
5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact ロイヤルスイーツ

住所 :

Ueno, Taito City, 〒110-0005 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +897
Webサイト : https://royalsweets.stores.jp/
街 : Tokyo

Ueno, Taito City, 〒110-0005 Tokyo,Japan
石塚千洋 on Google

今回唐草のバングルとリングを購入させて頂きました。 とても対応が良く、いい買い物が出来ました。 また欲しくなったら良くお願い致します。
I bought an arabesque bangle and ring this time. The correspondence was very good and I was able to make a good purchase. If you want it again, thank you.
グージー on Google

彼氏の誕プレを購入。めっちゃめちゃ可愛いペアネックレスをGET❤️ 店員さんのお兄さんも、めっちゃ優しかった!次はペアリング購入したいです❤️
I bought a boyfriend's birthday pre. Get a really cute pair necklace ❤️ The clerk's older brother was also very kind! Next I want to buy pairing ❤️
水口卓巳 on Google

先日は結婚10周年のペアリングとネックレス 購入させてもらった者です。 ゴールドとシルバーのコラボでこちらのわがままでいろんなアドバイスいただき大変良いものが出来ました。ありがとうございます。 また伺います?
The other day, the 10th wedding anniversary pairing and necklace The person who bought it. In collaboration with gold and silver, I received various advices from this selfishness and made a very good one. Thank you very much. I will visit you again ?
松岡樹里 on Google

今回オンラインショップで購入させて頂きました。 お問い合わせも丁寧に返信頂き安心しました。 いい商品が届き良かったです。 他にも素敵な商品がありそうなので、お店にも是非行ってみたいです。
I bought it at the online shop this time. I was relieved to hear your inquiries carefully. It was good that a good product arrived. There are likely to be other wonderful products, so I definitely want to go to the store.
あいらあいら on Google

知り合いのオススメで今回お邪魔させて頂きました☆ 店内は小さいながらもとても見やすくオシャレで、何より店員さんがイケメンで凄く対応の良い方で楽しくお買い物する事ができました☆ 今回音符のネックレスを購入しましたがとても可愛くて大満足です♪ 少し遠いですがまたそちら方面に行く時はお邪魔させて頂きますので、またお話できるのを楽しみにしてます☆
I was recommended by an acquaintance to bother me this time ☆ Although the store is small, it is very easy to see and fashionable, and above all, the clerk was handsome and very responsive, and I was able to enjoy shopping ☆ I bought a musical note necklace this time, but it's very cute and I'm very satisfied. It's a little far, but I'll be in the way when I go there again, so I'm looking forward to talking with you again ☆
橋本知美 on Google

お気に入りのお店を見つけました。丁寧な接客をして頂き テンション⤴︎⤴⤴︎⤴が上がります。 商品もオシャレやし。すごくつけやすい。 ワンランク上のオシャレをしたい方にはオススメのお店です。 クリスマスも近いしね。 次は何を買いましょうか?考えただけでワクワクします(*´ ꒳ `*)
I found my favorite shop. Your tension will increase ⤴︎⤴⤴︎⤴ with polite customer service. The products are also fashionable. Very easy to put on. This shop is recommended for those who want a higher-grade fashion. Christmas is near. What should I buy next? I'm excited just thinking about it (* ´ ꒳ `*)
pumehana pumehana on Google

最近流行りのシルバージュエリーを探していて購入しました。届いてみたらとっても素敵で宝物にしたいです!! 購入前にはネックレスの長さなどの質問にも丁寧に答えて頂き安心でした!次回も自分へのご褒美に購入して、少しずつ揃えていきたいと思います!素敵な商品を有り難う御座います♪
I was looking for a fashionable silver jewelry recently and bought it. When it arrives, it's very nice and I want to make it a treasure! !! I was relieved to answer questions such as the length of the necklace carefully before purchasing! Next time, I would like to purchase it as a reward for myself and gradually prepare it! Thank you for your wonderful product ♪
橋本いずみ on Google

I went shopping with him for Christmas! There are many kinds of things, from cool rugged things to delicate and beautiful things, and I was very worried about all the wonderful things. It took me a long time to choose, but the shop staff became very friendly and found an accessory that suits us ☺️ I really appreciate it. I'm thinking of going to take care of him again soon (* ^^ *)

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