指輪作りの体験工房 a.w.s 東京・蔵前店

4.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 指輪作りの体験工房 a.w.s 東京・蔵前店

住所 :

Kotobuki, Taito City, 〒111-0042 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8877
Webサイト : https://www.aws-pairring.jp/
街 : Tokyo

Kotobuki, Taito City, 〒111-0042 Tokyo,Japan
424 cumulus on Google

It was fun to make accessories in a calm atmosphere! The friendly staff kindly taught me how to make it (^ ^)
山際輝樹 on Google

It was kind and polite, and in an environment where beginners could feel at ease, I was able to enjoy engraving the ring ♪
青み*ショウミ on Google

入れたい文字があって、指輪に刻印を打って作りました 安いし、一時間でちゃんと作れるのかと心配でしたが ちゃんと指輪になっているシルバーに刻印を打つ内容だったので 刻印に個性が出すぎていても仕上がりがきれいです シルバークレイとか練るのかと思ってたので これなら不器用でもきれいに作れます スタッフのお姉さんたちも細かいことを 聞いてくれるので 安心して手作りを楽しめます 他のアクセサリーも是非作りたいです。
There is a letter I want to put, I made it by stamping on the ring I was worried that it would be cheap and that I could make it in an hour. Since it was the content of stamping on the silver that is a ring properly The finish is beautiful even if the stamp has too much personality. I was wondering if I could knead it with silver clay This makes it neat and clever The older sisters of the staff also Because he will ask You can enjoy handmade with confidence I also want to make other accessories.
S Y on Google

駅からもバス停からも近いです。 予約の日付を1週間間違えてたのに快く受け入れていただきありがとうございます。 アクセサリー作りは楽しくでき、良い思い出になりました! 刻印打つのにセンスいりますねー。 また是非体験しに行きたいと思います。
It is near both the station and the bus stop. Thank you for your willingness to accept the wrong booking date for a week. Making accessories is a fun and memorable experience! I need a sense to stamp it. I would love to go experience again.
。あや on Google

今日バングルを作りに行きました。 手作りと言うのは2度目ですが、とても楽しくていい思い出になりました。 作り方も丁寧で、優しく教えていただきました! ありがとうございました! またなにか作りに行きたいと思います。
I went to make a bangle today. It was my second time to say that it was handmade, but it was a very fun and good memory. The method of making was also polite and kindly taught me! Thank you very much! I would like to go make something again.
くさなぎやくも on Google

店員さんも親切で お手頃な価格で素敵な指輪が作れました。
The clerk is also kind I made a nice ring at a reasonable price.
baba cake on Google

I visited you the other day. It was a little late due to the previous schedule, but we kindly responded. Not only the value of the experience of making silver, but also the quality of the ring itself was much higher than expected, and it was a valuable memory for both of us. I would love to visit you again if you have the opportunity, thank you ◎
ひぽぽたます on Google

初めての指輪作りで不安でしたが、店員さんが優しく教えてくださいました。様々なメニューの中から迷って選べるのも、また楽しかったです。私たちはハグリングを選びました。 作業は簡単なものでしたが、集中すると1時間があっという間でした! 出来た指輪は指に着けて帰る事ができたため、沢山写真を撮れました。ただ、指輪の箱が着いてこなかったので、別売りなら何かしらの説明が欲しかったかな。 トータルではとてもあたたかいお店で良かったです!!
I was worried about making the ring for the first time, but the clerk kindly taught me. It was also fun to be able to choose from a variety of menus. We chose hugging. The task was easy, but when I concentrated, it took an hour in no time! I was able to take a lot of pictures because I was able to put the ring on my finger and go home. However, the ring box didn't arrive, so I wonder if I wanted some explanation if it was sold separately. In total, it was nice to have a very warm shop! !!

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