Wadamisaki Battery - Kobe

3.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Wadamisaki Battery

住所 :

1 Chome-1 Wadasakicho, Hyogo Ward, Kobe, Hyogo 652-0854, Japan

電話 : 📞 +87878
Postal code : 652-0854
Webサイト : http://www.mhi.co.jp/company/facilities/wadamisaki/

1 Chome-1 Wadasakicho, Hyogo Ward, Kobe, Hyogo 652-0854, Japan
M style on Google

★ I'm aiming for Chinu ... For some reason, I'm always just Kobudai ?? (laughs). But it's a fun character ?✌️.
森一 on Google

幕末に外国からの防衛のために建造した砲台のひとつ。三菱重工業敷地内であるため簡単には入れない。事前予約が要るようで問い合わせてみてください。 その点、西宮浜にもある砲台は外観見るならいつでも可能。でも中には入れない様です。 その当時慌て作ったものの、用をなさなかったらしいです。
One of the batteries built for the defense of foreign countries at the end of the Edo period. As it is in Mitsubishi Heavy Industries site, it is not easy to enter. Please make an inquiry as it requires prior reservation. In that respect, the battery in Nishinomiyahama is always possible if you look at the appearance. But I do not seem to be inside. At that time, they made it, but they did not use it.
浩洋服部 on Google

This is the remains of Wadamisaki Battery, which was built in the late Tokugawa period for defense. The surrounding earth has been lost, but the tower remains, and the interior has been restored by the efforts of Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, reminiscent of the past. If you tour with the Nishinomiya battery, you will further deepen your knowledge. The site is located on the factory premises and requires a prior reservation system to limit the date of release. For details of the tour, see the website of Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Kobe Shipyard. After the tour, you can get a commentary pamphlet.
大橋宏治 on Google

It was really big ? The cannon on this would have been big too. It was nice to see it nearby.
ツナ缶のこういちさん on Google

It's a place that you can't usually enter, so when you see the real thing, you'll be impressed.
jamtyえのん on Google

行って来ましたよ! 意外と大きいです! 私の居住している所も砲台跡はたくさんありますが、形が残っているのは初めてでした。下に大砲の弾置き場があって、上に滑車などで引き上げるようになっていました。内部は木造で立派な梁がインパクト大です。雨どいや、真ん中の手すり周りの縁取りは銅が使用してあって、火花が出ないようになっています。 色々コネを使って(笑)お願いしましたが、外観及び内観も撮影出来ませんでした。 ちなみに資料館も見学させていただきましたが、そこも撮影禁止でした。
I went there! Surprisingly big! There are a lot of battery traces in my place, but it was the first time that the shape remained. There was a cannon bullet bay below, and it was supposed to be pulled up with a pulley. The interior is made of wood and has a great impact. The rain gutter and the border around the handrail in the middle are made of copper to prevent sparks. I asked for a variety of connections (laughs), but I couldn't shoot the exterior and interior. By the way, I visited the museum, but photography was also prohibited.
Y T. on Google

敷地内で仕事する時に見ました。 立派やなぁ。 ちゃんと見学に来たいですね。
I saw it when I worked on the premises. It's fine. I want to come to the tour properly.
Papa Woody on Google

三菱重工業神戸造船所の中にあり、普通には見学出来ませんが、一般公開もされていて工場内を見ながら目的地に行けますよ? 砲台の中は何度か補修されていてますが、歴史好きには喜ばれると思います✨
It is located inside the Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Kobe Shipyard and cannot be visited normally, but it is open to the public so you can go to your destination while looking inside the factory ? The inside of the turret has been repaired several times, but I think that history lovers will be pleased.

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