Ushikaido Central Park - Niigata

3.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Ushikaido Central Park

住所 :

1 Chome-14 Kukonishi, Higashi Ward, Niigata, 950-0036, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8
Postal code : 950-0036
Opening hours :
Saturday Open 24 hours
Sunday Open 24 hours
Monday Open 24 hours
Tuesday Open 24 hours
Wednesday Open 24 hours
Thursday Open 24 hours
Friday Open 24 hours

1 Chome-14 Kukonishi, Higashi Ward, Niigata, 950-0036, Japan
naophi on Google

新潟屈指の面積。水はけが悪いのが残念。 犬の散歩のマナーは最低。クルマで来る人達だから近所の人じゃないとは思うが...
Niigata's leading area. I'm sorry that drainage is bad. Dog walking manners are minimal. I don't think they're neighbors because they come by car ...
高橋倭男 on Google

There is also a place to gate ball, it is a large park relative to a residential area. There are a lot of cherry blossom trees and it looks good for spring cherry blossom viewing. It is a pity that there is no parking lot and weeds are overgrown and not covered by hands.
White Josh on Google

It was surrounded by cherry blossoms and had a springy atmosphere.
倉島真由美 on Google

The cherry blossom season is very beautiful and soothing.
おののこまち on Google

It is a fairly large park with playground equipment. I often come with parents. There is also a place where you can play gateball, and the elderly are gathering. Since this is a park without a parking lot, it will be on the street. We can be satisfied with dogs. In some places the dogs are a little high, and the dogs are happily climbing.
滝沢素 on Google

昔は阿賀川と信濃川にはさまれた砂丘地で ,松とグミの群生地でした。 公園と畑が緑地帯が残る地域です。
なかみ on Google

It is large and has playset. Small children come to play in the morning and children at the end of school come to play in the afternoon. I think it's good for children's walks! However, there is no parking lot, and sometimes there are cars parked at the entrance, but I think it's okay to stop for a while to pick up and drop off children, but I think it's okay to stop all the time because police cars are around. I think it's better to stop.
T.O (오가와치) on Google

小さ頃の思いでを作ってくれた公園と言う理由で⭐️5!それがなかったらもちろん星3? 家からの散歩に来るもよし 海に行く途中に来るもよし 放課後に友達と遊ぶにも最適✨ 中学生の甘酸っぱい思い出も作れるよ?? 僕の場合は小学生の頃、里帰りした時におじいちゃんに連れてってもらった公園? ・いきなりここで2つのストーリーを紹介✏️ ①時は遡り約15年前、あの頃はまだ小学生低学年だったであろう。 祖父に連れられ4歳上の兄と公園の遊具で鬼ごっこをした。歳の差4歳離れとも、運動神経抜群の私は必死に兄から逃げた? 足の速さに自信はあったが、成長期真っ只中の歳の差4つはカバーしきれなかった。 意地になって逃げるあまり滑り台から足を滑らせ地面に転落? 胸を打った小学生の私は一時呼吸ができず、みてた祖父が慌てて駆けつけてきた。そして何故 か追いかけてた兄が怒られていた記憶? 今でも当時の痛みと状況は鮮明に覚えている ここまで読んでくれた人ありがと!ラスト1個は従兄弟とのほっこり話☺️ ↓↓↓ ②それまた10年以上前、小学3年生頃であっただろう? 我ら兄妹3人+8つ離れた従兄弟T、6つ離れた従姉妹S。計5人で公園へ行きブランコで遊んだ。現代用語でchillと呼ぼう? 従兄弟Tは高校生。アルバイトをしていたのであろう。良い時間帯に子供の好きなお菓子を沢山買ってきてくれた? 当時買い物やお金と言う概念の薄い私は人生で初めて差し入れをしてくれた人を間近に、子供ながら目が輝いた瞬間であった?? 現在なお存在するこの公園と共に 20歳を過ぎた今日も鮮明に脳裏に焼き付いている? 子供たちよ,,画面を見るのではなく外の世界を見に行くのだ? まぁゲームの思い出もたくさんあるけどねend
⭐️5 because it's a park that made me feel like I was little! Without it, of course, 3 stars ? You can come for a walk from home You can come on your way to the sea Great for playing with friends after school ✨ You can also make sweet and sour memories of junior high school students ?? In my case, when I was in elementary school, the park that my grandpa took me when I went home ? ・ Suddenly introduce two stories here ✏️ (1) The time goes back about 15 years ago, and at that time it was probably still in the lower grades of elementary school. Taken by my grandfather, I played tag with my older brother, who was four years older, in the playset in the park. Even though I was 4 years old, I desperately escaped from my brother because of my outstanding motor skills ? I was confident in the speed of my legs, but I couldn't cover the four age differences in the middle of the growing season. I slipped off the slide and fell to the ground ? As an elementary school student who hit my chest, I couldn't breathe for a while, and my grandfather rushed to see me. And why The memory that my brother who was chasing was angry ? I still vividly remember the pain and situation at that time. Thank you for reading this far! The last one is a relaxing talk with my cousin ☺️ ↓ ↓ ↓ ② It must have been around the third grade of elementary school more than 10 years ago ? Our brothers and sisters 3 + 8 cousins ​​T, 6 cousins ​​S. A total of 5 people went to the park and played on a swing. Let's call it chill in modern terms ? Cousin T is a high school student. I think he was working part-time. He bought a lot of children's favorite sweets at a good time ? At that time, the concept of shopping and money was thin, and I was close to the person who gave me the first gift in my life, and it was a moment when my eyes shined as a child ?? With this park that still exists Even today after the age of 20, it is clearly burned into my mind ? Kids ,, go to the outside world instead of looking at the screen ? Well, I have a lot of memories of the game, but end

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