Ushimado Shrine - 牛窓-2147 牛窓町 Setouchi

4.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Ushimado Shrine

住所 :

牛窓-2147 牛窓町 Setouchi, Okayama 701-4302, Japan

電話 : 📞 +88997
Postal code : 701-4302
Webサイト :

牛窓-2147 牛窓町 Setouchi, Okayama 701-4302, Japan
sasa kame on Google

瀬戸内海国立公園特別地域内にあります。 招き猫はなおちゃんに会いに2回参拝するも残念ながら会えず。またの機会に!! 1度目は腰に不安があり海側から登らず、山側の駐車場から参拝。七夕飾りの短冊を奉納させて頂きました。大きな絵馬も見どころです。 2度目は海側の参道から。秋晴れで景色もよく気持ちいい。紅葉も赤と緑が混じった美しさ!!海から森の中へ通じる神社、随身門も拝殿も雰囲気抜群です!!展望台(亀山公園)はツツジの名所とか。来年リベンジしたいです。 毎回地元の方が参拝する姿を見かけますが、さっとお参りして帰られます。地元の鎮守の神様として大事にされているお社だと感じました。
It is located in the Setonaikai National Park special area. The beckoning cat visits Nao-chan twice, but unfortunately he can't. On another occasion !! The first time, I was worried about my waist and did not climb from the sea side, but worshiped from the parking lot on the mountain side. We have dedicated a strip of Tanabata decoration. The big votive tablet is also a highlight. The second time is from the approach to the sea side. It's sunny autumn and the scenery is nice. The beauty of the autumn leaves is a mixture of red and green! The shrine leading from the sea to the woods, the Zuijin Gate and the hall of worship have an outstanding atmosphere! The observatory (Kameyama Park) is a famous place for tsutsuji. I want to revenge next year. I see locals worshiping every time, but I can visit them quickly and go home. I felt that it was a company that was cherished as a local chinjugami.
maru maru on Google

普段はあまり社寺仏閣は写真を撮りませんが、石段の途中の展望台から観る景色が晴天も相まって絶景でしたので写真へ収めました 境内裏に駐車場があり、歩いて上るのが困難な方はそちらへ 足腰に自信が有る方は海水浴場からの石段へ 手入れの行き届いた境内でこの空間は空気が凛としていました 素敵な景色ありがとうございました
I don't usually take pictures of shrines and temples, but the view from the observatory in the middle of the stone steps was superb because of the fine weather, so I took it in the picture. There is a parking lot behind the precincts, and if you have difficulty walking up, go there. If you are confident in your legs, go to the stone steps from the beach The air was dignified in this space in the well-maintained precincts Thank you for the wonderful view
Baviaga lab on Google

素敵過ぎる参道? 海岸線から続く石の参道はまぁまぁの長さ、なのですが左右の杜が手入れされているので季節の植物(大量のつつじが植えてあります)を楽しめて、散歩しているような気分になりました。本殿に向かう丘陵を途中で立ち止まると、穏やかな瀬戸内の海が広がっていて、感動しました。こんな素敵な立地にある神社はそう多くないと思います。本殿は桧皮葺で貴重な建物でした。宮司さんも地域の方たちも大切にしているんだろうなー。すぐ下は海ですが荒々しい雰囲気はなくて本当に、本当に落ち着く空間でした。ぜひ足を運んでほしいな。また来たい❗
The approach to the stone is too nice ? The approach to the stone that continues from the coastline is of a reasonable length, but since the left and right forests are well maintained, it seems that you can enjoy seasonal plants (a large amount of azaleas are planted) and take a walk. I felt like it. When I stopped on the way to the main shrine, I was impressed by the calm sea of ​​Setouchi. I don't think there are many shrines in such a wonderful location. The main shrine was a precious building with a cypress bark. I wonder if Miyaji-san and the local people are cherishing it. Immediately below is the sea, but there was no rough atmosphere and it was a really, really calm space. I want you to come visit us. I want to come again ❗
小倉康平 on Google

牛窓の海岸のすぐ側にある気持ち良い神社。階段から登るスタイルもあるし、車で上につけて参るスタイルも出来ます。上に登れば瀬戸内海が一望できて、淡路島から小豆島まで見れます。階段はハードですが、軽い運動と思えば楽勝ですか。笑 #神社 #牛窓 #日生 #牡蠣 #瀬戸内海
A pleasant shrine right next to the coast of Ushimado. There is a style of climbing from the stairs, and a style of climbing up by car is also possible. If you climb up, you can see the Seto Inland Sea from Awaji Island to Shodoshima. The stairs are hard, but if you think of it as a light exercise, is it an easy win? Lol #Shrine #Ushimado #Hinase #Oyster #Seto Inland Sea
Dominik Eckenstein on Google

Great views - ok shrine
srivatsa M on Google

The priest here is intresting . You get to know if you the first from your country to visit this place
齋藤デイビッド on Google

Sweet spot overlooking the Ushimado bay.
Dr. Nizam Uddin Anon on Google

Setouchi world most beautiful place in Japan. Excellent natural view with family friend environment. SUN WORLD TOUR OPERATOR AND TRAVEL AGENT NOW MEMBER OF SETOUCHI TOURISM ACTIVITIES.

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