polite prayer and gave me a bill.
king “クロクロ散歩” kuro on Google

若林神社 創始 長元年間(一〇二八~一〇三七年) ご神徳  厄除。方除。開運。八方除。雷除。災難除。必勝 鎮座地  仲多度郡まんのう町吉野下三九四 御祭神  主祭神  別雷神(わけいかづちのかみ) 合祀祭神 石長姫命、保食神 別雷神 賀茂別雷神とも。賀茂別雷神社の祭神。大山咋(おおやまくい)神と玉依(たまより)姫の間の子。大山咋神が丹塗矢(にぬりや)となって流れ,玉依姫がそれを拾って懐妊したと伝える。別雷神は雷となって昇天したといわれ,賀茂祭の御阿礼(みあれ)神事は,水中よりこの神の誕生するのを取り上げる祭儀である。 由緒 大宮神社境外摂社 口碑の伝える所によれば、往古間川(祓川)なる鯰巌の淵に大なる鯰居りて時々人を害せり。里人これを憂へて、林の神に祈りしに、この神一日童女に憑りて、吾は別雷神なり、古此の東方なる桙杉に降りしを里人社殿を営み奉祀せしが後由ありて西の方に移されたり。(林神社という。後若林神社に合祀される。)此の郷内秀石の地は吾が心にかなえるよき地なれば、新たに社殿を建立し神籬に若松を植え其所に移し奉らば此の患を除き、氏子等を若松の栄える如く守らんと云ふ。里人歓び信託のまにまに社殿を建立して遷座し奉り、若松を植えて若松大明神奉斎す奉称す。爰に淵水次第にあせて鯰其の拠を失い、一夜洪水に乗じて行方知れずなれりと云う。 一説に、長元年間旱魃の際、里人祈雨の為満濃池祭神たる別雷神、水波女神の二柱の御分霊を此の地に奉遷して祈雨せしに大に霊験ありて降雨数日に及べり。依って社殿を営み奉斎すと云う。而して水波女神は別に境内に祀り里人之を龍王といふと。 当社は古くより加茂大明神、加茂若林大明神と称えられ、この地の氏神として尊崇され来れり。明治維新の際若林神社と改称す。同十六年本殿、幣殿、拝殿を改築し、昭和八年神門を建築す。大正四年字川原添 秀石社、字杉ノ上下所社を合祀する。 若林神社の栴檀(センダン)は県の指定保存木。
Wakabayashi Shrine founded in the first year of Chogen (128-137) Apotropaic magic. Direction. Good luck. Happo excluding. Lightning removal. Disaster relief. Win Zanzachi Yoshinoshimo 394, Manno-cho, Nakatado-gun The god of rituals, the god of rituals, the god of thunder Goshi god, Iwanagahime, Ukemochi Another thunder god Also with Kamo Betsuraijin. The deity of Kamigamo Betsurai Shrine. Oyamakui A child between God and Princess Tamayori. Oyamakui flows as a Ninuriya, and Tamayori-hime picks it up and tells her that she is pregnant. It is said that the god of thunder was ascended to heaven as a thunder, and the Miare Shinto ritual of the Kamo Festival is a ritual that takes up the birth of this god from underwater. Historical Omiya Shrine Setsumatsusha outside the precincts According to oral traditions, there is a large catfish at the edge of the catfish Iwao, the old catfish river (Kaedegawa), which sometimes harms people. Satojin To pray to the god of the forest, to pray to the god of the forest, to possess this god one day child, I will become another thunder god There was a reason for it to be moved to the west. (It is called Hayashi Shrine. It is enshrined at Gowakabayashi Shrine.) If the land of Hideishi in this town is a good place for me, I will build a new shrine and plant Wakamatsu in Himorogi and move it to this place. It is said that the children and others should be protected so that Wakamatsu will prosper, except for the illness. The shrine was built and relocated to the shrine of the Satojin Rejoicing Trust, and Wakamatsu was planted to serve the Wakamatsu Daimeijin Shrine. It is said that the catfish gradually loses its base in the water, and it is said that it will be lost by taking advantage of the flood overnight. One theory is that during the drought for the first year of the year, there was a great spiritual test to pray for the rain by relocating the two pillars of the god of thunder and the goddess Mizunami, who are the gods of the Mannoike festival. It has been raining for several days. Therefore, it is said that the shrine is run and dedicated. Then, the goddess Mizunami enshrined in the precincts and called Satohito the Dragon King. Our company has been called Kamo Daimyojin and Kamo Wakabayashi Daimyojin for a long time, and has been revered as the deity of this area. Renamed to Wakabayashi Shrine during the Meiji Restoration. In the same year, the main shrine, the coin hall, and the worship hall were rebuilt, and the Shinto gate was built in 1945. In the 4th year of the Taisho era, Aza Kawahara Soe Hideishisha and Aza Sugino Shoshosha are enshrined. Wakabayashi Shrine's Sendan is a designated preserved tree in the prefecture.

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