未来屋書店 喜連瓜破店

3.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 未来屋書店 喜連瓜破店

住所 :

Uriwari, Hirano Ward, 〒547-0024 Osaka,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8
Webサイト : http://www.miraiyashoten.co.jp/shop/
街 : Osaka

Uriwari, Hirano Ward, 〒547-0024 Osaka,Japan
橋本照正 on Google

CDも本?️は勿論沢山の品が揃ってます。 店も綺麗です 広いです。コロナ対策もokです。
There are plenty of CDs, as well as books ?️. The store is also beautiful It is wide. Corona measures are also ok.
たか on Google

店長さんの対応は本当にキチンとされていて、少しトラブルがあっても、迅速に解決してくださいました。 信頼できるお店です。 品揃えも豊富なので、たいていの欲しい本はここで手に入ります。
The store manager's response was really sloppy, and I was able to solve it quickly, even if I had a little trouble. It is a reliable shop. There is an extensive selection, so you can get most of the books you want here.
T U on Google

The inside of the store is neat and easy to see, and the kind and attentive customer service of the staff is always pleasant.
miny-rin on Google

ゆっくり、ゆったりと選べる店の雰囲気と スペースがあります。 本や雑誌などの種類や品数は普通で、 多くも少なくもないです。 ただ、ここの店員さんは、いつ行っても気持ちよく 対応してくれます。
The atmosphere of the store where you can choose slowly and comfortably There is space. The types and number of books and magazines are normal, Not many or few. However, the clerk here feels good whenever I go Will respond.
なかむらし on Google

週刊誌に立ち読みできないように紐で結ぶのは止めて欲しい。 パズルおいてから本の品揃えが減った気がする。 青年漫画雑誌の種類が少ない
Please stop tying it with a string so that you can not browse it in the weekly magazine. I feel that the assortment of books has decreased since I left the puzzle. There are few types of seinen manga magazines
永田秋美 on Google

There is no bookstore nearby, so I come when I need it, but I can always find the book I want quietly and slowly.
tomi tomi on Google

I looked it up on my smartphone, but it's open until 22:00 so I can go slowly. I didn't know where the store was. Take a leisurely look inside the store and buy 25 volumes of Tokyo Revengers released today. Hirano Ward is messy and it's hard to tell where the store is. I did a gentle brother and a girl clerk.
ぴよこぴよぴよ on Google

店員さんの対応について。残念なのは「ブックカバーつけますか?」と聞かれたので「はい」と返事すると あからさまに(うわ面倒くさ~)といった感じの態度に急変されたこと(笑)それまでは 普通に丁寧な接客だったのに その瞬間からいきなり 冷たい態度に変わりました。 声のトーンも低くなって…。 びっくりしました。おばちゃん店員さんでした。ブックカバーをいちいちつけなきゃいけないの、だるいな~って思う気持ちは分かりますが そこまで態度に出しちゃダメでしょ、これもお仕事なんだから……と思いました。 私が若かったから舐められたのかな??それ以降、行っていませんが……。そのおばちゃん店員に万一会ったら嫌で……(^^;
About the correspondence of the clerk. Unfortunately, when I was asked "Would you like to put on a book cover?", When I answered "yes", I suddenly changed to an outright (wow troublesome) attitude (laughs). However, from that moment on, I suddenly changed to a cold attitude. The tone of the voice is also low ... surprised. It was an auntie clerk. I understand that I have to put on a book cover one by one, and I feel tired, but I don't think I should take that attitude, because this is also my job. Was it licked because I was young? ?? I haven't been there since then ... I don't want to meet that auntie clerk ... (^^;

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