Urawa Gakuin High School - Saitama

2.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Urawa Gakuin High School

住所 :

172 Daiyama, Midori Ward, Saitama, 336-0975, Japan

電話 : 📞 +88878
Postal code : 336-0975
Webサイト : http://www.uragaku.ac.jp/

172 Daiyama, Midori Ward, Saitama, 336-0975, Japan
どぅhehehe on Google

It has changed from the old days. Recently, I often see good-quality Ura students. Many people point out the manners of bicycles, but I feel that the students of Urawahigashi are more dangerous in the vicinity. ..
直哉 on Google

Mammoth school where 3,000 people attend every day. Nearly 20 buses transport pistons to and from the nearest Higashi-Kawaguchi station. .. It's amazing.
たくあん on Google

甲子園お疲れ様でした! コロナ禍で応援団は参加できないなど異例な甲子園でしたが、浦和学院野球部の皆さんには元気を貰いました。来年も期待しています!
Koshien Thank you for your hard work! It was an unusual Koshien, as the cheering squad couldn't participate due to the corona wreck, but the members of the Urawa Gakuin baseball club were energized. I'm looking forward to next year!
Japan Henderson on Google

I think it is a great school. There are a wide variety of courses, including international typology, special advance typology, literary selection, literacy, university generalization, and art courses. The first feature of Urawa Gakuin is the number of students. There are about 2900 students in total. It is horrible. At the time of the whole school rally, all the students of the school will finally put in two and a half tennis courts. The other is club activities. As you may know, Urawa Gakuin has a very strong baseball club. In 2018, Koshien was the best eight. The environment for playing baseball is also great thanks to the tuition fees from the students. Other than baseball, volleyball club, soccer club, power lifting club are strong. The other is a school event. The main school events include Hakusho Festival (Cultural Festival), Sports Festival, School Trip, etc. At Hakusho Festival, 12th graders will do their best. At the athletic festival, it takes place at the Ageo Athletics Stadium, and it's very lively and full of people, so it's a lot of fun. For school trips, you can choose three countries to go to Australia (Melbourne, Sydney), USA (Los Angeles), Singapore. The art course goes to France. School trips go to the second grader in February. In school trips, we will make a home stay and experience cross-cultural exchange and other activities. You can also walk around the city, shop and act relatively freely. However, use of the smartphone is prohibited according to the school regulations. (Camera function is OK) Anyway it is fun. If there are many people like this, there may be good encounters (laughs) Because the rate of entering a university is also very high, I would like to recommend this high school. I am sorry for the long sentence.
a.O m on Google

テストの範囲表をだしてほしいです。 正確なテスト範囲がわかりません。
I want you to put out a range table of the test. I don't know the exact test range.
じいたん on Google

娘二人が通った学校。 在学中に春夏合わせて、6回甲子園に出場した。 応援バスで甲子園に行ってからは、応援にはまってしまい、娘達が卒業後も20年たった今も応援に行っている。 高校野球の素晴らしさを教えてくれた。
The school where my two daughters attended. While attending school, he participated in Koshien six times in spring and summer. After I went to Koshien by the cheering bus, I became addicted to cheering, and my daughters are still going to cheer 20 years after graduation. He taught me how wonderful high school baseball is.
中川光希 on Google

先生の態度が非常に悪いです。 ・挨拶をしても返さない ・コロナ禍なのにも関わらずマスクをしない教師がいる。 ・生徒には贔屓をし、気に入っている生徒には高速を破ろうが注意をしない。 もちろん、そんな先生ばかりというわけではありません。 しかし、このような質の悪い教師が浦和学院全体の株を下げています。 しっかりしてもらいたいです。
The teacher's attitude is very bad. ・ Even if I say hello, I will not return it ・ There are teachers who don't wear masks even though they are corona. ・ I will favor the students, and I will break the high speed to the students I like, but I will not be careful. Of course, not all teachers are like that. However, such poor teachers are lowering the stock of Urawa Gakuin as a whole. I want you to be firm.
田中太郎 on Google

勉強する人は上がる、しない人はどん底に下がる。 勉強をする環境は整ってます。 ほぼ全て自主的にやられる、悪い言い方をすれば放置されます「教師に」やる気が有れば学力はどんどん上がります。 私情で生徒の成績を上げ下げしたり男子更衣室がなかったりなど平等性に欠ける学校。 教師は基本的にやる気なし かなり緩いので部活に打ち込めると思います。 いい学校とは言えないです。
Those who study go up, those who don't go down to the bottom. The environment for studying is in place. Almost everything can be done voluntarily, or in a bad way, it will be left unattended. If the "teacher" is motivated, his academic ability will improve steadily. A school that lacks equality, such as raising or lowering student grades or not having a men's changing room. Teachers are basically unmotivated It's pretty loose, so I think I can devote myself to club activities. It's not a good school.

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