Utsuwa Daifuku - Minato City

4.4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Utsuwa Daifuku

住所 :

デルックス南青山 1F 3 Chome-8-5 Minamiaoyama, Minato City, Tokyo 107-0062, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8
Postal code : 107-0062
Webサイト : https://www.utsuwa-daifuku.net/
Opening hours :
Saturday 12–6PM
Sunday 12–6PM
Monday 12–6PM
Tuesday Closed
Wednesday 12–6PM
Thursday 12–6PM
Friday 12–6PM

デルックス南青山 1F 3 Chome-8-5 Minamiaoyama, Minato City, Tokyo 107-0062, Japan
おじゃまりんちゃん on Google

It was a little deep and I didn't know at first, but there are many kinds of goods and things are good. As I picked up the plate and pondered, the clerk immediately called out. I think this kind of store is a good store that is just hidden (preferably put a sign in the alley. Maybe it was there). It is recommended.
yamato on Google

南青山にある食器店。外苑前駅or表参道から徒歩で数分です。 少し横道に入りますが、案内板があります。GoogleMapを使えば迷うこともありません。 よくあるブランド品やありきたりなお皿ではなく、オリジナルな和食器が並んでいます。部分的にフェアを開催していることも。 店内はワンフロアですが、美しい食器たちに魅了されてしまいます。 お値段はそこそこしますが、独自性のあるお皿を探している人には心からおすすめ。 インスタやオンラインショップもチェックしてみて下さい (*´ω`)ノ お皿好きな人は当店&さらに南側にある「うつわ楓」さんをセットで訪問すると良いでしょう。
A tableware store in Minamiaoyama. It is a few minutes on foot from Gaienmae Station or Omotesando. There is a guide board, although it will take a side road. If you use Google Map, you will not get lost. Original Japanese dishes are lined up instead of common branded items and ordinary dishes. Partly holding fairs. The store is on one floor, but you will be fascinated by the beautiful tableware. The prices are reasonable, but I would really recommend it to anyone looking for unique dishes. Please check out Instagram and online shops (*´ω`)no For plate lovers, we recommend visiting our shop and Kaede Utsuwa on the south side as a set.
Chisato on Google

I wanted to give Japanese tableware as a gift, so I went to this shop I found by searching on google. There are vessels of multiple writers, and there are many affordable and wonderful ones, so I got lost. The clerk also called out at the right time, and I was satisfied with the shopping. I wanted to collect Japanese tableware, so I'm glad to meet this shop. I would like to continue to attend.
2187 fn on Google

Impression that young tableware is the center. There was a wide selection of items. Basically, there is no persistent customer service, and if you look at it with interest, it will give you a casual explanation. The way of serving customers was very good. When I decided to purchase the same product, it was handmade and the finish was different, so I kindly advised me to choose the one I like. It was good that some of them were reasonably priced.
violet on Google

色々な作家さんの作品を見る事でき、目の保養になりました。 お店の雰囲気や店員さんもとても感じが良かったです。
I was able to see the works of various artists, and it was an eye candy. The atmosphere of the shop and the clerk were also very nice.
田中泰介 on Google

日本の美しい食器を揃えられるお店。 地下鉄の外苑前で降りたら、路地にはいればすぐに有ります。 1aから出て大きなガラス張りの建物近くに 案内の着いた電柱発見。 入っていくと信楽焼の狸がお出迎え。 中はとてもきれいな和食器の数々が展示されています。 食器って位で入っても魅了されること間違いなしの面白い空間。 是非立ち寄ってみて!
A shop where you can buy beautiful Japanese tableware. If you get off in front of Gaienmae on the subway, you will find it as soon as you enter the alley. Exit 1a and near a large glass building Discovered a utility pole with guidance. As you enter, you will be greeted by Shigaraki ware raccoon dogs. Inside, a number of very beautiful Japanese tableware are on display. An interesting space that will surely fascinate you even if you enter the tableware. Please drop in!
Yayoi OHASHI on Google

There are many nice vessels. It is displayed for each artist, and it is fun just to see the difference in atmosphere. The clerk also searched for what I was looking for.
Mukai向井 on Google

見ていて思わず欲しくなるようなお皿に囲まれた空間。種類が豊富で、用途に合わせて様々な選択が出来ます。平日16時過ぎに伺いじっくり眺めていたところ、店員さんが欲しいお皿について聞いてくださり、ギフトにオススメの組み合わせを提案をしてくださりました。たくさんの素敵なお皿の中で、納得のいくお皿選びが出来てとても満足です。 会計時にはもう1人の店員さんにも非常に心地よい接客をして頂きました。梱包まで10分ほどかかるため、その間に他のものも見ておりましたが、石川県の作家さんが多い印象でした。ちなみに、作品については作家さんの経歴やお皿のコンセプトについてキャプションが添えられているものが多く、選ぶ際に参考になります。またお皿だけでなく箸、箸置きなどの一部雑貨も取り扱っておりました。 ※掲載写真は許可を頂いた上で撮影
A space surrounded by plates that makes you want to see it. There are many types, and you can make various selections according to your needs. When I visited after 16:00 on weekdays and took a closer look, the clerk asked me about the dishes I wanted and suggested a recommended combination for gifts. I am very happy to be able to choose a dish that I am satisfied with from among the many wonderful dishes. At the time of checkout, another clerk also provided a very comfortable customer service. It takes about 10 minutes to pack, so I was looking at other things during that time, but I got the impression that there were many writers from Ishikawa prefecture. By the way, many of the works have captions about the artist's career and the concept of the plate, which will be helpful when choosing. We also handled some miscellaneous goods such as chopsticks and chopstick rests as well as plates. * The photos shown are taken with permission.

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