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Contact きんとう整形外科クリニック

住所 :

Kukonishi, Higashi Ward, 〒950-0036 Niigata,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8788
Webサイト : http://kintouseikei.byoinnavi.jp/
Opening hours :
Saturday 9AM–12:30PM
Sunday Closed
Monday 9AM–12:30PM
Tuesday 9AM–12:30PM
Wednesday 9AM–12:30PM
Thursday 9AM–12:30PM
Friday 9AM–12:30PM
街 : Niigata

Kukonishi, Higashi Ward, 〒950-0036 Niigata,Japan
梨田友紀 on Google

rit mo on Google

内くるぶしにできた固い膨らみと足の甲の痺れを見てもらいにいったが レントゲンを撮った後異常はないと言われた 症状の原因と膨らみと痺れの関係はあるのか聞いたら 分からないと言われて終わった
I went to see the hard bulge on my inner ankle and the numbness of my instep, but after taking an X-ray, I was told that there was nothing wrong with it. When I asked if there was a relationship between the cause of the symptoms and swelling and numbness, I was told that I didn't understand.
クズ人間の(はまーん) on Google

A few years ago, I had to take care of my disc hernia (I went to a general hospital because I suddenly had a severe pain in my lower back the day before, but it was just a diagnosis of my lower back, but it was actually a severe disc hernia) and I need surgical treatment. At times, I always get treatment here.
TNT oregano on Google

自分では人生初のギックリ腰でお世話になりました。先生の見立て通り、約2週間で良くなりました。 先生は良くも悪くもズバッと言う方です。レントゲン技師さん、看護師さん、受付の方、皆さん丁寧に対応してくださいます。また、子供の捻挫などにも丁寧に対応してくださいました。
I took care of myself for the first time in my life. As the teacher said, it improved in about two weeks. The teacher is good and bad. X-ray technicians, nurses, receptionists, everyone will be politely responding. In addition, he kindly dealt with sprains of children.
ハル8025 on Google

評判が良いと聞いて行きました。 最初は丁寧に診察してくださりました。 所が通院で日がたつにつれ 痛みが残っていると伝えても 大丈夫でしょう。の一点張りで しまいには、後ろに立っている看護師さん❓❓と 私を笑い者にして、挙げ句の果て会社の悪口まで言われ。 今の治療が終わったら 二度と行きたくないです。 でもレントゲン師さんは、とても優しい 親切な方でした。
I heard that it has a good reputation. At first, he gave me a careful examination. The place is going to the hospital and as the days go by Even if I tell you that the pain remains It would be alright. With one point In the end, with the nurse standing behind ❓❓ He made me laugh and was told to say bad things about the company. When the current treatment is over I don't want to go again. But the X-ray teacher is very kind He was a kind person.
西原りく on Google

10年以上前の事ですが、右肩痛で通院した事がありました。レントゲンやら触診やらしまして、塗り薬と痛み止めの飲み薬を貰って帰りました。 結局、他所の病院で見て貰ったところ、右肩の靭帯が少し切れてました。まあ、先生の腕と医院の設備の問題なのでしょうがないと思ってますが問題は塗り薬です。 処方して貰った塗り薬を塗ってた所、最初は大丈夫だったのに、しばらくすると急に肌がかぶれるようになり、それ以来塗り薬や貼薬などが貼れなくなりました。 自分だけの問題かなと思ってた所、最近ある方が同じくここで処方して貰った塗り薬を塗ってから肌被れが酷くなり、私と同じく貼薬や湿布などが貼れなくなったと言ってました。相当キツい薬だったのしょうか…。 歳であちこち痛いのに湿布薬を使えなくなってのはとても不便で困ってます。
More than 10 years ago, I went to the hospital because of right shoulder pain. I did X-rays and palpation, and got an ointment and painkillers and went home. After all, when I saw it at a hospital elsewhere, the ligament on my right shoulder was cut a little. Well, I don't think it's a problem with the teacher's arm and the equipment in the clinic, but the problem is the ointment. When I applied the prescription ointment, it was okay at first, but after a while, my skin suddenly became rash, and since then I have not been able to apply the ointment or patch. I thought it was my own problem, but recently a person said that after applying the ointment that was also prescribed here, my skin became so rash that I couldn't apply the patch or poultice like I did. It was. Was it a pretty tough drug? It's very inconvenient and troublesome to be unable to use poultices even though it hurts here and there at the age of.
shino shino on Google

交通事故で半年通院してました。院内は綺麗で広く清潔感があります。受付にいらっしゃる奥様らしい方の対応がめちゃくちゃ悪い印象でした。ほぼ毎日、人によって対応が変わるお方だなと言う印象でした。特に毎日通ってくれる、お年寄りの方は除いて。先生の経歴は素人側としては素晴らしいかと思いますが、言葉、態度が気分によって波があり経歴だけじゃなーとガッカリしました。でも、交通事故の通院により自宅から近くでもあり我慢して治療に専念してましたが、交通事故の後遺症認定書類を保険屋さんに先生からもらう様に話しをしたところ、この位の怪我は認定書は書けないと断れました事を保険屋さんに話しをしたら、そんな書けない事は出来ないので書いて貰って下さい。と言われ、もう一度先生に話したら嫌味たっぷり言われた後に書いて頂きました。その後、後遺障害の認定が認められました。いったい何の為の意地悪をしたかったのかいまだにわかりません。病院選びは難しいと思いました 交通事故には適さない病院かもしれませんね。
I went to the hospital for half a year due to a traffic accident. The hospital is clean, spacious and clean. I had a very bad impression of the wife-like response at the reception. I had the impression that he was a person whose response changed from person to person almost every day. Especially except for the elderly who go every day. I think the teacher's career is wonderful for an amateur, but I was disappointed that the language and attitude had waves depending on the mood, and it wasn't just the career. However, because I was close to my home due to a traffic accident, I put up with it and devoted myself to treatment, but when I talked to the insurance company to get the aftereffects certification documents of the traffic accident from the teacher, this degree of injury was If you tell the insurance company that you can't write the certificate, you can't do that, so please write it. When I talked to the teacher again, he wrote it after being told a lot of sarcasm. After that, the recognition of residual disability was approved. I still don't know what I wanted to do. I found it difficult to choose a hospital It may not be a hospital suitable for a traffic accident.
senna on Google

The opinions of the people commenting here were the same as what I felt when I was examined and laughed. About three nurses are lined up behind the doctor during the examination, but the atmosphere is bad because everyone is chatting on the wall ? And this doctor can not treat it fundamentally in the first place. In the past, I was diagnosed with a fracture, cervical hernia, shoulder pain, etc., but every time I received an ambiguous answer, I never healed, and as a result, I went to another clinic. .. .. Even if I knew it wasn't good, I was amazed at myself who went to the hospital three times.

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