Ueno Ladies Clinic - Taito City

3.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Ueno Ladies Clinic

住所 :

2 Chome-7-13 Ueno, Taito City, Tokyo 110-0005, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8897
Postal code : 110-0005
Webサイト : http://www.ueno-ladies.jp/
Opening hours :
Saturday 9:30AM–7PM
Sunday 9:30AM–7PM
Monday 9:30AM–7PM
Tuesday 9:30AM–7PM
Wednesday 9:30AM–7PM
Thursday 9:30AM–7PM
Friday 9:30AM–7PM

2 Chome-7-13 Ueno, Taito City, Tokyo 110-0005, Japan
すのやんすのやん on Google

星ゼロです。 本当にあり得ない。 完全予約で予約していってるのに1時間30分経過しても呼ばれない。 まだですか?と聞いたら次ですと言われたのにその後また別に2人呼ばれた。なんでですか?と聞いたら担当医師が異なりますと。 私は女医指定もしておらず、どの医師でも構わないで予約していってのにそんなことありますか? 本当にあり得ない。 完全予約なんてやめてしまえと思う。
It is a star zero. Really impossible. Even though I made a reservation with a complete reservation, it is not called even after 1 hour and 30 minutes have passed. Again? I was told that it was next, but then two more people were called. why? I heard that the doctor in charge is different. I haven't been designated as a female doctor, and can I make an appointment with any doctor? Really impossible. I think you should stop making a complete reservation.
ねるきき on Google

This is my third visit. Until now, I had been examined by a female doctor, but I was very polite, accurate, kind and trusted. I was seen by a male doctor for the first time today. The wording is also rough, isn't it because of the medicine I'm taking now for the content I consulted? What if I stop it? That's fine? I was able to finish the examination unilaterally without doing a pelvic examination. It's a shame because I trusted him. From the next time, I will definitely appoint a female doctor before coming to the hospital.
s on Google

とても綺麗なクリニックで受付から会計まで1時間かからないくらいでした。 女性の先生だったのですがとても優しい雰囲気で内診も全く痛くなく終わったので驚きました! 今まで行っていた所はとても痛かったので… 金額も薬が高いという口コミ見て不安に思ってたのですが、そういった事はなく他で処方される通りいつもの値段でした。 安心できるレディースクリニックだと思います。
It was a very beautiful clinic and it took less than an hour from reception to checkout. I was a female teacher, but I was surprised that the atmosphere was very gentle and the pelvic examination was completed without any pain! The place I used to go was so painful ... I was worried when I saw the word of mouth that the amount of medicine was high, but there was no such thing and it was the usual price as prescribed elsewhere. I think it's a women's clinic where you can rest assured.
on Google

女医おすすめです!この院の男性医師を絶対信頼しない方がいいです。 こちらは生理こないという症状で悩んでました。 初回は男性医師に見てもらったんですが、受診日にちょうど生理が来た件を男性医師にちゃんと伝えたのに、この医師は病歴に書き忘れ、生理をおこす薬の処方を出しました。 二回目の女医は丁寧に私と会話したので、前の男性医師の記入ミスに気づきました。 そして、私生理が終わった後の4日目、また出血がありました。別の院の先生に見てもらったが、まさか薬のせいで排卵周期はおかしくなったこと知りました。 腹立ちます。男性医師は本当に無責任感です!
Recommended by female doctors! You should never trust the male doctor in this hospital. I was worried about the symptoms of not having my period. The first time I had a male doctor look at me, I told the male doctor that my period had just arrived on the day of my visit, but he forgot to write it down in his medical history and gave me a prescription for a drug that causes my period. The second female doctor politely talked to me and noticed a mistake in the previous male doctor's entry. And on the 4th day after my period was over, I had bleeding again. I had a teacher at another hospital look at it, but I found out that the ovulation cycle was strange because of the medicine. I'm angry. Male doctors are really irresponsible!
なな on Google

生理不順、不正出血の為、来院しました。 受付の女性スタッフの皆さんの優しく穏やかな対応がとても素敵でした。声のボリュームも良かったです。 診察してくださった男性医師の先生も穏やかで優しく、親身に診察してくださりました。 予約制とはいっても産婦人科は私も含めて患者さんが繊細で不安を抱えている方が多い為、待ち時間も長いものだと覚悟して、平日の午前中に予約を取って行きましたが待ち時間も特になく、すぐに案内していただけました。 また利用する際はこちらでお願いしたいです。 本当にありがとうございました。 皆様、どうぞご自愛くださいませ。
I visited the hospital because of irregular menstruation and irregular bleeding. The kind and gentle response of the female staff at the reception was very nice. The volume of the voice was also good. The male doctor who examined me was also gentle and kind, and he kindly examined me. Although it is a reservation system, many patients, including myself, are delicate and anxious in obstetrics and gynecology, so be prepared for a long waiting time and make a reservation in the morning on weekdays. However, there was no particular waiting time, and I was able to guide you immediately. If you want to use it again, please click here. I'm really thankful to you. Everyone, please love yourself.
saaari on Google

予約していったのでスムーズでした。 受付にお薬手帳を渡したとこ先生に直接渡してくださいと言われましたが見せる機会はありませんでした。 今回は不正出血や痛みがあっての受診でしたが、何も話してないのに避妊目的のピル内服で話を進められ、出血なくても妊娠の心配は基本的にはありませんからと言われとても不快でした。とりあえず愛想はありません。私は外れの先生に当たったのかなと思いました。 接遇の面で評価されているようですが全くです。受付や看護師は終始目を合わせず機械的。本来配慮があれば確認や説明をした後にカーテンを閉めたり、ドアを開け閉めしたりすると思いますが、決められたセリフだけ話しているのが丸わかりでした。ドクターの待ち時間看護師が3回ほど診察室のドアを開け間違えたようですがその際ノックも謝罪もありませんでした。 内診は痛みや不快感も少なく良かったです。
I made a reservation so it was smooth. I was told to hand over the medicine notebook to the receptionist, but I didn't have the opportunity to show it. This time, I had an irregular bleeding and pain, but I was told that I could talk with oral contraceptive pills even though I didn't talk about anything, and I basically don't have to worry about getting pregnant even if I don't have bleeding. It was very unpleasant. There is no amiability for the time being. I wondered if I was the wrong teacher. It seems that it is evaluated in terms of hospitality, but it is totally. Receptionists and nurses are mechanical from beginning to end. I think that if there is consideration, I would close the curtain or open and close the door after confirming and explaining, but it was clear that I was only talking about the decided lines. The doctor's waiting time It seems that the nurse opened the door of the examination room about three times and made a mistake, but there was no knock or apology at that time. The pelvic examination was good with less pain and discomfort.
Hunter on Google

Worst service ever. Do not go there
Khulan Zorigt on Google

Doctors are not kind and doesn't give the advice fully seemed really uncaring. As I'm paying enough money for the service they checked ultrasound scan for like 3 minutes and said next person what a heck I paid 12380 extremely expensive with very poor service

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