Umi no Ie

4.4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Umi no Ie

住所 :

Minamimachi, Kesennuma, 〒988-0017 Miyagi,Japan

電話 : 📞 +89898
Opening hours :
Saturday 5–11PM
Sunday 5–11PM
Monday 5–11PM
Tuesday Closed
Wednesday 5–11PM
Thursday 5–11PM
Friday 5–11PM
街 : Miyagi

Minamimachi, Kesennuma, 〒988-0017 Miyagi,Japan
Shiki Project on Google

気仙沼に行ったらまずここ。 初めて訪れたのは2018年5月。たこやカワハギ、カツオなどをいただきました。そしてまつも酢。このお店で初めて食べてから好きになりました。たまたまカウンターで隣だった人とも息が合って、すごく楽しい時間が過ごせました。
If you go to Kesennuma, this is the first place. I first visited in May 2018. I received octopus, stephanolepis, and bonito. And pinegar vinegar. I've loved it since I first ate it at this restaurant. I happened to meet the person next to me at the counter and had a great time.
のりぴぃ on Google

The restaurant is a little small, but the food is excellent. I enjoyed drinking alone.
小山昭一(ショウ) on Google

It's a place to relax. Enjoy fresh sashimi, delicious food, and more. ✌️

We went on business trip several times at the time of food village, and we were able to finally go in private during 10 consecutive holidays after moving here! Shellfish grilled, swordfish sashimi are all delicious, the local sake is also the best in the coffee shop same as the time of the food stand village, small and cozy people of the coffee shop are also friendly, and I just had a long time with the dark people There were also encounters and I had a very good time!
飯田勇太郎 on Google

兵庫県からでしたが、こちらではあまり食べることのできない海の幸を堪能できました。 新鮮な魚たちはどれも美味しく、日本酒もよくすすみました。 ご主人と女将さんのお人柄もよく、珍しいものにいろいろ聞いても答えてくれたり、気仙沼の話もしてくださいました。 到着も遅かったため入店も遅くなってしまいましたが、こころよく対応してくださり素敵な旅の思い出ができました。 また行くときは訪れたい場所です。
It was from Hyogo Prefecture, was able to enjoy the fruits of the sea that can not eat too much here. Delicious Any fresh fish is, sake was also good process advances. Husband and the landlady's your personality may be, or me answer even if various listen to unusual things, was please to also talk of Kesennuma. Arrival also it has also slowed visiting order was slow, but we were able memories of Kudasari nice journey corresponding to willingly. Also is the place you want to visit is when you go.
もろーたMORO-TA on Google

店内はカウンター席(アクリル板で感染対策もされています)とテーブル席(2人用は1つなのでTELで予約するのがおすすめです)と少しこじんまりとしていますが、アットホームな雰囲気なので落ち着いて食事が楽しめます。 泡盛、古酒が揃っているのは気仙沼市内でもここくらいだと思います。気仙沼ならではの家庭的な味わいも楽しめました。 メニュー一品一品がとても丁寧に造られていて、とても美味しいのでおすすめです。
The inside of the store is a little small with counter seats (acrylic board is also used to prevent infection) and table seats (it is recommended to make a reservation by TEL because there is only one for 2 people), but it is a cozy atmosphere so it is calm. You can enjoy your meal. I think that Awamori and old sake are available only here in Kesennuma city. I also enjoyed the homely taste unique to Kesennuma. Each menu item is very carefully made and is very delicious, so I recommend it.
Hiroko Imai on Google

海鮮ものを食べたいならここ、と知人から勧められて行きました。出していただくお料理が全て美味しく、初めて気仙沼を訪れる同行者も皆さん感動してました。 特にオススメはトロメカ刺しと、イカの貝焼き!メカジキのトロは新鮮で脂乗っててとろけます。イカの貝焼きは味噌とバターとイカのワタが入ってて、席で焼き、残ったダシで雑炊を作ってくれます。これがまた美味い!〆に最高です! 魚も初めて見るものも多く、店の方が丁寧に説明してくださいました。店の方が気さくで、楽しく過ごすことができました。 地酒も蒼天伝の純米酒など地酒の飲み比べセットもあるので、観光客にも向いていると思います。 お店はカウンターが6ー7席、3人掛けテーブル1つ、4人掛けテーブル1つの小さなお店です。 今回は仕事で行きましたが、次回はプライベートでぜひ訪れたいお店です。
I wanted to eat seafood, I was advised by an acquaintance here. All the dishes you serve are delicious, and everyone who accompanies you visiting Kesennuma for the first time was also impressed. Especially recommended is Tromeca stinging and squid's shellfish! Toro swordfish is fresh and melts on grease. Squid 's shellfish comes with miso, butter and squid cotton, baked in the seats, making cookies with the remaining dashi. This is also delicious! It is greatest next time! Many things the fish saw for the first time, and the store explained it carefully. The shop was more friendly and I was able to spend happily. Because local sake also has a drink comparison set of sake such as Sentenu's net rice wine, I think that it is suitable for tourists as well. The shop is a small shop where the counter is 6 - 7 seats, a three - seat table one and a four - seat table one. This time I went to work, but the next time I'd like to visit by all means private.
Nishant Annu on Google

One of my favorite izakayas in the Minamimachi area of Kesennuma. It's a small place, so probably not great for large groups. But if you wanna chill with two or three friends, grab a couple of beers and snack on some local seafood, this is a great spot. They use the best-quality ingredients. I've had sashimi in izakayas all over town, and I can honestly say the cuts of swordfish and bonito here are very, very good. I'd also recommend getting the torikawa-gyoza, it's like chicken wing filled with pork dumpling.

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