Imozo Sendai shop - Sendai

3.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Imozo Sendai shop

住所 :

herb SENDAI 7F 1 Chome-6-1 Central, Aoba Ward, Sendai, Miyagi 980-0021, Japan

電話 : 📞 +87777
Postal code : 980-0021
Webサイト :
Opening hours :
Saturday 5PM–1AM
Sunday Closed
Monday 5PM–1AM
Tuesday 5PM–1AM
Wednesday 5PM–1AM
Thursday 5PM–1AM
Friday 5PM–1AM

herb SENDAI 7F 1 Chome-6-1 Central, Aoba Ward, Sendai, Miyagi 980-0021, Japan
麒麟海野 on Google

コロナ前は味噌味のモツ鍋、辛子蓮根など絶品で良く行ってましたが、、、 メニューの数も減り、味も落ちたようなきがします。 コロナ禍のなかではメニュー数を絞るなど仕方ない事なのでしょうが、とっても美味しかった事を知ってるのでこの評価です
Before Corona, I used to go to Miso-flavored motsunabe and Karashi Renkon, but ... The number of menus has decreased, and the taste seems to have diminished. It may be unavoidable to narrow down the number of menus in the corona, but I know that it was very delicious, so this evaluation is
及川春美 on Google

相変わらずの美味しい料理と豊富なお酒で満足させていただきました。良い送別会となりました。ありがとうございました。 コロナで客足も少なく大変かと思いますが是非乗り越えてまた利用させてください!
I was satisfied with the delicious food and abundant sake as usual. It was a good farewell party. Thank you very much. I think it will be difficult because there are few customers in Corona, but please overcome it and use it again!
Tokyo Miy on Google

I went there because I wanted to eat a hen in the Genkai area. I was disappointed that I was hard. The goods came quickly and it was generally delicious???
菊地克智 on Google

Premium all-you-can-drink for +500 yen. All-you-can-drink sake was included, but they were all delicious and I was fully satisfied. I want to go again ?
Junichi Y on Google

焼酎の種類がとにかく多く、お手頃だった。 天ぷらは微妙だけど全体的にフードも美味しい。
Anyway, there were many types of shochu and it was affordable. Tempura is subtle but overall the food is also delicious.
S JUN on Google

夜訪問。休日予約なしだったので、カウンター席、と案内されましたが、アエル側の窓の大きな広々カウンター席で、街の灯りを眺めながら食事ができて、むしろ有り難かったです。 カウンター席、大人数宴会もできる座敷、ボックス席、テーブル席と充実。 この日は馬刺し、黒豚の角煮、もつ鍋塩味&〆ちゃんぽんなど。 こちらは、宴会などでも利用したことが何度かありますが、間違いはないお店です。 エントランスからの通路沿いに並ぶ焼酎の種類には圧倒されます! 原酒や季節的にお湯割りおススメメニューなど。焼酎の説明冊子も席に備え付けてあって、焼酎選びが楽しい。
Night visit. I was told that it was a counter seat because I didn't make a reservation for the holidays, but I was rather thankful that I could eat while looking at the city lights at the spacious counter seat with a large window on the Ael side. There are plenty of counter seats, tatami mats for large banquets, box seats, and table seats. On this day, horse sashimi, boiled black pork, motsunabe salty taste & 〆Champon, etc. I've used this shop several times for banquets, but it's definitely a shop. You will be overwhelmed by the types of shochu that line up along the aisle from the entrance! Raw sake and seasonal hot water recommended menus. An explanation booklet for shochu is also provided at the seats, making it fun to choose shochu.
Plato Nic on Google

コロナが落ち着いて伺ったら、状況が変わっていたので、追記します。 店内の飲み放題は今まで通り、90分で1500円。芋や麦、泡盛がセルフで存分に呑めます。 ただ、系列店だったかわやが潰れたのもあってか、こちらのお店も料理が激減。確かにメニューを維持して食材在庫を抱えたくないのでしょうけれど、正直、選べないほどメニューが減っていて、お酒だけ飲む人以外にはもう勧められないなと思いました。 以前にあった写真の馬刺しも一種類だけになって1000円、レアアジフライなどもなくなり 、他のおつまみも気のせいか、少なく小さくなった気が。お店都合の変更がとても目立ってしまっています。 メニューではっきりするのは、利益率の高いもつ鍋とアレンジ餃子をやや高めでおすすめにしているところ。これで持ち直そうというのも分からなくはないのですが、一人や二人で入ると高すぎるので、一人三千円程度の宴会専用店舗になっちゃうだろうなと思っています…。 【以前の記載】 ここはサービス、メニュー共に秀逸でした。 仙台にはあまり九州料理の店がないと思っていましたが、ここは九州系の料理と酒をしっかり揃え、接客もいいので、非の打ち所がありませんでした。 仙台駅前でこのレベルは、正直、誰にも教えたくありません…。評価がいいのはなぜか、来てみて確認してください…。
When Corona calms down, the situation has changed, so I will add it. All-you-can-drink in the store is 1500 yen in 90 minutes as before. You can swallow potatoes, wheat, and awamori on your own. However, the number of dishes at this restaurant has dropped sharply, probably because the affiliated restaurant was crushed. Sure, I don't want to keep the menu and keep the food inventory, but to be honest, the menu is so small that I can't choose it, and I thought it wouldn't be recommended to anyone other than those who only drink alcohol. There is only one type of horse sashimi in the photo before, 1000 yen, rare fried chicken etc. are gone I feel that the other snacks have become smaller and smaller, probably because of my concern. The change in store convenience is very noticeable. What is clear on the menu is that we recommend the high-margin motsunabe and arranged dumplings at a slightly higher price. It's not unclear that this will help, but it's too expensive for one or two people to enter, so I think it's going to be a banquet-only store for about 3,000 yen per person ... [Previous description] Both the service and the menu were excellent here. I thought there weren't many Kyushu restaurants in Sendai, but I had a good selection of Kyushu-style food and sake, and the customer service was good, so there was nothing wrong with it. To be honest, I don't want to tell anyone about this level in front of Sendai station. Please come and check why the evaluation is good ...
Isaac Cochran on Google

Looking for basashi (horse) in Sendai? Come here for sure the salad was amazing and they are very friendly and have English menus!

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