3.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact FLANNEL SOFA 東京ショールーム

住所 :

Minamiaoyama, Minato City, 〒107-0062 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8978
Webサイト : https://www.flannelsofa.com/
街 : Tokyo

Minamiaoyama, Minato City, 〒107-0062 Tokyo,Japan
中村龍太 on Google

Natural type, maybe. The price is cheap.
Meg Sa on Google

I had to wait more than 30 minutes before I was in charge, but I was worried that I seemed to be guiding the people who came later during that time. Maybe there was a reason, but there were a couple of salesclerks standing without doing anything, so I wanted something to follow. In addition, the woman who was in charge of the charge was basically able to simply answer the question silently and could not listen to any helpful stories, so I thought it would be enough to go around and buy online ..
micl nusaju on Google

2020.12訪問。 オンラインで気に入ったソファがあり、実物を見るために伺いました。買うかどうかは曖昧な状態のまま話を聞き、後日メールにて受注させていただきました。 昨今のレビューは手厳しいものが続いておりますが、程よい距離感にて丁寧な接客をしていただきました。 ソファのサイズや配置、色で迷っていましたが、間取り図を持っていると言うとソファの俯瞰模型(透明プラ板のようなもの)の縮尺に合わせ間取り図を直してくださり、配置イメージがつかみやすいようにしていただきました。また色味の印象や動線の考え方なども教えていただき、大変参考になりました。 某大手家具屋さんで担当さんをつけていただいている経験から言うと(元来家具屋さんはがつがつ来るタイプの方が多いように感じますので)こちらの接客は押しが弱い・物足らないと思われる方もいらっしゃるかもしれませんが、私としては必要な情報をシンプルに出してくれた上にこちらが話し合ったり考えたりする時間を貰えるので、持ち帰り検討を切り出しやすく、良い距離感だと感じた次第です。また周りの方を見ていても、(お客さんが)ソファに座った状態をスマホで撮って見せていたりと、そこそこに値の張る買い物だからこそ納得して買ってもらうための工夫なのかな、と、いち消費者として感心する部分もございました。
Visited December 2020. I have a sofa I like online and I visited to see the real thing. I listened to the story in an ambiguous state as to whether or not to buy it, and later received an order by e-mail. Although the reviews have been tough these days, we received a polite customer service with a reasonable sense of distance. I was confused about the size, layout, and color of the sofa, but when I said that I had a floor plan, he corrected the floor plan according to the scale of the bird's-eye view model (like a transparent plastic plate) of the sofa, and the layout image I made it easy to grasp. It was also very helpful for me to learn about the impression of color and the way of thinking about flow lines. From the experience of having a person in charge at a major furniture store (because I feel that there are many types of furniture stores that are originally rugged), this customer service is weak and unsatisfactory. Some people may think that, but for me, it gives me the necessary information in a simple manner, and I also have time to discuss and think about it, so it is easy to cut out a take-out study and I feel that it is a good sense of distance. It depends. Also, even if I look around, I take a picture of (the customer) sitting on the sofa with a smartphone and show it, I wonder if it is a device to convince me to buy it because it is a reasonably priced shopping. , I was impressed as a consumer.
HAL on Google

表参道駅から徒歩3分程。 予約なしで行けますが、混雑時には制限かかります。 デザインも結構あります。
About 3 minutes walk from Omotesando station. You can go without a reservation, but there will be restrictions when it is crowded. There are also quite a few designs.
M R on Google

不愉快な店舗です。お気をつけください。こちらはソファ専門店で気になっていた商品があり、当ショールームに訪れました。店内は賑わっておりましたがお手隙の女性の店員さんもおりました。案内も何もなかったのでショールームですから、自由に見てから気になったところで相談するのかと思い、いくつか見ていました。少しして中高年ほどの親子が二組ほど来た直後に、その女性の店員さんはそそくさと入店時のアンケートを取り始め、アンケート後にご案内しますとお話ししてました。他の店員さんもそちらの案内につかれ、その前にいた我々を無視しておりました。見た目が若い2人でしたから、どうせ買わないなどと思われたのでしょうか。 こちらのソファを真剣に検討はしていましたが、接客対応が悪く、その後に訪れたすぐ近くにあるソファ専門店がホスピタリティにあふれる接客であったこともあり、通常ではないのはこの店舗なんだなと思い、不愉快なこちらには今後一切関わらないことにしました。 検討されている方はショールームに行かないで決めるか、対応が悪くても気にしないくらいの気持ちがあればいいと思います。しかし、同価格帯で他にも素晴らしいソファ専門店はあります。 こちらの接客対応からは客を客と思っておらずお金を落とすかどうかだけで判断する態度がありありと伝わり、信頼に値しないことを念頭に置いておく必要があります。 同様に不快な気持ちになる方が減るよう、こちらの口コミを投稿しました。
It's an unpleasant store. Please be careful. I visited this showroom because there was a product I was interested in at a sofa specialty store. The store was crowded, but there was also a female clerk who had a chance. There was no information, so it was a showroom, so I thought I would consult with him when I was interested after looking at it freely, so I was looking at some of them. Immediately after two pairs of middle-aged and older parents and children came, the female clerk said that she would start taking a questionnaire at the time of entering the store and will guide you after the questionnaire. Other clerk was also obsessed with that guidance and ignored us who were in front of it. Did you think that you wouldn't buy it anyway because they looked young? I was seriously considering this sofa, but the customer service was poor, and the sofa specialty store near me that I visited after that was full of hospitality, so this store is unusual. I thought that was the case, so I decided not to be involved in this unpleasant thing in the future. Those who are considering it should decide not to go to the showroom, or feel that they do not mind even if the correspondence is bad. However, there are other great sofa stores in the same price range. It is necessary to keep in mind that this customer service is not worthy of trust, as it conveys that there is an attitude of not considering the customer as a customer and judging only by whether or not to drop money. I've posted this review to reduce the number of people who feel uncomfortable as well.
tacosalad3104 on Google

店員さんにいろいろ聞きたかったので空いているであろう時間帯を意識しコロナ禍の蔓延防止明け平日昼過ぎに伺いました 店内に入ると先ずはアンケートに記入、そのあといろいろ相談にのってもらいました 2時間弱はいたでしょうか その間私の話をしっかり聞き、質問などにも答えてくれるし提案も出来る、若い方でしたが私はここのクチコミにあるような不快な印象はありませんでした おそらく混雑する時間帯に行くとどのお客さんが先に来たかなど把握し切れなくなる事と一人でゆっくり見たいお客さんもいるのでそういった対応になってしまうのかなと思います その辺は改善も必要なのかもしれませんが相談したい時は自分から声を掛ければ済むことかなとも思います 逆に過度な接客を嫌う人には良いのではと思います ゆっくり見たり聞いたりしたい時はやはり空いている時間帯をお勧めします この店の商品に限った事ではありませんが こういった家具類はwebの写真と現物では印象が変わるのでショールームがあるなら出来るだけ足を運んで確認した方が良いと思いました 個人的には問題ないが他の人のクチコミを見ると改善出来る部分もあると思うので星4つで
I wanted to ask the clerk various things, so I was conscious of the time zone that would be vacant, so I visited after noon on weekdays after the prevention of the spread of corona sickness. When I entered the store, I first filled out a questionnaire and then asked for various consultations. Was it less than two hours? During that time, I was a young person who listened to my story, answered questions, and made suggestions, but I didn't have the unpleasant impression of the reviews here. Perhaps when you go to a busy time, you will not be able to grasp which customer came first, and there are also customers who want to see slowly alone, so I think that will be the response. It may be necessary to improve that area, but if you want to talk, I think you can just talk to yourself. On the contrary, I think it is good for people who dislike excessive customer service. If you want to watch and listen slowly, we recommend you to have a free time. It ’s not limited to the products in this store, I thought it would be better to visit as much as possible if there is a showroom, as the impression of such furniture will change between the photos on the web and the actual furniture. Personally there is no problem, but if you look at other people's reviews, I think that there are parts that can be improved, so with 4 stars
aco & on Google

こちらでシエスタを購入しました。 デザインは決まっていたものの、サイズや色で悩んでいましたが、間取り図を元に縮尺した模型?を用意して下さり、サイズ感をイメージすることが出来ました。色も気になる見本を何本か見せて頂き、自然光が当たるとこういうイメージです、と光の加減での印象違いも教えて頂きました。 ちょうど良い距離感での接客が好感を持てました。 土日は入場制限があるとのことなので、平日に行くことをおすすめします。
I bought a siesta here. Although the design was decided, I was worried about the size and color, but is it a scaled model based on the floor plan? I was able to imagine the feeling of size by preparing. He showed me some samples that I was interested in in color, and told me that the image is like this when exposed to natural light, and the difference in impression depending on the amount of light. I liked the customer service with just the right distance. It is said that admission is restricted on Saturdays and Sundays, so it is recommended to go on weekdays.
しげちゃん on Google

覚悟はしてましたが、コインパーキングはお高いです(笑) 娘が小さいこともあり、混雑時はどうしても他のお客様にご迷惑になるので平日の11:00に入店。 商品は【PIVO】に決めていたので、座り心地、大きさ、カバーの色の現物をみたかったので伺いました。 遊び心のあるデザインが私にはドはまりです。 PCの画面では伝わらないことがたくさんありました。金額的に上をみたらキリがないですが、私個人としては高級ソファーですし、長くお付き合いするものなので、現物をみて正解でした。 とくにカバーの色に関しては、担当して頂いたスタッフの方からたくさんのご提案をいただき、考えてなかった色も、実際に見たらとても良く、候補が増えました。 結果的には悩む要素が増えました(笑)が、悩むのが楽しいことなので、スタッフの方から得た情報と、カタログを見て比較して、しっかりと吟味させていただきます。 第一候補は東レのウルトラスエードという生地ですが、店頭限定の旭化成さんの生地も素敵でした。 これから悩みます。 最後に、ショールームの場所はわかりずらかったですが、スタッフの方の説明はわかりやすく、丁寧でした。 ありがとうございました。 追伸 住友不動産グループさんの駐車場にお邪魔しました。 目の前には隈研吾さんデザインの建物がズドンと建っております。
I was prepared, but coin parking is expensive (laughs) Since my daughter is small, it will be a nuisance to other customers when it is crowded, so I entered the store at 11:00 on weekdays. I decided on the product [PIVO], so I wanted to see the actual seating comfort, size, and color of the cover, so I asked. The playful design is addictive to me. There were many things that could not be conveyed on the PC screen. If you look at the top in terms of money, it's hard to beat, but for me personally, it's a luxury sofa and I've been with it for a long time, so I saw the actual product and it was the correct answer. Especially with regard to the color of the cover, we received many suggestions from the staff in charge, and the colors that we hadn't thought about were very good when we actually saw them, and the number of candidates increased. As a result, there are more factors to worry about (laughs), but it's fun to worry about it, so I will compare it with the information obtained from the staff by looking at the catalog and carefully examine it. The first candidate is Toray's Ultra Suede fabric, but Asahi Kasei's fabric, which is limited to stores, was also wonderful. I'm worried from now on. Finally, the location of the showroom was difficult to understand, but the staff's explanations were easy to understand and polite. Thank you very much. PS I visited the parking lot of Sumitomo Realty & Development Group. A building designed by Kengo Kuma stands in front of you.

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