Umaya Ramen Haruhi - Kiyosu

3.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Umaya Ramen Haruhi

住所 :

Nakanuma-34-1 Haruhi, Kiyosu, Aichi 452-0000, Japan

電話 : 📞 +88
Postal code : 452-0000
Webサイト :

Nakanuma-34-1 Haruhi, Kiyosu, Aichi 452-0000, Japan
SY M on Google

ラーメン屋で、ラーメン、餃子、チャーハン、どれを食べても美味しい店はそうそうない しかも、店内とくにカウンター席なんか、客同士の間隔がゆったりとあって、隣のお客さんが気にならない そしてコロナ渦にはぴったり! 使い捨てマスクケースもあるし、お箸は袋入り、仕切りもあるし、全て完璧!気に入りました。 ただ、味が全体的に塩からい もし行かれたらカウンター席行ってみて下さい
There aren't many ramen shops that are delicious no matter what you eat, ramen, dumplings, or fried rice. What's more, the space between customers is wide, especially in the counter seats, so the customers next door don't bother. And perfect for corona vortices! There is also a disposable mask case, chopsticks in a bag, and a partition, all perfect! liked it. However, the taste is totally salty If you go, please go to the counter seat
s k on Google

13時ちょっと過ぎに訪問しましたが賑わってますね?  『 名物チャーハン』600円  を注文✨ フワッとした舌触りですが、噛むほどにパラパラとほぐれて良い感じ? 醤油ベースで香ばしくて美味しいですね〜?? 卓上の紅生姜やニラ辛子で味変でき、ラーメンのスープも付いてるので色んな味わいを楽しめました?
I visited a little after 13:00, but it's busy ? . "Famous fried rice" 600 yen . Order ✨ It has a fluffy texture, but the more you chew it, the more it feels good to loosen up ? It's soy sauce-based and fragrant and delicious ~ ?? You can change the taste with red pickled ginger and leek mustard on the table, and you can enjoy various tastes with ramen soup ?
S G LG (GIFU-LG) on Google

A horse shop that makes you want to eat regularly. I was on my way to Nagoya, so when I went in for lunch, I was waiting regardless of weekdays! seriously! I thought, but it was a good time, so I lined up. It seems that this is the case because the number of seats is smaller than usual because the seats are spaced apart due to the matter. A set of stable fried rice and ramen. The spice of Chinese chive is good until it's spicy again! Ramen First, eat it plain, then put it in and eat it. Children don't like fried rice here, so take out frozen fried rice.
Akari Yamakawa on Google

先日、約1年ぶりくらい?に行きました。 出入口での手のアルコール消毒→検温をしてから席へ着きます。 こちらへ来たら特製ラーメンと半チャーハンを食べるのですが変わらない味で美味しかったです。 ネギが無料で追加出来るのもネギ好きとしてはありがたいです。 店員さんの接客も良いですし、料理の注文~提供までの時間も早いです。 テーブルの上に使い捨ての「マスク入れ」が置いてあったのも今のご時世とても助かります。
The other day, about a year ago? went to. Alcohol disinfection of hands at the doorway → After measuring the temperature, take a seat. When I came here, I ate special ramen and half fried rice, but it was delicious with the same taste. As a green onion lover, I am grateful that you can add green onions for free. The clerk's customer service is good, and the time from ordering to serving food is quick. The fact that there was a disposable "mask holder" on the table is also very helpful in this age.
cafeすけ on Google

うま屋らーめんは株式会社ディ・エー・アイが展開するラーメンチェーン店。愛知県春日井市に本部を構える年商18億円 グループ年商43億円(令和元年9月)の会社である。事業内容は(HPから引用) 1.飲食店の経営 2.フランチャイズチェーンの展開、運営管理及び加盟店の指導業務 3.総合リース業 4.損害保険代理店業 5.冷凍食品、加工食品の製造、卸及び販売 6.上記各号に付帯関連する一切の業務 ここは清須市春日店。チャーハンと餃子を注文。チャーハンがなかなか美味しい。一緒についてくるスープが脂っこくしょっぱい。餃子も肉汁が少しあり、味わいはまろやか。ラーメンよりチャーハンが美味い。ごちそうさまでした。
Umaya Ramen is a ramen chain store operated by DAI Co., Ltd. Headquartered in Kasugai City, Aichi Prefecture, the company has annual sales of 1.8 billion yen and group annual sales of 4.3 billion yen (September 1st year of Reiwa). Business content (quoted from HP) 1. Restaurant management 2. Franchise chain development, operation management and guidance of member stores 3. Comprehensive leasing business 4. Non-life insurance agency business 5. Manufacture, wholesale and sale of frozen foods and processed foods 6. All business incidental to each of the above items This is the Kasuga store in Kiyosu city. I ordered fried rice and dumplings. The fried rice is quite delicious. The soup that comes with it is greasy and salty. The dumplings also have a little gravy and the taste is mellow. Fried rice is more delicious than ramen. Thank you for the meal.
SHIN N on Google

久しぶりにうま屋さんに訪問。こちらの春日店は初めて来ました。 ランチメニューのラーメンセットをオーダー。ご飯と漬物がついてこの値段なら昨今のラーメン一杯の価格を考えると良心的です。 本当はチャーハンもオーダーしたいところを我慢。 さて、こちらのお店入り口にて検温、消毒、また各席のパーテーションとコロナ感染対策は充分です。 肝心のラーメンですが、チェーン店にしては頑張っていますね。ただ、ペラペラのチャーシューは笑笑 九条ねぎが良いですね。 ご馳走さまでした。 2022/02/27 再訪 お昼時を外して、通しで営業されているうま屋さんへ。 14時半くらいでも店内はお客様で一杯でした。 今日のラーメンは少しスープがぬるかったです。
Visited Umaya for the first time in a long time. This Kasuga store is my first time to visit. I ordered a ramen set for the lunch menu. With rice and pickles, this price is reasonable considering the price of a bowl of ramen these days. Actually, I put up with the place where I want to order fried rice. By the way, at the entrance of this shop, temperature measurement, disinfection, partitioning of each seat and measures against corona infection are sufficient. It's the essential ramen, but I'm doing my best for a chain store. However, the fluffy char siu is lol Kujo green onions are good. It was a feast. 2022/02/27 Revisited After lunch, go to the Umaya, which is open all the time. Even at around 14:30, the store was full of customers. Today's ramen was a little lukewarm soup.
Zyrene Strickler on Google

Daniel ダニエルさんのお店 Shahar on Google

Good value for your money. The friend rice is Devine,you can ask for it without meat.

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