
3.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Umeji

住所 :

Central, Aoba Ward, Sendai, 〒980-0021 Miyagi,Japan

電話 : 📞 +877
Webサイト :
Opening hours :
Saturday 11:30AM–1AM
Sunday 11:30AM–1AM
Monday 11:30AM–1AM
Tuesday 11:30AM–1AM
Wednesday 11:30AM–1AM
Thursday 11:30AM–1AM
Friday 11:30AM–1AM
街 : Miyagi

Central, Aoba Ward, Sendai, 〒980-0021 Miyagi,Japan
Rivon c on Google

On my trip to Sendai, I made a reservation because I wanted to eat auction hot pot. I was impressed with the production. The food and sake were delicious. Thank you for your consideration on your way home.
clathas momo on Google

限定ランチ1300円税別 美味しかったです。細やかなおかず 和え物、焼き物、トマト? 練り物の野菜巻き等。螺旋階段のような器でキャンドルが灯されて居ました。。竹割のお皿の茶碗蒸しや、グラスに入った野菜&パスタ デザートは花籠に入っていてお洒落。コーヒーか紅茶が選べます。 少食なほうですが、かなりお腹は苦しいので、男性には足りないかな? ごはんはとても良かったのですが 店員さんがあまり愛想良くなく、急かされて食べているような感じも少しありました。『時間ですので』、の言葉を何度か聞きました。下膳時も手伝っても無言です。そういう教育はされないのですね。
Limited lunch 1300 yen excluding tax It was delicious. Fine side dishes, spicy dishes, grilled dishes, tomatoes? Vegetable rolls of paste, etc. A candle was lit with a vessel like a spiral staircase. .. Steamed bamboo bowls and vegetables and pasta dessert in a glass are stylish in a flower basket. You can choose coffee or tea. I have a small meal, but I'm quite hungry, so maybe it's not enough for men? The rice was very good, but the clerk wasn't very friendly and I felt like I was rushing to eat. I heard the words "It's time" several times. It is silent to help at the time of serving. That kind of education is not done.
y on Google

誕生日で利用しました 料理はとっても美味しかったのですが料理が運ばれてくる時間が遅いです。あと若い私が行ったらタメ口料理は雑に置かれて少し期待してたので悲しかったです。若い方の接客はとっても良かったですがおばさんの方が残念でしたもう行かないと思います。
I used it on my birthday The food was very good, but the time it took for the food to arrive was slow. When I was younger, I was sad because I was expecting a little tame-mouthed food because it was sloppy. The customer service of the younger one was very good, but the aunt was disappointed. I don't think I will go anymore.
伝説のもやしっ子 on Google

写真はコースです ディナーで予約をして昨年伺いました 演出の仕方が上手だと思いました 外国人の方は特に喜ばれるんじゃないでしょうか 店内の装飾も入り口からトイレに至るまで お部屋の装飾はものすごいです 人形やお寺っぽいテイストの優美な装飾 店員さんも着物姿で上品なお店という感じです 値段も5000円くらいのコースからあるのでちょっとした時に行ってみるのもいいと思います ランチもやっていて2000円しないランチセットがまたお洒落でデートで若い人を連れてくにはいいかと思いました おしぼりは乾燥の物にお湯をかけて提供してくれます 店員さんの接客も品が良かったです お店にあえて一つ言えばメニューが少し使い込まれた感があるので新しくされてた方が良いかもと少しきになりました 御馳走様でした また利用させていただきたいと思えるお店でした
The photo is a course I made a reservation for dinner and visited last year I thought I was good at directing I think foreigners will be particularly pleased. The decoration inside the store is from the entrance to the toilet The decoration of the room is amazing Graceful decoration with a doll or temple-like taste The clerk also looks like a kimono and is an elegant shop. Prices start at around 5,000 yen, so I think it's a good idea to go there for a short time. I also have lunch and I thought that the lunch set that does not cost 2000 yen is fashionable again and it is good to bring young people on a date Oshibori is served by pouring hot water over dried food. The customer service of the clerk was also good If you dare to say one thing in the shop, it seems that the menu has been used a little, so I was a little wondering if it should be renewed. It was a treat It was a shop that I would like to use again
赤坂理恵 on Google

屋形船や御所車に盛り付けられたお料理や密閉瓶から注ぐスープなど、演出が凝っていて楽しくなります。味も勿論おいしい。 食材も豆腐こんにゃくや湯葉、牛タンなど色々楽しめるし、食後にはデザートやコーヒーまでついて2000円代なのは本当にリーズナブル。 他県から来たお客様を連れて行くと必ず喜ばれるお店です。
The dishes on the houseboat or the Gosho car and the soup poured from a closed bottle will be fun and the production will be elaborate. Of course the taste is also delicious. You can enjoy various ingredients such as tofu konjac, yuba, beef tongue, etc. It is really reasonable that you can have dessert and coffee after meals for 2000 yen. It is a shop that will surely please you if you bring customers from other prefectures.
Ayu-Swallownest Guesthouse on Google

両親を連れて行って、母がとても喜んでました。 ランチで利用させて頂き、多種類頼みましたが、昔からある“京都樽桶膳”が1番印象が良かったです。特に年配の女性には喜ばれるお店だと思います。 お皿と細々とした盛り付けが素晴らしい。母が素敵だわ〜を何度も連発してました。お勧めです!
My mother was very happy to take her parents. I used it for lunch and asked for many types, but the old "Kyoto barrel set" was the most impressive. I think it's a shop that is especially pleasing to older women. The plates and small arrangements are wonderful. My mother was so nice ~ I was firing many times. It is recommended!
tomoko minatoyamazaki on Google

接客も丁寧で良いお店でした。 色々食べてみたかったので、量を半分に出来ないかお聞きしたところ、快く対応してくださいました。 帰りには板前さんまで出ていらして、頭を下げて見送って頂きました。コロナに負けずに頑張って欲しいです❗
The customer service was also polite and good. I wanted to try various things, so when I asked if I could cut the amount in half, he was willing to respond. On the way back, I went out to Mr. Itamae and bowed my head to see him off. I want you to do your best without losing to Corona ❗
ゆき on Google

ランチでおじゃましました。 骨付き伊達鶏の唐揚げと米茄子の田楽焼き膳を注文。 前菜・メイン・デザート・コーヒーor紅茶が付き 1980円(税込)。 前菜は小皿に6種類が盛り付けてあり、どれも美味しかったです! メインと言っても 色々盛り付けられていて とても豪華でした! 竹割りの中に茶碗蒸しが 入っていて驚きました!こちらも美味しかったです! 米茄子の田楽焼きは 米茄子がとろとろで味噌が美味しく、ご飯が進みました! 骨付き伊達鶏の唐揚げは、味付け良く カリっと揚げてあり美味しかったですが 食べづらかったです。普通の唐揚げでいいかと思いました! デザートも 可愛らしく盛り付けてあり 美味しかったです。コーヒーは味も香りもしなかったのが残念でした! 平日の訪問でしたが、満席の状態で驚きました! 人気店なんですね!
I was bothered at lunch. I ordered fried chicken with bones and Miso Dengaku set of rice eggplant. 1980 yen (tax included) with appetizer, main course, dessert, coffee or tea. There were 6 kinds of appetizers on a small plate, and they were all delicious! Even though it was the main dish, it was very gorgeous because it was arranged in various ways! I was surprised to find chawanmushi in the bamboo split! This was also delicious! Dengaku-yaki of rice eggplant has a thick rice eggplant and delicious miso, and the rice has advanced! The deep-fried Date chicken with bone was delicious and crispy, but it was hard to eat. I thought it would be okay to use ordinary fried chicken! The dessert was also cute and delicious. It was a pity that the coffee didn't taste or smell! It was a weekday visit, but I was surprised that it was full! It's a popular store!

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