Koshigayahigashi High School - Koshigaya

2.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Koshigayahigashi High School

住所 :

5670-1 Mashibayashi, Koshigaya, Saitama 343-0011, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8898
Postal code : 343-0011
Webサイト : https://koshigayahigashi-h.spec.ed.jp/

5670-1 Mashibayashi, Koshigaya, Saitama 343-0011, Japan
ミートテックさっちゃん on Google

昔通ってた。 他クラスでも問題行動ばかりのクズしかいなかったし そもそも主任?みたいな上にいる教師が 生徒思いで評判があった熱血教師を 気に食わないからって理由で浦学に飛ばしやがった。 教師間のいじめ、パワハラだと思う。 そこからクラスは変わった。 荒れ果てて問題行動が増えた。 オーストラリア語学研修に参加したら 最後の方のスクールでのお別れ会で引率の教師がワイン飲んでた。 ちなみにこの教師、担当は英語なのに現地では全く英語を喋れず、もう一人のベテラン教師が通訳していた。 で、ちょっと口論になった私の胸ぐらを掴んだ。 教師による明らかな暴行。 その後もその教師の授業で嫌がらせを受け、いじめに発展し退学するハメになった。 おいえん○き!! 私の青春を 人生を返せ!!
I used to go there a long time ago. Even in other classes, there were only scraps of problematic behavior Is it the chief in the first place? The teacher on top like A hot-blooded teacher who had a good reputation for his students I skipped to Urawa because I didn't like it. I think it's power harassment, bullying between teachers. From there the class changed. It was desolate and problematic behavior increased. After attending an Australian language training At the farewell party at the last school, the teacher was drinking wine. By the way, although this teacher was in charge of English, he couldn't speak English at all locally, and another veteran teacher was an interpreter. So I grabbed my chest, which was a bit of a quarrel. Obvious assault by a teacher. After that, he was harassed in the teacher's class and developed into bullying and dropped out. I'm sorry! !! My youth Return your life! !!
サボイアs21 on Google

Previously, the students here often came to sell fights at a nearby high school. I'm just swearing from outside the fence. Ignore it completely. Small size small size w
なのなぇ on Google

校則とは何の為にあるの?勉強に集中する為では?男子だけ髪型に縛られてるの可哀想…先生は髪は長いのにw校則がまず終わってますねw 治安悪いみたいだしw近隣から白い目で見られてますねwもう、終わってますわw
What are the school rules for? Is it because you concentrate on your studies? It's a pity that only boys are tied to their hairstyle... The teacher has long hair It looks like it's insecure and you're seeing with white eyes from the neighborhood w It's already over w
報告垢 on Google

初対面で【殺すぞと】何回も言われ殺害予告されました。 ながらスマホしてました。【チャリ乗りながら】 どうなってるんですか? 今現在(2019/07/12 16:56:04)すんごく印象の悪い高校です。志望校でしたがこの出来事でやめました。 行きたくない学校Best3にランクインしました。 ちなみに金髪みたいな茶髪みたいな人です。 声は結構高めです。自分が見たら一瞬でわかります。
At the first meeting, I was told many times [kill it] and was killed. While I was smartphone. [While riding] What's going on? As of now (2019/07/12 16:56:04) it is a very high school with a very bad impression. It was a school of hope, but I stopped at this event. I ranked in the Best3 school I do not want to go. By the way, it is a person like a brown hair like a blonde. Voice is quite high. It will tell in a moment if you look at it.
早水烈華 on Google

私の青春時代の思い出が詰まった母校であるq(^-^q) 昼休憩前の授業が終わると皆揃って、学食か売りに来ていたパン屋さん目掛けて一目散にダッシュしてました。 大人になってそんな事しなくなった懐かしい思い出があります。 次行くとしたら卒業証明書でも取りにいく事がある時か、文化祭に招待された時くらいかな。 当時の先生方には良いも悪いも大感謝してます。
Q (^-^ q), my mother's school filled with memories of my youth After the class before the lunch break, everyone gathered and dashed at a glance at the bakery who had come to the cafeteria or for sale. I have nostalgic memories of becoming an adult and not doing that. The next time I go is when I go to get my graduation certificate or when I'm invited to a school festival. I am very grateful to the teachers at that time for both good and bad.
S S on Google

・自転車、徒歩登校含む生徒の道路での広がって歩いたり自転車で走ったりしてとても危険。しかもスマホ見ながら。事故ったらどうするんでしょうか? ・信号の所で生徒が貯まると邪魔です。声を掛けないと邪魔をしている事に気付かない生徒が多いようです。 ・近くのバス停に並んでる生徒が、ずっとスマホを見ている子が多いので膨らんで並んでる事に気付いてないです。邪魔です。 歩行、自転車運転の邪魔です。
・ It is very dangerous to walk or ride a bicycle on the road of students including bicycles and walking to school. Moreover, while looking at the smartphone. What would you do if you had an accident? ・ It is a hindrance when students accumulate at the traffic lights. It seems that many students do not notice that they are in the way unless they speak to them. ・ Many of the students lined up at the nearby bus stop are looking at their smartphones all the time, so I haven't noticed that they are lined up inflated. It's annoying. It interferes with walking and biking.
はる on Google

下の人たちが言ってる自転車の危なさに関しては、中学校が近いし、他の高校生とよく間違われて被害被ってる可哀想な高校。 よくよく聞いてみたらスカートの色違ってたとかよく聞く。 治安は良くも悪くもない。イジメはないと思う。あっても数年に1回くらいじゃない? そのときは先生がわざわざ学年集会開いてまで指導行う。 悪いところは校則が変に厳しいところ。雨の日にカッパ着てないだけで指導受けさせられる。あと、コロナ禍でリモート授業なのは分かるけどわざわざ高校に来させてからリモートってのは意味わかんない。早くオンライン授業にしろ、って思ってる。 上が柔軟に規則を変えない昭和(笑)な大人たちだから、こんなにも不便な校則なんだなって思ってる。
Regarding the danger of bicycles that the people below say, it is a poor high school that is close to junior high school and is often mistaken for other high school students and suffers damage. When I listened carefully, I often heard that the color of the skirt was different. Security is neither good nor bad. I don't think there is any bullying. Isn't it about once every few years? At that time, the teacher will take the trouble to give guidance until the grade meeting is held. The bad part is that the school rules are strangely strict. You can get guidance just by not wearing a kappa on a rainy day. Also, I understand that it's a remote lesson because of the corona virus, but I don't know what it means to be remote after having to come to high school. I'm thinking of going to an online class as soon as possible. I think it's such an inconvenient school rule because the adults are Showa (laughs) who don't change the rules flexibly.
馬場勝利 on Google


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