手打そば 中津川

3.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 手打そば 中津川

住所 :

Uwaso, Ishioka, 〒315-0157 Ibaraki,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8997
Webサイト : https://www.nakatsugawa-soba.com/
Opening hours :
Saturday 11AM–3PM
Sunday 11AM–3PM
Monday Closed
Tuesday 11AM–3PM
Wednesday 11AM–3PM
Thursday 11AM–3PM
Friday 11AM–3PM
街 : Ibaraki

Uwaso, Ishioka, 〒315-0157 Ibaraki,Japan
アキオ on Google

湯葉天丼つきもりそばを頼みました、庶民的な感じです、蕎麦は田舎風ですが、香りは少なめです お蕎麦は湯葉と野菜の天ぷらでした、ごちそうさまでした
I ordered Yuba Tendon with Morisoba, it's a common feeling, the soba is rustic, but the fragrance is less. The soba was yuba and vegetable tempura, it was a feast.
ずんどこ on Google

The soba is delicious, the shrimp of Tenzaru is crispy and big, and the chilled soba noodles are also delicious.
Yoshi Issi on Google

Tendon 1,200 yen. It is in the middle of corona, but it is flourishing. I am satisfied with the mini soba noodles in the bowl and the volume.
tec bane on Google

2021.4.7 さしぶりに来訪、今日は中エビ天ザル。エビでか ! 蕎麦もなかなかのものです、美味しいです。 以前はお酒でお世話になりましたが、現在はランチかなぁ~。お腹一杯になります。
2021.4.7 Visited for the first time in a while, today is a medium shrimp colander. Shrimp! Soba is also quite good and delicious. I used to take care of myself with alcohol, but now I think it's lunch. I'm full.
山中利夫 on Google

I wonder if today's soba was powdery ? But it wasn't too bad, it was normal ❗ For 800 yen, there is lotus soba noodles, but is it a dining room nearby at noon? There is no ❗ so it is crowded.
幸男(サイドバック) on Google

天ぷらそばを食べました。 えび天以外にも、野菜天、おこわ、三点盛りが付いて、値段以上にお得です。
I ate tempura soba. In addition to shrimp tempura, vegetable tempura, okowa, and three-piece assortment are included, which is more than the price.
ヘタレ女帝 on Google

バイクで通りすがりに立ち寄りました。 駐車場は舗装されていて止め易いです。 店内入ると店員さんの笑顔と挨拶が印象的。 なんだろう? 声質も聞き易いんでしょうか。 接客が神レベルです☺️ 旦那は蕎麦とカツ丼のセット、私は海老天丼と蕎麦のセットを頼みましたが、私が生きてきた中でこの天丼が1番おいしかった!甘めな濃い味が疲れた体をとても癒してくれました? 湯葉刺も頼みましたがやはり美味しい☺️ 家から2時間かかりますがまた絶対行こうと思いました? 近かったらもっと通いたいと思いました? 人によると思いますが、料金設定はいい料理とよい接客の割に申し訳ないほど安いですね☺️ 次回は立ち寄りではなくここが目的地でもいいなぁ〜?
I stopped by to pass by motorcycle. The parking lot is paved and easy to stop. When you enter the store, the smiles and greetings of the clerk are impressive. I wonder what? Is the voice quality easy to hear? Customer service is God level ☺️ My husband asked for a set of soba and katsudon, and I asked for a set of shrimp tempura and soba, but this tempura bowl was the best I've ever lived! The sweet rich taste healed the tired body ? I asked for Yuba Sashi, but it is still delicious ☺️ It takes 2 hours from home, but I definitely decided to go again ? I wanted to go more if I was close ? I think it depends on the person, but the price setting is awfully cheap for good food and good customer service ☺️ Next time, I don't mind stopping by here, so it's okay for me to be the destination ~ ?
林謙次 on Google

筑波山の麓にある駒村清明堂さんに杉の葉の線香を買いに来て、その帰りに寄ってみました。 特にここにどうしても!という感じでなく、マップで近くのお蕎麦屋を検索したら出てきて、雰囲気も良さそうなのでお邪魔しました。土曜日の正午前で、先客は1組。 「好きな所へどうぞ。」と案内されテーブル席に。とても感じの良い先客にひと安心。 座敷の席も多く、少々の団体でもいけそうな感じでした。 朝を抜いていたので冷たい蕎麦とカツ丼のセットにしましたが、小鉢のお豆腐や付け合わせのキュウリ等の箸休めがちょっと嬉しいし、暑い日には最高!バイクでなければビールやお酒が欲しくなるかも… お蕎麦は田舎蕎麦でコシがあり、食べ応えのあるしっかりとしたお蕎麦でした。 それと個人的にはセットのカツ丼が旨い!! お蕎麦屋さんのカツ丼は美味しいとわかっておりますが、私史上ナンバーワンかも! 近くだったらなぁ。 でもまたツーリングがてら来よう。 個数限定のお豆腐と湯葉も気になった。 今度、頼もう。 美味しいお蕎麦屋さん見つけるとなんだか嬉しくなるのは私だけか?! 筑波の麓は本当に素敵な所。お近くにお立ち寄りの際には是非。あと、自転車の方達もこの界隈はよく見かけますが、お店の入口にはバイクスタンドもあるので、サイクリストの方達もオススメですよ。
I came to Kiyoakido Komamura at the foot of Mt. Tsukuba to buy incense sticks of cedar leaves and stopped by on the way home. Especially here! It wasn't like that, but when I searched for a nearby soba restaurant on the map, it came out and the atmosphere seemed to be good, so I bothered. At noon on Saturday, there was one pair of customers. I was informed that "Please go wherever you like" and took a seat at the table. It is a relief for a very pleasant customer. There were many seats in the tatami room, and it seemed like a small group could do it. Since I was skipping the morning, I made a set of cold soba and katsudon, but I'm a little happy to have a small bowl of tofu and cucumber with garnish, and it's great on a hot day! If you're not on a motorcycle, you might want beer or alcohol ... The buckwheat noodles were countryside buckwheat noodles, and they were chewy and firm. And personally, the set katsudon is delicious! !! I know that the soba restaurant's katsudon is delicious, but it may be the number one in my history! I wish it was nearby. But let's come back touring. I was also interested in the limited number of tofu and yuba. Let's ask this time. Am I the only one who is happy to find a delicious soba restaurant? !! The foot of Tsukuba is a really nice place. Please come and visit us near you. Also, bicycles often see this area, but there is also a bike stand at the entrance of the shop, so cyclists are also recommended.

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